Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Clit Touching and Torture

Yesterday i had my weekly supervised shower which is when my chastity device gets unlocked for a few brief minutes and my clit and cage are scrubbed clean with a nail brush before everything gets securely locked away again for another week. This time, however, Owner declared that She would like me to remain unlocked for a little while as it had been a long time since She had last had the opportunity to properly see and tease my clit.

Thus it was that for a short period my clit stayed cage free and got to experience the unfamiliar sensation of being touched. Normally the only physical contact it gets when it is in chastity are via the bristles of the nail brush used to give it a weekly scrub. Thus, the delicate touch of Owners fingers, if only briefly, was quite a delight.

Owner did not seek to stimulate or arouse my clit in any way, She simply touched and casually caressed it whilst we watch the Sweden vs Canada world cup football match. The period of release from chastity was a brief one and i am once more locked up. Meanwhile, my 2019 orgasm drought continues. It has been over 180 days since i last orgasmed (just before Christmas 2018). The longer i am kept in denial this way the hornier i become but equally the less i want to ever again be allowed to cum again. i don't miss or crave having an orgasm, in fact all that i genuinely do miss is the taste of is semen. What i love is the experience of sustained denial. i have no idea when or if it might end, That decision is Owner's. However, i am eternally grateful to Her for having had the opportunity to experience 183 days and counting of happy, frustrated denial.

Back to today, however. Once again i have been working from home and so once again the dice determined what task or activity i might have to do. This time chance determined that i would have to clamp my nipples, attach 20 clamps to my (freshly locked) clit and then spank it 50 times. Owner is keen that i build-up my tolerance of pain and discomfort - in Her words to be a little less 'fluffy' - and so i sought to ratchet up the pain and discomfort a little.

i attached our 'Tower of Pain' nipple clamps to my breasts and then attached 20 clamps to my clit (a combination of 10 plastic electricians clamps and 10 mini-metal clothes pegs) before then spanking my clamped clit 50 times with a wooden spoon. Owner seemed pleased by efforts to challenge my pain/discomfort thresholds. You can see how i got on below;
breasts stretched with tower of pain clamps

After that it was time to dress for another day of working from home. The first picture below is what i wore at home today, the second is what i wore yesterday - which was also the day we received our supermarket delivery and so this is the sight the delivery driver was greeted with. As a rule i find the delivery staff to be much friendlier when i am in a skirt and stockings. Ours is an upstairs flat so they also get an 'upskirt' view as i carry the groceries up into our flat :)

Tomorrow i will be working away from home as i am attending an event for work. Which means tomorrow i will be rolling Owners' new 'working away from home' dice to decide what forfeit or punishment will be coming my way in the evening when i get home.


Edwin Verrips said...

Hi happy Pet,
You are looking good

Poppet Subslut said...

Hi Evy,

Thank you. Did you like the temporary titties too? :)


Mrs _K said...

I just adore those shoes!!!! and the skirt too!!!!
You are just so darned cute!!!!
I bet those cute little nipples are so sore.....I wish I could lick and nibble at them....

Edwin Verrips said...

Hi puppet,
I like little tities as well, i wonder if you continue by streching on this way it could be more than temperalily.
Please keep on streching.
Love Evy

Poppet Subslut said...

Hi Kaaren - yes they are still nice and sensitive today. Can you imagine how pert they would get if you did that? :)


Hi Evy - that would be an interesting experiment. Will keep you and others posted. Glad you like them though.


sissie billie said...

Wow, I'm not sure about the nipple play, but the sensations about being out of the cage I can understand.

Where do you get your chastity counter on the side of the Blog as Madam likes the idea of showing people how long I've been caged etc

and I have to agree with some of the other comments - those shoes look fantastic on you. Madam isn't normally a shoe collector but she really likes thoses - they look good on you.

kind regards


Poppet Subslut said...

Hi billie - nipple play is fantastic, i really do recommend trying it. i can be made to cum simply from having my nipples tormented and played with.

You can get a timer for your blog from this address


It is very simple to do. Just create to the style and date you want, copy the code and then paste it into one of the blogger HTML/Java script gadgets and arrange where you want it to sit on your blog layout.

Glad you like the shoes. i have had these ones for years but they are starting to fall apart now (the strap for the buckle is only just holding out). i will need to fix them or else see if Owner will let me buy a new pair.
