Saturday, 14 June 2014

Fun In The Midnight Sun + Other Developments

Owner and i have just returned from a wonderful two week holiday in Lapland in North West Finland, high up in the arctic circle. It is the furthest north we have ever been and we had a wonderful time hiking the forests and fells, spotting wildlife (though sadly i am still yet to see a bear in the wild though i know they were around), relaxing by crystal clear rivers and lakes, exploring some of the small scattered towns and generally having a good time. If you have never been to this part of the world then late May/early June is a wonderful time to visit. The snow is fast disappearing, nature is springing back to life all around but the mosquitoes have yet to get their act together and so have not become a problem (which they apparently are later in June/July).

In short, it was wonderful to be able to spend time away with Owner relaxing and enjoying our own company and exploring some beautiful countryside and landscapes. Here are a couple of pictures.

Of course, it wouldn’t be us if that was all we took photos of – Owner also snapped a couple of me enjoying an ‘al fresco’ moment by a river and another of me wearing some less than appropriate arctic clothing!

The problem with holidays though is that they come to an end. We’ve already started to plan our next one to try to cheer ourselves up!

Now that we are back i can once again continue with trying to demonstrate to Owner that i am capable of further development and training to become the wife She can be proud of. Things were a little more relaxed (with Owners permission) whilst we were away – which i am not sure is necessarily a good thing - but i am pleased to report that i have picked up and am continuing with all the tasks, duties and behaviours Owner rightly expects of me since we have got back.

We also made a small breakthrough just before we went on holiday. I am a bit of a kleptomaniac by nature and have, over the years, amassed quite a bit of stuff, stuff which clutters up the loft and the flat. Anyway, Owner stated that She wanted me to sell some of my stuff – the money earnt to be put into the household account. Just before we went on holiday i sold two full boxes worth of books and i will be selling or recycling the remainder of the stuff i have collected over the years and for which there is no need. The aim is that, unless something really does have particular sentimental value to me, was gift from Owner, was bought with Her explicit permission or is something She likes then everything else will go. Owner desires a minimalist flat free of clutter. As Her wife Owner rightly expects to be able to tell me what i may and may not do, this is now extended to what i may and may not own. Owner will now determine and decide what i do and do not need and the flat will be re-decorated and re-modelled in accordance with her taste and expectations.

Last, i am also pleased to report that i am continuing with my exercise regimen discussed in my last post. Owner has remarked that my butt is now a bit firmer and perkier. My ambition over the summer is to develop a shapely and firm butt She can be proud of and enjoy and also to slim down my waist and lose my stomach. This is what my butt looks like at present – have a way to go still! :)

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