Sunday, 9 April 2017

Owners' Birthday + Treats For Me

The weekend of the 1st April was Owners actual birthday. For Her present i bought Her some earrings and  took Her out to celebrate with a birthday meal at a gluten-free restaurant in Central London we haven't visited before. We had a very enjoyable evening. The second part of my present to Her was a return visit to the Bermondsey Square hotel and its private rooftop hot-tub (which is where Owner took me for my birthday a few months previously). The weather in London was glorious and we got to lounge around in the hot tub once again enjoying the views of this great city. i even got to get in a bit of  sunbathing as well on the terrace outside our room.

Although the hotel visit was part of my treat to Owner She also used it to give me some treats of Her own. This morning She administered the most wonderful of clit-spankings and nipple tormenting which left me highly aroused and wonderfully frustrated (i have now spent a glorious 4 months being locked up 24/7).

Owner also used the opportunity to take dome pictures of me, with me very happy indeed to pose as Her muse (i am a complete tart when it comes to Owner and Her camera). i really liked posing for this 'Athena' style picture of me with my butt plug in place looking out from the hotel balcony.
Locked and plugged and very, very happy

 Owner permitted me to buy a new bra the other week from Little Women (our favourite shop for bras for me) the photos.

New 'Heidi' bra from Little Women

 In fact, She took so many pictures of me posing just in the bra that Her phone created this little GIF of me, which we hope you enjoy

In the meantime, in addition to the sewing course which Owner had me enrol on, and which starts later this month, She also instructed me to enrol on some Spanish evening classes. My first session starts on Tuesday.

Owner also stated that She thinks (correctly) that my life is too easy and that She will be looking for additional ways to deepen Her domination of me and make my life less relaxed. i really welcome Her taking such an active interest in further extending Her control and domination of me and know that, in doing so, it makes me a better and more useful person for Her. One day i hope to get to a point where Her control of me is absolute and each step we take closer towards that point the happier it makes me. The latest small example of this is that although i already needed to seek Her permission before i could post anything to facebook (where my/our vanilla life plays out) Owner has now stated that from now on i will also be restricted posting a maximum of two posts per week. She has also begun to research ways to deepen Her control over my finances.

With each turn of the domination screw by Her the more complete and fulfilled She makes my life. here was a moment today in the hot-tub when, thanks to the buoyancy afforded to our bodies when in water, She was able to cradle me in Her arms like a child with my cheek nuzzled against the small of Her neck. It was such a perfect little moment and one which felt physically how i feel emotionally all the time with Her, that is to say loved, cherished and nurtured and this feeling deepens and strengthens with each passing year and as Her control of me becomes more total.

Gracias mi amor.


Sissy Valeria thais said...

Buenas tardes , hace como un mes encontré el blog quedando sorprendido �� por tan buen contenido, soy un amante de la feminización y dominación en pareja es un gran sueño el logro de ello , con el pasar de los días al leer todos sus publicaciones me quedé maravillado porque todo eso que narran solo lo llegue a leer en relatos nunca imaginando que pueda ser realidad les felicito por todo el trabajo que vienen realizando y les motivo a que sigan así siendo que estoy seguro que este blog sirve de ayuda a muchas dominas parejas y sissy que van igrensando a este bello mundo de la dominación femenina. Un fuerte abrazo y beso �� desde lejos espero podamos hacer amistad y les pido sigan subiendo cada nuevo logro ����������

Poppet Subslut said...

Muchas gracias Sissy Valeria thais. Me alegro mucho de que te guste el blog y que pienses que sirve de ayuda. Un abrazo.


Sissy Valeria thais said...

Gracias a ti por compartir con nosostros , me
Olvide de felicitarte por tu nuevo bra es muy bello y sobre todo seguro te realza bien los pechos y marca más debajo de la ropa seguro es un placer andar con el puesto todo el día no imagino lo que sería que se note .