Thursday, 16 January 2025

55 Today + Mid-Winter Park Bikini Challenge

Well, today is the day when i officially hit my mid-fifties. Yep, 55 ho hum. Still, age is just a number and all that  :)

Owner has really treated me for my birthday. First off she prepared breakfast, leaving me to lie in bed a little longer than usual. She bought me a a delicious red velvet birthday cake which we gorged on then finished it off later as our dinner. Owner got me some amazing presents, including a trip to Frankfurt, Germany which we are heading to this weekend. She also bought me some new headphones, a super cute card holder for my Oyster card and a new inverted chastity device.

i am super lucky to have received such wonderful gifts from Her and to have been treated to cake for breakfast and told to stay in bed until She had everything ready! On any other day it is me who gets up and makes the breakfast for Her and i so this was a real treat. This was the sight that greeted me as i walked into our lounge, a cake with candles waiting for me to blow them out

The birthday cake Owner got for me - we have a thing about cows, don't ask why
The new inverted chastity device that Owner bought was intended to replace my existing micro cage which is starting to look a little past its best. Unfortunately, however, we both quickly concluded that the new device wasn't going to work and not really what we had hoped.  Rather than leave it like that, however, Owner sprang into action over breakfast and ordered another, different device for me.

After eating breakfast i was allowed to roll the dice to see whether or not i would be returning to chastity or not? The answer was yes. i will be locked up 24/7 until the 16th February. However, with the 'inverted' device having proven to be to not be what we had hoped for i am back in my old little micro cage pending the arrival of the alternative replacement that Owner ordered this morning. For me it is wonderful to be locked up again, being caged remains my own preferred state. Owner, however, also likes my clitty to be free at times and has enjoyed the fact that i was unlocked for the past month.

Being the 16th of the month also meant that Owners' other set of dice needed to be rolled, the ones that determine where i should do an outdoor challenge and what i should wear. Today it came up with a location in our local park and a requirement that i wear my pink bikini. Bear in mind it is mid-January, classic bikini weather....not :)

Anyway, breakfast and dice rolls completed it was time for me to tidy breakfast away and get on with my chores before starting work (from home).

After going through and dealing with the work emails i had received overnight, and waiting until the school day had started (the park is close to a local school and at certain hours is full of teenage kids going to and from that school), i left the flat to complete my bikini challenge. i wore a scarf and winter coat over my bikini to guard against the winter chill.

When i arrived although the park was devoid of teens, they were all ensconced in their classrooms, it was still busy with dog walkers and parents pushing infants in buggies. Accordingly, i initially could not use the exact location the dice had specified as there was a group of people and their dogs huddled in deep conversation right where i was supposed to take the pictures of me in my bikini. Foiled, i walked around a bit, pausing to take some quick pictures at other locations whenever i spotted a gap in the human or canine 'traffic'. Eventually, however, i was able to also get some pictures taken at the exact spot i had been instructed to do so by Owners' dice.

Owner expressed Her approval at the resulting images when i showed Her. Personally, i think i could have done a bit better. i blame the damn hounds and their owners.

Finally able to 'pose' at the designated spot
Photos over it was back home and back to work. Owner and i then had some more of the cake for dinner and then i completed my chores. It has been a very enjoyable birthday.


vanessachaland said...

Happy Birthday Poppet. :)

Sub-Mickie said...

Happy birthday! You're just getting sweeter!

sklave in stahl said...

Happy Birthday p,!!! Looks like you had a great day!