Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Request to Help Support CCK

This post is a little off topic but Owner and i feel it is for a good cause.

London folk, or visitors to London, may recall a wonderful cafe that used to exist near Covent Garden which catered for people engaged in alternative lifestyles (including S&M and Femdom)  - as well as anyone else who popped by. The cafe was called Coffee Cake and Kink (CCK). Sadly, after a protracted legal dispute with their landlord that cafe was forced to close a number of years ago. Since then CCK has continued as a social enterprise - see here for their website - albeit minus the cafe.

Since losing their original cafe CCK have been looking to identify new premises in which to open another cafe in London. The good news is they have found a place, now they just need to raise some capital which they are looking to do via the kickstarter crowd funding site. In their own words the new venue will be;

'A relationships-focused social design space. Tease your taste buds and stimulate your senses in the place that makes you go "mmm"!'

Owner and i are both really excited at the prospect of a return of CCK, albeit now as Coffee, Cake and Kisses. We have pledged our support. If anyone else that would like to see a cafe/creative space in London that embraces people of all backgrounds, lifestyles and genders etc then please consider supporting the


Thank you

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