Sunday, 28 July 2019

The Heat Is On And Off

Britain baked in a heatwave much of last week and a dangerous charlatan became Prime Minister. As a result Owner and i spent as much time as possible hiding from the heat and despairing of the state of this country and the world in general. Owner excused me of many of my duties to avoid working up even more of a sweat than i generated simply by lying still. Both of us were grateful of the wonderful fan that we invested in a few months ago though even that got to the stage where all it was doing was blasting us with warm air - like being in the world's biggest hairdryer. Some readers might wonder what the fuss is about, temperatures here peaked at 38 Celsius not the mid-40s found elsewhere. But London is not designed for heat and Owner in particular has a very low tolerance for it, Her ideal is 15 Celsius and rain :) So it was a week to be endured rather than enjoyed.

However, the temperature has now subsided and we were able to venture out to an exhibition at the British Library yesterday on this history of writing (fascinating - I never knew that the letter A began life as a symbol of an Ox head millenia ago and then gradually changed to the letter we are familiar with today).  Afterwards we went for drinks in one of our favourite London watering holes and then for a meal.

At the start of the week we also had some new flooring fitted. i stayed in and worked from home whilst it was done. However, Owner has a much better eye for detail than i and what to me looked like a job reasonably done failed Her test, by the time She had returned to inspect Herself the fitter had already left after i had declared myself satisfied with the results. i have been put on notice by Owner that if i accept sub-standard work again later in the year when we are having a new kitchen fitted then there will be hell to pay for (by me).

This coming week is a shorter one for us both as we are heading off to Spain for a few days towards the end of the week to spend time with Owners' family. We're both looking forward to a short break especially as our main holiday is still a month away and we are both fast starting to run out of steam and need a proper break to re-charge our batteries.

Meanwhile, today i have been fitting some blackout blinds - nothing like being prepared after the event! - to help keep the flat cool. Not much else to report - except to say that still i am still blissfully, frustratingly, achingly being kept denied.


Mrs. K said...

Leaving aside the politics because I never, ever comment on politics! It's a hard rule that has served me well for years now!!!!
We also had a hot week and retreated into our air conditioned world!!!!
There's something so decadent about wearing pretty undies and getting under the covers with my Sweetie and giving her a few orgasms before snuggling together to sleep!!!!
It's funny how I want the house cool enough to get under the covers in the summer and warm enough to sleep without the covers in the winter!!!!
I'm so jealous of your travels....going off to Spain for a couple of days sounds so exotic.....but then when I think about it, Brits going to Spain is about the equivalent of me going to Florida.....without the culture, cuisine and history of course.....I guess it's not the same at all....
Anyway I'm rambling.....have fun and take pictures you can know I want to see all the beauty....and I guess you could throw in some pics of Spain too!!!!

Poppet Subslut said...

Thanks Kaaren and yes i am conscious how lucky we are having some many other cultures all within a few hours flight time of London. Talking of Florida, we visited Miami and the Keys a few years ago and really enjoyed.


trisneill said...

Your comment about signing off on the sub-standard flooring made me smile. Women have a much better eye for detail and much higher standards in general than we genetic 'males'. I learned that lesson the first time I cleaned MistressJ's bathroom! I had to clean it again 'properly this time' with a very sore bottom from the long-handled bath brush!