Sunday, 11 December 2022

Power Ballad Poppet

Owner likes to have me perform for Her on occasion. When She does She normally selects some sort of 'theme' for the occasion. For my latest show She instructed me to perform a 'power ballad' routine for Her. In less time than it takes me to pull down my panties i had exactly the song i wanted to perform, that legend of the power ballad that is Bonnie Tyler's Total Eclipse of the Heart

Incidentally, i had completely forgotten what an odd little gem of a music video that is. With levitating, evil-eyed choirboys, speedo wearing boys getting drenched in water and half-naked American football jocks and then of course there is Bonnie herself with her amazingly BIG hair. Honestly, it's worth a watch.

After completing my morning chores i took to the 'stage' in our living room to do my little performance. This is me in my 'power ballad' outfit and poses (yes that 'mic' does vibrate!)

and here's the performance itself of poppet does 'Power Ballad'. i don't think Top of the Pops will be calling me just yet!


vanessachaland said...

Call me crazy, but I am "suspicious" about this..."vibrating mic". :)

Poppet Subslut said...

It generates some pretty amazing acoustic 'effects' Vanessa, though not for me pf course! :)

sissie billie said...

Oh I can already see you Poppet with big hair and a tight leather mini skirt, fishnets....Belting out more of the hits with that special mic!

Strangely a couple of weeks ago I came back across my Old Pat Benatar CDs and a few of the Old German Metal bands from my time over there and they have been getting a good playing in the office along with my Operatic/ Symponic Metal play list! if you ever want the heavy rock chick look then consider Doro Pesch!

as always a lovely set of images!

billie xxx

Poppet Subslut said...

Thanks billie, i am currently growing my hair so who knows, maybe in a few months...:)

i was completely in love with Pat Benatar in my teens. i have never come across Doro Persch before though so thanks for the heads-up - she looks great and will have a listen to her tunes.

Photo credit goes to Owner - i am simply Her muse


Anonymous said...

I’d insist on Little Teapot.. hee! SaraE

Poppet Subslut said...

Ha, ha...Great suggestion SaraE


Anonymous said...

Hee.. we’ll need a video ;) S

Poppet Subslut said...

We will have to see what Owner suggests next SaraE, not my decision.
