Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Cleaning and Clamps

Unfortunately, this weekend Owner had cause to give me a proper but deserved bollocking. The cause of my dressing down was my household cleaning duties, or rather how i had not properly undertaken these.

i have a daily cleaning rota which sees me rotate through the flat doing different rooms on different days. However, i have been focussing on the visible/accessible surfaces and areas and missing those parts of the flat that are inaccessible/out of the way. For example take under our bed. We have a couple of large whicker boxes under there, one contains an assortment of Owner and my shoes - ones that do not fit in the shoe rack(s). The second contains sex toys and whips, floggers, canes etc. This weekend Owner discovered that both boxes had evidently not been wiped down and and cleaned for a long time and that there was also a large build-up of fluff on the floor under the bed.

Owner was really not amused. Not at all. She forcefully pointed out that it was my responsibility to ensure that the flat was kept clean and tidy and that She was fed-up with finding instances where i was failing to do that. i was clearly in the wrong and genuinely did not know what to say as i knew that actions, not words were really the only way that i could make amends.

i am genuinely sorry that i had not been maintaining the standards that Owner rightly expects. She is naturally a tidier person than me and She despises clutter, and will think nothing of simply throwing something of mine away if i have left it out. i have got better (i think) over the years at being tidier and keeping the flat clean and tidy. However, my natural default mode would be to be surrounded by books and objects, all of which Owner has over-time ensured i get rid of - to create a tidier aesthetic. In short, the flat is to be kept as She, as my Owner, wants it, and She is right to expect this of me. However, it is clear that i still have some way to go and need to focus on improving my household cleaning duties further.

i write all the above as i am conscious that it might sometimes come across in the blog that my life is one big bit of fun and photoshoots. We do have fun together, lots of fun, but Owner equally expects me to keep Her household as She would like it. i have many tasks to do and keep on top of and i am far from perfect at doing this. After almost 15 years together it is clear that i still have much to learn and improve.

Another thing that Owner expects of me is that i am able to endure pain and discomfort. i have mentioned many times previously that i love having my nipples played with. Owner sometimes likes to play with them and abuse them too. She used to have occasion to be disappointed in me when i would wimper and flinch when She was torturing them. As a result She has long-held the view that i need to ensure that my nipples are better able to endure pain and punishment. To that end She has loaded the weekly 'household' dice that i roll with a number of nipple torture related outcomes. As a result i quite regularly find myself having my nipples clamped and sometimes weighted too when undertaking cleaning tasks about the flat.

Last night i experienced a double whammy of nipple torture as i had to clean the fridge wearing my 250g/8oz nipple weights on each nipple then afterwards clean the bathroom with 'regular' nipple clamps. These latter clamps are really quite vicious as they are heavily spring loaded with mini teeth - they are actually supposed to be used to secure tableclothes in position.

The picture below shows the weighted clamps on me and the clamps in close-up
weighted clamps on and ready to clean the fridge
Close-up of the clamps. The combined weight on each nipple is 250g/8oz  and the clamp itself has a serrated edge
Once i had finished cleaning the fridge my nipples were well and truly stretched and on-fire from wearing the weighted clamps. But their ordeal was not over. My next job was to clean the bathroom with 'regular' clamps. You can see these on me and in close-up below
clamps attached and still managing a sort-of smile
the spring-loaded and toothed clamps in close-up
A side affect of the abuse my nipples receive is that they are almost always aroused and highly sensitive (in a good way!) to the touch. They have also got a little bigger over the years from having been stretched quite regularly. Most importantly, however, they are better able to withstand and 'enjoy' the attention they sometimes get from Owner. In short, they have become better trained to endure pain, in fact to actually rather enjoy it. It should be said though that Owner is not a sadist. If ever She noticed that my nipples have been punished a bit too hard she will instruct that they need time to recover and put the use of nipple clamps and/or weights firmly on ice for a week or two.


Anonymous said...

Poor poppet! I know from experience just how much higher the standards of a genetic Woman are than us lowly gurls. The bathroom was always my downfall, She could find faults that to me were microscopic. At first, anyway. The long handled bath brush was a very effective motivational tool. She would make me bend over the sink and hold onto the taps as She 'educated' me. Watching myself getting spanked in the mirror was horrible, i make the most embarrassing faces when my bottom is being set on fire.

Edwin Verrips said...

No poppet, it is not poor poppet, this is what you like. Toal controle by your owner even in pain.
Enjoy the pain or pleasure.

Poppet Subslut said...

Hi anonymous - i imagine that your face must have been quite a picture!


Evy - i agree it is indeed what i like and would not have it any other way.
