Saturday, 12 February 2011

New Look

Regular followers of this blog may have noticed that i have been changing my hair style. Gone is the super short cut and of late i have been actively trying to grow my hair longer so that i might look a little more femme. However, as anyone who has attempted to grow their hair will attest, hair does not grow in a  nice and uniform manner and of late mine has been looking a little ragged. This is largely due to the fact that it has not been cut since November so yesterday was the day i headed back to a salon to get it cut again. Essentially, and having first discussed and agreed with Owner, i am aiming for an emo-style cut but i need to let the top of my hair catch-up (length-wise) with the sides. Lately the back of my hair has got quite long but the top is still pretty short, it was time for a tidy-up and for the hair dresser to exercise some control if i am ever to achieve the new look i am after (and quite a novel experience that will be as i have not had long hair since my early twenties).

Anyway, to cut a long story short i'm pleased with the results and so, more importantly, is Owner. The sides have been shortened and tidied-up with the top left long so that now it will hopefully grow longer overall but in a uniform manner. We shall have to see if it works but meanwhile, Owner took the following photo of me  today sporting my new look;

Owner then turned Her attention to administering my regular caning, albeit this time She had Her camera to hand and so was able to take a few photos during the session;

The session finished off with Owner instructing Her slut to fellate a dildo whilst simultaneously fucking my own pussy with another dildo. This in turn led to Owner announcing another rule that i am to add to my daily routine, namely asking to be able to fellate the dildo, which is kept permanently secured to the end of our bed, every night before coming to bed.


mia said...

What a becoming hairdo and outfit! i must say i like your new style very much. makes you look younger too.

No wonder what happened to you after taking the first picture - the first and last picture form a clear, pretty path of cause/consequence

Poppet Subslut said...

Many thanks Mia, i certainly like my new look and Owner is delighted with it too.
