So, it is still a few days away until the Trial period that Owner has set for me commences. This period being to see if i can demonstrate to Her that i am worthy of consideration of becoming more tightly controlled by Her. However, there is no time like the present. To get myself used to some of the new requirements and rules She has specified for me i am attempting to implement them all now.
Accordingly, i am spending more time checking that the shower tray in the bathroom is spotlessly clean and that the inside of the kitchen sink is wiped down and sparkly after i have done the washing up. i am also trying to implement Owner's new requirement that i do not disturb Her when She is listening to Her audio books and instead indicate to Her that i wish to speak and then wait until She indicates whether or not i am permitted to do so.
To that end Owner has made me a wonderful lanyard that i now wear around my neck all the time at home to be used to seek permission to speak to Owner. It has a super cute image of a manga style schoolgirl character raising her arm as if seeking permission to speak in class. Owner designed it Herself (with the help of AI). This image is what i must show to Owner whenever i wish to talk to Her and She is otherwise occupied. The challenge is that Owner uses small wireless ear buds which are completely concealed under Her hair when She is listening to Her audio books so i actually cannot tell if She is listening to Her book or not. i have concluded that it is best to assume that She might always be listening and simply to use the lanyard at all times and raise it to Her if i wish to speak with Her. Having my ability to communicate with Her restricted like this is a wonderful new form of control. The lanyard is also super kawaii, i simply adore it.
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permission to speak lanyard close-up |
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in my housework smock with my permission to speak lanyard |
Another change that i have implemented 'early' is that now when i greet Owner when She returns from Her early morning walk, by kneeling and kissing Her feet, rather than do so wearing my dressing gown i now do so naked. Again, this is a new rule Owner has introduced for me.
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Greeting Owner on Her return from Her walk |
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In position, naked and waiting to prostrate myself before Owner |
i really do hope that i pass my February trial and that Owner grants me the honour and privilege of taking my daily submission to Her and Her control of me to the next level. It truly is what i desire above all else in life.
Meanwhile, Owner also set me some other tasks to do this week, part of the random series of tasks She assigns to me on a weekly basis which are decided through the drawing of cards. This time i was instructed to a) wear my butt plug for the duration of an online work meeting and then b) perform 50 Russian twists whilst 20 mini-pegs were clamped to my 'labia'. Here's how i got on:
It is now also well into my second week of being locked 24/7 into my new beehive mini chastity device. Things continue to go very well and Owner and i are both delighted with my new cage. This is me having my first weekly supervised shower, an opportunity to shave then clean my clit. The latter is done with a nail brush to ensure no accidental arousal during the cleaning process. i made sure that i scrubbed my bits thoroughly. Owner took the picture whilst overseeing the process from Her perch on the toilet seat.![]() |
supervised shower whilst i scrub my clit clean before returning to chastity |
In other news Owner requested that i organise a pyjama party for the two of us. My plan for this is currently coming together. There will be snacks, party games, a movie, a nail salon, drinks for Owner and perhaps for me if i am allowed and, most importantly, matching nightwear. i asked Owner if She could select a matching pyjama set we could each wear. This She did and the outfits were ordered and arrived just a few days later. They are great, each set fits and i can't wait to wear them with Her when we have the party.
That's all for now.
Permission to speak? DENIED!!!
There are better and more productive uses for that mouth and tongue. 😁
i agree Vanessa.
O how I wish to see these matching pyjama's
All in good time :)
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