Sunday, 31 May 2020

Fifteen Years

Wow, how time passes when you are having fun. Fifteen years ago today Owner and i met each other for the first time. Both of us were going through divorces and were looking for new friends to meet and socialise with. We chatted online at first before meeting for the first time at Bond Street tube station.

In normal times we try and return to the pizza restaurant we went to on that day, but this year is not a normal year and so we will be having pizza at home. It would also take another five months before Owner would tire of me making a first move (i am actually quite shy) and so grabbed me and kissed me in Charing Cross station as i was waving her goodbye. Up until then we had just met socially for drinks or to go to the movies and both lived in different parts of London.

A few months after that She moved in with me and the rest, as they say, is history. Ours did not start out as a Femndom relationship, at first it was a very vanilla one, but it soon became one. Much since has changed. Owner became, well my Owner and i Her pet. When first we met i would never have imagined, for example that we would one day get married in Las Vegas with me wearing a pretty pink dress and Owner a suit.

We have been together in sickness and health and i can honestly say with my hand on my heart that the past fifteen years have, quite literally, been the best years of my life. i feel incredibly lucky to have met Her, to have been able to share my life with Her and to submit to Her. She is the love of my life.

We also have lots of fun together and try not to take life too seriously, as I think these e-card that Owner sent to me to mark our anniversary nicely show.

Happy anniversary gorgeous and here's to at least fifteen years more!


Karl said...

Happy Anniversary to both of you!


Poppet Subslut said...

Thank you Karl


Anonymous said...

Hi happypet,

been long time, 2020 has been a bad year for all but been horrible for me with health issues and working long hours. Health improved now. Anyway enough about me, belatedly wishing you and Owner a happy 15 years anniversary. May you suffer for Owner for another 15 more and be a loving slave.



Poppet Subslut said...

Belated thanks sissysteph. i hope your year has improved a little and thank you for your best wishes.
