Sunday, 2 February 2025

The Trial Begins + A Pyjama Party

Yesterday (1st February) marked day one of the trial period that Owner has set me. i must demonstrate to Her during this month long period that i am worthy of being more tightly controlled and dominated by Her by improving my performance and submission to Her.

As mentioned in previous posts, although the trial actually started yesterday, i have been implementing some of the changed behaviours Owner expects of me since earlier in the week to give me the best chance of 'normalising' them so that i do them as a matter of routine. Well, twenty-four hours in and so far, so good. 

i did my usual chores, but also remembered to not speak to Owner when She was listening to Her audio books without first seeking Her permission to do so. i also made sure that the shower tray and kitchen sink were both kept spotlessly clean. i also set about doing one of the tasks Owner set me for the month, and the one i find most difficult. Namely, clearing out some of the clothes that i don't really wear, or which are a little tired etc. i am a horder, especially when it comes to clothing, and don't like throwing items away. However, i filled a large refuse bag with clothing ranging from blouses and jackets to skirts and panties, all to be recycled. It was hard to do, but i did it.

The first day of the trial fell on a saturday which meant that, as per Her new rules, i could also ask Owner if She might grant me the wonderful pleasure of sitting on my face. She did much more than just that. Owner took me to bed and slowly stripped me until just my bra remained. This She also then removed but tied it around my head so that each of the cups covered my eyes, serving to blindfold me. It was most effective. Owner then donned Her strapon, pulled me off the bed and onto my knees before Her and had me fellate Her 'cock' whilst She brought Herself off with Her vibrator. It was a wonderful treat to be able to suck on Her cock as She pleasured Herself, thrusting Her phallus in and out of my throat leaving Her cock slick and wet with my saliva.

Satiated Owner then had me get up and lie on the bed, still blindfolded by my bra. She then positioned Herself astride my head, lowered Her hips down until Her backside was positioned just above my mouth and instructed me to worship Her delicious anus with my tongue as She once again positioned Her vibrator against Her pussy and began to pleasure Herself once more. i love and adore licking out Owners anus and was soon in seventh heaven with my little clit straining futilely in its cage as my tongue roamed, licked and explored, revelling in Her scent and taste. It was not long before the combination of my tongue and Her faithful favourite vibrator induced another orgasm for Owner, Her thighs clamping hard around my head as She climaxed. My tongue continued to gently lap Her sphincter until She had recovered enough to start to pleasure Herself with Her toy once again. Soon She was riding my tongue hard as it pleasured Her backside as Her toy brought Her to Her third climax.

Owner collapsed, seemingly spent and rolled panting to Her side. i was hot with frustrated desire and passion. My mouth and nose filled with the exquisite taste and scent of Her derriere, my face smeared with the forbidden juice of Her sex. i rolled sideways but rather than just lay panting in each others arms my tongue was directed to Her backside one last time. With my head between Her legs, as She lay on Her side on the bed, my hands spread Her butt cheeks apart and my fevered tongue went back to work as She worked Her vibrator across Her clit one last time. My tongue lapped, circled, swirled and probed Her backside as Her pleasure grew until the muscles of Her thighs quivered and gripped my head like a vice as Her final orgasm ripped through Her.

Later, as we lay flushed side by side Owner teased me about how difficult it must be to have my little clit so aroused but denied in its cage. It is frustrating but the opportunity to taste and pleasure Her anus is so wonderful i would happily remain denied for eternity just for the opportunity to worship Her divine backside. 

The above all happened a little after lunch. When we had recovered Owner and i went for a walk to the shops in order that i might get the last of the items i needed for the pyjama party that i hosted for Owner later in the day.

Owner regularly likes to have me entertain or organise things for Her and last week She advised me that She wished for me to arrange a pyjama party for Her. With Her permission matching outfits were ordered, party games were selected and an invitation was designed and sent to Her for a party starting at 5.30pm. In town i bought a selection of magazines for us to read and some matching friendship bracelets. When we returned i prepared the food and laid out pillows and put on some party music. Owner advised that i was allowed alcoholic drinks and so She prepared rum and coke for her and limoncello and lemonade drinks for me.

The party was a great success, Owner loved it and has said that She wants to have pyjama parties more often. Here are some pictures:

in our matching PJs
table set with food, games, drinks and magazines
Eagle-eyed viewers will note that i bought three different types of magazines for the party, gossip, fashion and one with images of male hunks. We enjoyed them all!


sissie billie said...

Oh P, I can understand your frustration - it's great isn't it.
A magazine with male hunks? was that for Owner or for you? Did that add to your frustration?
It sound like you have a very wonderful time with Owner - at all stages of yesterday. You are a very lucky poppet.
billie xxx

Poppet Subslut said...

i am lucky indeed billie. That particular magazine was for both of us to enjoy, i bought it and enjoyed the opportunity of reading it with Owner and looking at and commenting on the pictures ;)


Anonymous said...
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sklave in stahl said...

I wouldn't touch the link, p. and others. Thats not Amazon.....