Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Public Park Slut

On Monday Owner set me the task of walking a lap of our local park wearing my vicious nipple clamps and a butt plug in my pussy hole. i 'adapted' a top especially for the occasion and wore a pair of previously 'adapted' jeans. By 'adapted' i mean i cut out strategic holes in the fabric so that my tits poked through and my pussy was on show. It is still cold here in London so a coat was required, one that just about concealed my naked and plugged derriere, unless i bent over that is. 

The clamps are always initially very painful to wear. One side of each of the clover clamps contains a set of metal serrated teeth which really know how to tenderise the puffy flesh of my teats. However, once the initial pain has been processed they are actually ok to wear, very nice even. The feel of the fabric of my coat brushing against the clamped, swollen flesh of my tits was quite arousing. That lasted until it was time to remove the clamps when i got back home, which was about half an hour later. That is always quite a painful moment. However, once removed my nipples are always left delightfully sensitive for days afterwards.

The plug i wore is a big, heavy solid metal one with a pink crystal in its base. It feels lovely and heavy inside of me. These days, however, my big, hungry 'pussy' just gobbles plugs up and so you will just have to take my word for it that there is a jewelled, heavy metal plug hidden inside of me as it is not visible in the pictures!

Anyhow, this is how i got on. 

On my return home the plug was removed, sucked clean and put away and the clamps taken off and re-hung on Owners bedpost. Then i got changed and went down to the station to collect Her from work. i would love to one day be told to collect Her wearing my 'adapted' jeans so that She has full access to my cheeks to grope and caress as we walked home.


sissie billie said...

Sigh, there are times that I despair at how much of a shameless tart you are poppet!
Currently I'm banned from wearing my metal plugs due to having been buggered too much by strap ons and my metal plugs don't have a wide enough base. Madam has a bit too much of a fear of my hole "gobbling up" one of the plugs.
billie xxx

Poppet Subslut said...

We may have discovered some new black holes billie :)
