Sunday, 17 September 2023

La Dolce Poppet

Every month Owner likes to set me a little performance challenge, something that will entertain and amuse Her. In the past She has had me re-create a number of movie scenes for Her entertainment, often involving a strip-tease or a dance of some type. This time i was tasked with re-creating Anita Ekeberg's iconic Trevi Fountain scene in Frederico Fellini's film La Dolce Vita. 

Lacking access to a fountain and the use of a cat, both essential prerequisites for the scene, i had to improvise using our shower and a toy cat that also serves as my companion when i am caged. The resultant sequence can be seen below. The off camera hysterics are courtesy of Owner laughing as She filmed my efforts.

Laughter aside Owner did seem to enjoy my performance. If you have never seen the original, or you simply want to erase my rendition from your brain and remember the far better original scene, then it can be viewed here.  

Owner has now set me my next performance challenge and it's a good one. i have to re-create the 'Put the blame on mame' song from the 1946 film Gilda. Maybe i can use this as an excuse to get some opera gloves and add curls to my hair?

Let me know what you think of la dolce poppet.


hs said...


Nice to see you up and about and back in the swing….you are quite talented in many ways I see….I enjoy your activities and your writing about them…you looked so cute in that red bra….you are becoming more feminine and girlie every day…🥰

Good you are well again…and can serve your owner appropriately.


Anonymous said...

Hi Poppet, you're having a lot of fun reenacting the sene from La Dolce Vita 😂
It's now 6:30 and I'm ready for my cleaning day. I have to wait for my wife to come downstairs so I can help her on her way. I will be busy because there are extra tasks. The first load of piss is already in the bowl. How bad can someone be, I'm already horny at the thought of drinking this and washing my face with it. And every now and then I think that I should seek help for such abnormal behavior. How about you Poppet, have you sought help in your search for your true identity?

The bottle no, it is not transparent, I am going to order 1 👍🏽 thanks for the tip😀

Gr Herman

Poppet Subslut said...

Hi Hs - many thanks for your lovely comment and i am pleased you liked my red bra. It is a favourite of mine for completing bra flash challenges in as it is a lovely, bright colour.

Take care


Poppet Subslut said...

Herman - what an incorrigible piss whore you are :). i hope that you enjoy your cleaning day and get to consume lots of lovely piss and some cum as well.

i am glad you liked the transparent bottle tip - i will be drinking from mine in the park later this week, which i am looking forward to.

No, i have never sought help as i do not believe myself to be in need of any. Humans are complex sexual beings capable of enjoying and deriving sexual pleasure from many different things. What we do does not hurt anyone (well other than perhaps ourselves when we are beaten) so i don't see there is anything wrong in what we do or need to seek help about it.

Enjoy your piss whilst cleaning and make sure everything is spotless.


Davida said...

How lucky to have a woman complicit in your femininity Dolce Poppet

Poppet Subslut said...

Thanks Davida, i am very lucky indeed.
