It may seem an obvious thing to say, after all who amongst us that works Monday-Fridays is going to not like the weekend? However, for me the weekend is extra special as that is the time when i am expected and able to dress in feminine attire the whole time. Yep, Friday night sees the nail varnish go on and the nervous excitement build at the prospect of public outings in make-up and pretty clothes. i get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it, but each time gets a little easier than the last and Owner has been encouraging and supporting me to increase my feminisation in public.
When i first started being 'forcibly-femmed' - by that i mean not just wearing pretty panties under everyday work clothes (something i do everyday and have done for some years) but wearing something that is visible to the public i was totally terrified. i can still remember the time Owner took me to a restaurant (it was my birthday) and mid-way through the meal produced a bag and instructed me to go to the toilets and put on the contents - make-up - i was mortified. i did, of course, do as instructed but didn't dare to meet anyones eyes and was a nervous and embarassed squirming wreck - albeit in a good way! i had discussed with Owner my interest in being femmed and this was my public introduction. That was followed by other little public 'challenges' - going to the shops wearing make-up or having to purchase feminine items designed to embarass me, such as try on high heels in a busy shop etc.
However, now being femmed and being able to dress feminine in public is something that i actively look forward to - although the nerves are still there, just less. Now every evening after work i put on make-up and dress pretty and sluttily for Owner, but it is only really the weekend when i get to promenade in public with Owner. It's been fascinating, from my own perspective, to see how much more confident i have become - more so than i ever felt possible - and i believe this new-found confidence has also manifested itself positively in other areas of my life. So the weekend is now a time to look forward to and relish and to put my best foot forward, hold my head high, look other Londoners in the eye and say to myself - 'i don't care what you think of me or how i look, my Owner loves me, i love her and am happy with how i am, deal with it!'
The only thing that i haven't yet tried or been asked to try by Owner is wearing a skirt in public - other than to an event. My outdoor femme experience is still limited to full make-up, pretty tops, collar, heeled boots and women's jeans i.e. no skirts to date. i hope one day that Owner will request that too. i'll be a nervous wreck again but am now confident i could do it and once done once, well as they say...a slut does like to be seen in a skirt.
Wonderful post!
I enjoyed so much reading about where you've been and how you felt about it.
Have a GREAT weekend,
Thank you Karen for such a lovely comment. Have a fabulous weekend too.
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