Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Training and Development - Progress Update

As mentioned before Owner has initiated a training plan for me (which She calls Her 'plin, plan, plon') which i am now just over two months into. The plan runs until early-November. The objective of the plan is that i need to attain a level of performance across each of  6 core areas, namely:
  1. Home tasks
  2. Clothing and make-up
  3. New skills
  4. General behaviour
  5. Finances
  6. Slut behaviour
Owner has set out a performance diary in which i record and She assesses my progress on a daily basis. Come mid-November Owner will undertake a full evaluation of my performance and development against each of these 6 core areas. Only if i am assessed by Her to have attained the standard that She expects of Her wife will i be judged to have 'passed' that core standard. Importantly, i need to pass all 6 core standards at the same time before i am able to be judged to have made satisfactory progress in my development and to have 'passed' this stage of the plan. My reward for achieving such a status will be that additional training and development elements will be added to the plan for me to learn and master to Owners satisfaction (whilst continuing to maintain Her standards against the original 6).

We both agree that the plan has been affective and has led to an improvement in my performance. However, with a month to go you can see from the summary of my progress to date that i still have quite some way to go before i am deemed to have met the standards Owner has set against all six core criteria for this stage of Her plan.

Assessment To Date 15.10.13
Home Tasks
Get more organised with meals and consult Owner over ingredients
Satisfactory – do not slip
Tidy up without being told
Further progress required
Passing regular inspections/audits by Owner
Further progress required
Use Internet in a more practical way
Further progress required
Clothes and make-up
When at home wear pretty and practical clothes on occasions on days when deliveries are expected
Further progress required
New skills
Studying Spanish
Satisfactory – do not slip
General behaviour
Stop being pushy when eager to do something you like
Satisfactory – do not slip
Be more proactive – do not expect to be reminded of your duties
Satisfactory – do not slip
Consult before making decisions
Further progress required
Alcohol consumption is at Owners discretion
Further progress required
Visit doctor when directed by Owner
Satisfactory – do not slip
Consult Owner before spending
Satisfactory – do not slip
Save a regular amount each month
Satisfactory – do not slip
Slut behaviour
Regular weekly canings and physical play
Further progress required

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