Saturday, 17 November 2012

Fluffy Pet Alert

It's true, i have allowed myself to become one of those that Owner aptly describes as a 'fluffy pet'. Accordingly, this morning She presented me with some instructions She expects me to follow in order to correct my behaviour and improve my performance and development as Her wife in training.

Owner is of course correct. i could try to hide behind the excuses but all of these would just be excuses for what, ultimately, is a failure on my part. i have indeed become a fluffy pet and i am grateful to Owner for stepping in and addressing my behaviour quickly.

i mentioned that Owner has presented me with some new rules/behaviours She has developed specifically to stamp out my fluffiness (when it is not appropriate - She agrees that some fluffiness on my part at the right time is fun). This is the list She kindly provided to me;

Home tasks
¨ Cleaning rota
¨ Get more organised with meals and consult with Owner re ingredients
¨ Do not create clutter – tidy up
Clothes and make up
¨ Current clothes/shoes to be reviewed and divided between home and out and recycled if Owner decides so
¨ Learn how to dress/make up for the occasion
¨ Have your clothes, make-up and hair checked by Owner before leaving the house
¨ Continue to ask for permission for any item of clothing or make-up that you think you need to buy
¨ When at home, wear pretty but also practical clothes on some occasions, for example on days when deliveries are expected.  Home practical clothing doesn’t need to be boring – examples below:
New skills
¨ Learn something useful
o   Manicure
o   Pedicure
o   Massage
o   Languages
o   Clothes making
o   Flogger making
Slut/whore behaviour
¨ Follow orders and do as requested – behave as whore on request not when it is convenient to you
¨ Only request to play with yourself if you have been asked to beg for it
¨ If you have a suggestion ask for permission to suggest
¨ Regular canings and physical play to be scheduled weekly
¨ Inventory of toys – some may need to go, new ones may be needed

As you can see i have allowed things to slip slightly of late!

However, as a sign that, i hope, i too was aware of the need for improvement in certain areas if i am truly to become the wife that Owner deserves i started researching for some courses i could enroll on that might be of benefit to both Owner and i. One of the areas i was researching was beauty techniques. Surprisingly, and in marked contrast to where we used to live, there are no adult learning beauty courses being run locally that i could enroll with. However, i did find a Level 2 distance learning course on Beauty Therapy that is fully accredited. i showed the course prospectus to Owner who approves and so i will hopefully shortly be enrolling and starting to develop some more skills. The course content includes;
  • basic salon health and safety (always good to know!)
  • fulfilling reception duties
  • developing and maintaining effectiveness at work (quite opportune given Owners need to remind me of my place!)
  • facial skin care treatments
  • manicure and pedicure services
  • eyelash and eyebrows
  • waxing services
  • make up services
i am very excited at the prospect of starting the course!

In the meantime, if anyone knows where i can learn how to make floggers (one of the suggestions made by Owner) i would be very grateful if you can let me know.


Tamara said...

Have you tried a Google search on Floggers DIY?

There are a couple of Youtube videos, too, e.g. the "Bondage on a buck" series, or "FetInRealLife #12 - DIY Flogger".

I hope you'll find something that suits you.

Poppet Subslut said...

Many thanks Tamara, will check out the YouTube videos later today. Thanks for the suggestions.
