Owner is of course correct. i could try to hide behind the excuses but all of these would just be excuses for what, ultimately, is a failure on my part. i have indeed become a fluffy pet and i am grateful to Owner for stepping in and addressing my behaviour quickly.
i mentioned that Owner has presented me with some new rules/behaviours She has developed specifically to stamp out my fluffiness (when it is not appropriate - She agrees that some fluffiness on my part at the right time is fun). This is the list She kindly provided to me;
Home tasks
¨ Cleaning
¨ Get more
organised with meals and consult with Owner re ingredients
¨ Do not
create clutter – tidy up
Clothes and make up
¨ Current
clothes/shoes to be reviewed and divided between home and out and recycled if
Owner decides so
¨ Learn
how to dress/make up for the occasion
¨ Have
your clothes, make-up and hair checked by Owner before leaving the house
¨ Continue
to ask for permission for any item of clothing or make-up that you think you
need to buy
¨ When at
home, wear pretty but also practical clothes on some occasions, for example
on days when deliveries are expected.
Home practical clothing doesn’t need to be boring – examples below:
New skills
¨ Learn
something useful
o Manicure
o Pedicure
o Massage
o Languages
o Clothes
o Flogger
Slut/whore behaviour
¨ Follow
orders and do as requested – behave as whore on request not when it is
convenient to you
¨ Only
request to play with yourself if you have been asked to beg for it
¨ If you
have a suggestion ask for permission to suggest
¨ Regular
canings and physical play to be scheduled weekly
¨ Inventory
of toys – some may need to go, new ones may be needed
As you can see i have allowed things to slip slightly of late!
However, as a sign that, i hope, i too was aware of the need for improvement in certain areas if i am truly to become the wife that Owner deserves i started researching for some courses i could enroll on that might be of benefit to both Owner and i. One of the areas i was researching was beauty techniques. Surprisingly, and in marked contrast to where we used to live, there are no adult learning beauty courses being run locally that i could enroll with. However, i did find a Level 2 distance learning course on Beauty Therapy that is fully accredited. i showed the course prospectus to Owner who approves and so i will hopefully shortly be enrolling and starting to develop some more skills. The course content includes;
- basic salon health and safety (always good to know!)
- fulfilling reception duties
- developing and maintaining effectiveness at work (quite opportune given Owners need to remind me of my place!)
- facial skin care treatments
- manicure and pedicure services
- eyelash and eyebrows
- waxing services
- make up services
In the meantime, if anyone knows where i can learn how to make floggers (one of the suggestions made by Owner) i would be very grateful if you can let me know.
Have you tried a Google search on Floggers DIY?
There are a couple of Youtube videos, too, e.g. the "Bondage on a buck" series, or "FetInRealLife #12 - DIY Flogger".
I hope you'll find something that suits you.
Many thanks Tamara, will check out the YouTube videos later today. Thanks for the suggestions.
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