Whilst Owner and i spent the night away the Hotel Zetter for my birthday Owner made use of the new camcorder She had bought for us. Owner intends to utilise the camcorder as a means of having me record myself performing challenges or activities that She may demand i perform whilst i am working from home and She is in Her office so that She can check later at Her leisure whether or not i have completed them to Her satisfaction. Some examples of things Owner has suggested She may get me to do include having me demonstrate what a slut i am whilst i am on a work teleconference.
Anyway, our stay at the hotel provided Owner with an opportunity to test out the camcorder by filming me outside on the balcony of the hotel in the snow. Owner then added a soundtrack and watermark to the film. The version Owner has uploaded is deliberately not high quality but we hope you enjoy our first little film - Owner intends there to be more.
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