So, i have now received my newly updated requirements and instructions from Owner, things that She will now expect of me in addition to my usual chores etc. She of course also expects me to complete fulfilling the additional behaviours and tasks She set for me during the trial, these will now continue indefinitely. Owner has advised that there will be a further review meeting on the 8th June where She will formally assess my progress with a view, if i prove myself worthy, to further increasing Her control over me.
Owners' new expectations of me are as follows:
1 - Check and tidy fridge and kitchen cupboards daily after dinner and ensure that all foods are within their expiry date and update shopping list as needed
2 - Check all clothes drawers and wardrobes are neat and tidy on a daily basis, ensure that the hangers are all aligned and clothes are correctly hung and organised
3 - My weekday mobile phone use is now restricted to during working hours and for an hour at start and end of working day only. Outside of these hours my mobile phone is to be handed to Owner for Her safe keeping. i will be allowed to check once for text or whasapp messages before going to bed.
4 - On Fridays i am to wear the electro clit device all day when at home and ensure it and the control unit remains charged and that the control unit is close to Owner so She can electrocute my clit at any time She chooses
Owner has also advised that She will be setting me some projects to complete about the flat. We are also going on holiday for two weeks in early April. We have agreed that not only is it best for me that in continue to perform my chores and tasks whilst we are away as far as is possible but that i also adhere to the other rules and requirements Owner has set for me. Owner has also stated that She expects me to create a 'holiday package' for Her i.e. things that i will do to ensure that Her holiday experience is a good one.
i am delighted to have been set these additional tasks and requirements by Owner. i hope that, come the 8th June i am able to demonstrate to Her satisfaction that i have successfully incorporated them into my life so that i might be considered ready by Her for further restrictions and controls to be placed upon me.
Yesterday, to celebrate my passing of the trial period She had set me we went out for a walk and then had some drinks and dinner in a restaurant together. We walked along the River Thames from Greenwich to the Millennium Dome. We then took the tube to London Bridge and went out drinking in the Bermondsey Mile before having dinner and returning home. It was a very enjoyable evening. This was me in one of the bars we visited:
One of the bars we drank in was full of mostly young people. However, Owner lamented the fact that none of the younger guys there were that attractive. Next time we find a new bar i hope that it is one with boys who are more to Her taste.
i am really grateful to Owner for, not only taking me out and letting me enjoy Her company but also for continuing to slowly extend Her control and authority over me. i hope that i prove myself to be capable of fulfilling Her expectations of me and making Her proud by successfully implementing these new expectations of me.
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