Thursday, 27 April 2017

A Week Off

i am lucky in that my work gives me more days of annual leave a year than does Owners' employer, ten days more to be precise. As befitting Owners' submissive housewife it has now been long established that i should use these additional days of leave constructively, such as by attending courses or some such useful activity. Well, this week i have been enjoying a whole week off from work - a week that i have mostly spent up a ladder painting our flat. i confess to being pretty hopeless when it comes to most types of DIY but i can just about cope with painting and decorating. And so this is what i have been doing all week.

Owner took this picture of me 'in action' - do you like my shower hat and glamorous decorators attire? :)

Once everything has been painted i will have provided a canvas of sorts for Owner to then decide what pictures or ornaments (if any) will go on display. All decisions relating to how our flat is decorated are made by Her alone.

i also had another job to do this week, namely to begin the process of closing down my bank account to enable Owner to exercise total financial control over me. The lady i saw in the bank was incredibly helpful in getting everything set-up so that come the middle of next month i will no longer have my own separate bank account and my salary will instead be paid direct to the joint account that Owner manages for us both. The reality has been that for over a year i have had only limited access to my own bank account anyway, Owner retained my bank card and i needed Her permission to spend money from it. But, the account still existed, as it has done since i was sixteen years old, in my name as my own bank account. In a few weeks time that will no longer be the case, ten account will close and Owners financial control will become complete. Though it felt somewhat like the end of an era to begin the process of closing it down and with it to make formal the end of my financial independence it also feels right and proper.

As of the middle of next month Owner will take total control of me financially. It feels oddly liberating and exciting to voluntarily enter into a state of financial dependence on Her. She will continue to set aside a small proportion of my salary each month for me to spend (currently this is set at £100 a month but She has stated She will review this -it could go down) as a monthly allowance that is transferred into a separate account that we set up just over a year ago for just this purpise, so that i have access to a bank card. My salary, except money that is set aside for my savings each month, will in effect become Hers to spend as She sees fit. It's quite a step to enter into but it is a good one.


Anonymous said...

Poppet- great to catch up with you again!
in satin panties, ~sara

Poppet Subslut said...

Thanks sara, satin rocks :)
