Sunday 25 August 2024

Bloomsbury Bacchanalia

Owner and i are just returned from a fun overnight stay at the Bloomsbury Hotel in central London. Although we live in London we also enjoy occasionally treating ourselves to a decadent stay. This time it was my little treat for Owner, a treat She more than returned by photographing, flogging and fucking me whilst we were there. But, i am getting ahead of myself.

We checked in yesterday afternoon and, before heading to the cocktail bar for some lubrication, Owner had me pose for my first photo shoot of our stay. Owner had instructed me to bring my new slutty bodycon dress and to combine it with my red stripper heels. We were both super happy with the resultant pictures. What do you think?

the dress makes my waist disappear

Owner declared Herself to be really happy with the photo shoot and remarked that i have become a much better muse over time. She says that i pose better than i used to and that i have come less 'plank like'. What do readers think?

Anyway, photo shoot completed we decided to head to the cocktail bar some some pre-dinner libations. Owner had Her usual rum and diet coke (She was delighted to discover Her favourite rum, Goslings Black Seal, was available). As for me i went for a pink coloured cocktail (have i mentioned how much i love pink coloured drinks?) with the wonderfully gothic name, Summers Blood. It comprised Chase Gin (i am quite partial to gin), Coconut, Beetroot Wine, Lemon and Wild Cherry Ratafia (i have no idea what ratafia means either). It was delicious.

the cocktail bar
our drinks - mine is the one on the left
We retired back to our room after the meal and then rose early for breakfast this morning (sunday) before returning back to our room. It was then that Owner made it clear She had plans for me. First, She started to tickle me remorselessly, then She flogged me and whipped me on my derrier before having me go on all fours and fellate a dildo whilst inhaling the scent of Her knickers which She had draped over my head.

my bum mid-whipping
fellating a dildo whilst sniffing Owners' knickers

Next She went to beat the exposed 'labia' of my caged clit with the metal tenderiser. i confess i was a complete wimp and had to be forcibly restrained by Owner at this point. i am genuinely quite scared of this implement which makes quite an impact when the heavy metal head connects with soft and sensitive flesh. Owner chastised me for becoming 'fluffy' as She pinned me down and struck my bits, insisting that i count each blow out loud. She then whipped me some more before giving me the option of being whipped further or tickled. i made the mistake of asking to be tickled, which She did with relish. Luckily, my breakfast stayed down!

Now it was Owners' turn to really enjoy Herself. She had me lay on my stomach, fellating the dildo again as She took out Her vibrator, straddled my naked warm and freshly whipped buttocks and began to run Her sex against them as She pleasured Herself and brought Herself off. No sooner had She done so than i was instructed to roll onto my back so that She could 'ride my face'. My tongue quickly went to work licking and probing Her anus as Owner pressed Her vibrator against Her clit and enjoyed Her human sex toy. When spent She rolled exhausted off me and onto Her side, inviting my tongue to work its magic again on Her backside. i adore pleasuring Owner this way. My own little clit throbbed with delight as my tongue pleasured Her anus again.

Owner, however, was still not done with me. First, She strapped attached Her strapon to Her harness and had me kneel on the floor between Her legs and worship Her fake phallus, which i eagerly did. Then She instructed me to return to the bed and position myself on all fours. She then moistened, mounted and fucked my loose pussy with Her cock whilst again pleasuring Herself. I eagerly thrust my hips back and forth as Her cock thrust in and out of me. 

We eventually collapsed in each others arms in the bed. Owner satiated and spent, me frustrated, denied and aroused. It was a wonderful way for a slut like me to start the day :). However, more was still to come. It was time for my second photo shoot, this time outside of the bedroom and with a different, more casual, outfit on.

All too soon it was time to check out and head home. It was a wonderful and memorable stay, nice hotel too :).


sissie billie said...

At first glance of the first photo I thought that you had corseted yourself. That dress does give you a fantastic shape, added to which it does make me quite uncomfortable in my cage, you look so very sexy in those photos.
I'm not surprised that Owner made full use of you, I'm just surprised that she waited until sunday morning!
Sounds like you both had a lovely time and lots of fun. You both deserve it.
billie xxx

Fiona said...

Oh, I *LIKE* that first pic - it really makes you look trim. That pose was beggin' for a peggin' ..... Owner should have exercised Her rights

Fiona said...

Now, now, Billie... Poppet is an Owned pet. Even if you got out of your cage, you would need Owner's permission to pop the Poppet....

HS said...

Poppet, I concur. You look super in that dress….fabulous….it gives you a quite alluring shape….and I agree with your owner….those pictures are wonderful…you are not posing…it is you…confident in the feminine side of yourself…no posing necessary when you are feeling it and have assimilated the feminine role.

I don’t know your back story, if the feminization is something that has been your desire for a long time, or if it is your owners desire for you to be feminine, but those pictures reflect how well you have adapted, and really the joy I think you feel inside, looking as wonderful as you do and very happy about pleasing your owner so much.

However one looks at it, I am envious of the good times you enjoy together….it is wonderful to see all the adventures you share….what fun for both of you. The key to a wonderful loving long lasting relationship.


Poppet Subslut said...

billie, fiona and hs - thank you for the lovely comments and compliments. All kudos goes to Owner as the photographer rather than me, Her muse.

i concur Fiona, much as i love to be 'popped', like any self-respecting slut i am ALWAYS ready and eager to be 'popped'. Indeed, Owner requires that i am. However, only Owner can exercise that right. She does so at times solely of Her choosing.

hs - the feminisation thing started off a long, long time ago courtesy of a then competition/challenge organised by the wonderful Mistress160 which Owner entered me into. It kind of grew from there until it was obviously no longer 'forced'.

i do not want to fully become a girl (and Owner also has Her limits) but i am much more comfortable being partially trans (if such a thing even exists?). i don't like the sight of my penis so i am happy to have it locked away but neither do i want completely rid of it. i'd love to have pert breasts but that is a hard 'no' for Owner. The clothes that i have are all women's (all bought for me by Owner), i almost always have make-up on and painted nails. But, at the end of the day i am just little ol' me.

vanessachaland said...

Based off the first photos, I was going to ask if you charge by the hour or the night...but then realized, I have no money. :)

Poppet Subslut said...

I am reassuringly cheap Vanessa :)

Anonymous said...

You look good poppet stunning even I would take you out for dinner sissy sue x