Saturday, 24 June 2023

Twerk Time

Owner set me a challenge of making a Tik-Tok twerk video to entertain Her with. Now, let me tell you that trying to twerk aged 53 when you have never twerked in your life, and also have a fairly unflexible back courtesy of two discs that slipped a little over ten years ago, isn't easy. Add to that the fact that it is, perhaps because of said knackered back, not easy to 'drop your butt'. But i tried and had a lot of fun doing so.

Owner was delighted with my selection of Tik-Tok twerk videos. What do you think?

It has certainly made me appreciate how wonderfully talented performers like Nastya Nass really are. The things she can do with her glutes are incredible as you can see in this video .i do feel inspired to keep practising every day though so that maybe, just maybe, i might be able to finally get to drop my butt and jiggle my booty for Owner one day.


sissie billie said...

Good Lord Dear!

I appreciate the work, I really do, and I can see that you are putting the effort in.


What is that god awful row...

Having your arse bobbing up and down is truly wonderful and quite a delight, but not with that racket!

Excuse me while I hurrumph back to the kitchen and listen to something less "hip with the youff".

yours with giggles

billie xxx

HS said...


Have to say I do not keep up with the latest lingo......Twerk....had never heard the term....but I am familiar with shake your booty.....I guess kind of the same thing.

Nice effort for sure....and again you do have a wonderfully nice rounded butt.....I don't think I will be attempting this in the near future....but please share some more.

Have a great evening.


Poppet Subslut said...

Oh billie. I had expected people to critique my efforts and my technique, or to not like the flashing lights or 'special effects'. But the music? I could hardly twerk along to Handel's Messiah or something by The Pretty Reckless (good as that might be) now could I? 😀


Poppet Subslut said...

HS - yes very similar although the word twerk actually dates back to the early 19th century, so it's not that new 😀

Glad you liked though


Diane J said...

Well done sweetie!!!

Poppet Subslut said...

Thank you Diane.
