Sunday, 2 March 2025

Owner Squirts Then We Both Splash About At A Spa

In an exciting sexual first for us both, Owner ejaculated over my face as She climaxed this morning. She did so as Her new Lelo Sila sonic device worked its magic on Her clit whilst my tongue licked and twirled deep inside Her anus. Owner has never squirted before so it was a wonderful delight to us both when i suddenly felt my face sprayed and flooded by Her ejaculate. At first i feared it might cause Her to stop pleasuring Herself, but it did not. Quite the opposite. It also drove me to even deeper levels of arousal and frustrated desire, my tongue alternating between worshiping Her heavenly backside and eagerly lapping up Her love juice as it soaked my face and hair.

The Sila (see image below) had been part of my wedding anniversary gift to Owner. i had bought it for Her in the hope that it might provide Her with even greater sexual pleasure having read a great review about it on Mistress Scarlet's blog. i think it surpassed expectations.

Owners' Lelo Sila
The morning had started as usual with my doing my Spanish studies and exercises after breakfast. However, Owner had then invited me back to bed whereupon She served me another delicious glass of Her wonderful piss. 

Owner cuddling me as i drank Her nectar

This was actually the second glass of urine She gave me to drink this weekend. She gave me one on Saturday too.

Drinking Owners pee on Saturday
Owner then secured a belt around my neck to use as a lead and placed a pair of Her worn and aromatic panties over my head for me to inhale, and become intoxicated by, Her scent.

Belt around neck, inhaling Owners' scent

Having ensured i was suitably aroused Owner then began lightly beating my swollen labia before standing before me with Her 'cock' out for me to fellate. When my mouth was suitably warmed up She positioned Herself on Her back on the bed, pulled my head down onto Her erect 'cock', placed the Sila between Her legs and began to bring Herself off. Within minutes Her dildo grew slick from my saliva as my head bobbed eagerly up and down, my drool trickling down Her phallus, lubricating Her sex. All the while the sound of Owners moans of pleasure grew steadily louder. 

Owner pulled Her cock from my mouth and discarded it then rolled onto Her side, presenting me with Her anus to pleasure whilst the Sila continued to bring Her off. i needed no encouragement to push my tongue inside Her wonderful backside, relishing Her taste. Soon i was licking Her out as deeply as i could when all of a sudden Owner shuddered and squirted. It was an incredible moment, a real privilege to have experienced Her first real ejaculation at such close quarters. Her juices ran and sprayed as She climaxed hard.

i continued pleasuring Owners anus and She came again, less intensely this time and then finally i lay holding Her tight, my tongue licking Her juices from the soft, creamy flesh of Her buttocks. As we lay there we both agreed that this was the first time She had ejaculated during sex. Owner regularly climaxes but this is the first time She has squirted hard like that. The Sila was all i could have hoped for, and more. It made Owner ejaculate and i had the privilege of experiencing Her pleasure. Owner was left satiated. i stayed aroused and denied. It was wonderful.

After lunch we headed into town for coffee and a pink hot chocolate (for me) then for an appointment in an underground thermal spa in central London. The thermal baths were amazing with hot and cold pools, water jets and a floatation tank. All set out in the brick-clad vaulted cellars of an old London townhouse. The place is called AIRE Ancient Baths London and was a truly great experience. They also offer a range of massage services. Owner had requested that we just have the thermal spa so we plunged and floated and were water-jet blasted for 90 contented minutes. It is adult only and strictly no cameras in the bath area so you will just have to take my word for it that the bikini i am wearing in the changing area below was the one i was wearing whilst splish splashing about in the baths.

Changed into my bikini

Enjoying my pink hot chocolate before the spa

It was a wonderful and relaxed way to end the day. A marked contrast to how i spent much of Saturday which saw me liberally coated in dust as i sanded and then stained and varnished the staircase in our flat. i was pretty dirty by the time i had finished.

Me with my power tool
However, Owner declared Herself to be happy with the resulting outcome, which is all that matters.

i hope everyone's weekend was as varied and fun-filled as mine.


vanessachaland said...

I've squirted forever and used to be a bit ashamed, embarrassed and self conscious about it, so I'm glad she's not going through any of that. :)

Poppet Subslut said...

We were both momentarily surprised but no, none of that. i was blown away with excitement. Truly the best sex we have ever had. Her climaxing hard, me not climaxing at all but thrilled by every second of it.
