Thursday, 1 November 2012

Those of you who have been following the comings and goings of Owner and i on this blog for a while will know that there is one activity that we used to do on a fairly regular basis but which, sadly, has been none existent over the past 12 months or so. i refer, of course, to the little shows/strips/dances that i used to put on for Owner and which She greatly enjoys. After i did my back i was left unable to do much by way of any form of 'dancing' - it is actually only in the last two/three months that i have regained completely normal mobility. However, of late my back has been pretty ok and survived both us moving flats but even let me get away with doing some painting and decorating in the new place (lucky me!). Anyway, basically it demonstrated that my back was much, much improved and so it was high time that i put on a show for Owner. Accordingly, last night i performed my own little version of the classic Kate Bush song 'Hammer Horror' to mark our Halloween together. You can see the resultant video Owner shot below:

The video does get a little lighter after about 20 or so seconds. One thing i have realised as well having seen myself on tape is that i need to go on a bit of a diet.

This weekend Owner and i are off on some travels to the Channel Isles. We're both really looking forward to a couple of nights away to relax and maybe complete a challenge or two.


susanrhodes said...

glad to hear that your back is now almost back to its best!

maybe now you can bend over a bit more!
love the dancing.


Poppet Subslut said...

Hi Susan - yes lots of bending now possible, can't imagine quite why that makes us so happy :)
