Wednesday, 26 June 2019

One Hundred

Well today i was working away from home (giving a presentation to be precise) and so that meant that today was the first day the 4th and most recent of Owners' dice came into play. This is the one that determines what will happen to me as a consequence of not working from home where Owner likes me to be.

The result? Well i was spanked 100 times using Her favourite leather paddle. The spanking occurred shortly after i had made dinner, washed up and finished my evening chores. The paddle warmed my bottom up nicely (i can feel it glowing as i sit and type). Owner took this picture just after She had administered my spanking.

pink bottom with Owner's favourite paddle - nicknamed 'gatuno'
Tomorrow i am having to work away from home again and so the dice has already been rolled to determine what consequence that will result in for me. The answer is that the next time we watch an episode of a TV series i will do so tied to the chair.

Owner has declared that She is already enjoying this new dice!


Edwin Verrips said...

I love the new dice to.
Btw 100 strokes is a lot, tears perhaps?

sissie billie said...


Well done for taking the 100. I got off lightly in comparison on my weekly review with 20 with the paddle and 2 with the crop.

you have checked that the dice isn't loaded? just a thought.....

get some cream on there and swift recover

xxx billie

Poppet Subslut said...

Hi Evy - glad you are liking the dice. They came into play again today and i will be posting all about shortly.

No, no tears. My bottom smarted and throbbed but the paddle never produces the level of pain that the cane does so 100 is OK.


Thanks billie and no, not loaded. Glad to hear your weekly review did not lead to too much discomfort.
