Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Piss, Park and Pampering

Owner and i are lucky in that, although our little flat does not have a garden (although i have put pots and planters around the communal bin area) we do have a lovely park at the top of our road. It affords wonderful views north over the city skyline and is always popular with walkers and joggers etc.

Owner visits the park on a regular basis, She enjoys going for solitary early morning walks around it. There are also occasions when She will take me out for a walk around the park on one of my escorted excursions with Her. On rare occasions i too get to visit it on my own. This will be for one of only two reasons. Either a) i am collecting Owners prescription from the pharmacy for Her (the park is on route) or, more likely, i have been set a challenge or task to complete in the park by Her.

Today was one such occasion. At the end of the working day Owner pissed into a clear plastic flask, then instructed me to go to the park and drink it. It was a double treat for me. First, an opportunity to walk through the park during the magical hour when the sun dips below the horizon. Second, a chance to consume my favourite drink, Owners pee. Having been poured at the end of the day it had a richer, more complex, palate and aroma. Drinking Owners urine always makes excites and arouses me. Today, drinking it in front of the park cafe whilst seeing the sun set over London was especially enjoyable.



Meanwhile, in my last post i wrote about some of the additional expectations Owner now has of me and how She and i are both determined to ensure that, when we go away on holiday for a fortnight in April, my service and submission to Her is maintained at the same level as it would be were we still at home. 

Owner agrees that my behaviour and performance has improved but recognises that our holiday risks jeapordising this if i fail to maintain my usual chores etc whilst we are away. Bad habits once begun can be difficult to shake. Accordingly, we are agreed that it is for my own good (in terms of my development as Her submissive) that i continue to adhere to Her usual rules and i perform my usual duties whilst we are away. That means cleaning, cooking, studying, needing permission to speak, being electrocuted etc, etc just as i would were we still at home. That way there will be no need for a period of re-adjustment (and likely failure on my part) when we get back and all of the consequences for my development that would entail.

Owner also, however, recognised that our break also presented Her with additional opportunities. In particular, opportunities for me to better pamper and look after Her given that i would be free of the usual distractions of my work whilst we were on holiday. Owner, therefore, challenged me to come up with ideas for how i might pamper and serve Her on vacation. Below is what i came up with. A menu that She can choose from depending on what might peak Her interest. i have called it Owners Holiday Care Package. 




Upon Request

Not Wanted


Carry Owners’ stuff at all times in pet’s backpack so She does not need to i.e. camera, food etc. Ensure Owner’s items are at top of pack so they are easily accessible





Evening foot massage




Shoulder massage




Full body massage





Open and close car door for Owner and load/unload any luggage




Meditative moments

Periods of calm and quiet where pet sits quietly and does not speak so as not to disturb Owner




Bathing and pampering

Pet to soap and clean Owners body when She showers/bathes




Pet to towel dry Owners body after Her shower/bath




Pet to moisturise Owners arms, legs, torso and buttocks after She has showered/bathed




Pet to blow dry Owners hair




Pet to provide a pedicure for Owner




Pet to provide a manicure to Owner




Brush Owners’ hair





Pet to prepare salad/sandwiches for Owner on days when we are out*





A slow morning arse lick and bath with my tongue




A full body lick and bath with my tongue




Strip naked and lie on bed to be used as a human sex toy





Serve as Owners’ human urinal indoors or outdoors




Lick Owners’ bottom clean after She has defecated




i have also said that Owner is obviously free to make any additional requests of me that She chooses. What is not listed here are my usual chores and tasks. These will be done anyway. The above is my attempt to come up with extra services that Owner might ask of me. Owner advised me that She was very happy with my suggestions and will indicate which services She requires of me and over what frequency.

i will also look to incorporate these into our lives after the holiday is over.

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