Sunday 17 December 2023

Have You Ever Fucked On Cocaine, Santa?

Yes, it's that time of the year when you settle down to watch a classic Christmas movie, like Die Hard or Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Well, that is not what you will find here, not on this naughty little blog.

No, what you get here is sluttiness and submission, with a dash of silliness thrown in. So when Owner instructed me to entertain Her by re-creating the scene from Basic Instinct when Sharon Stone crosses and uncrosses her legs and reveals she has gone commando, well i thought i would give it a bit of a festive twist. 

So here it is, the version of the interrogation scene from Basic Instinct that you never knew you needed as performed by moi, poppet subslut. So, lights, camera, action and...

But definitely no clit on view in this edition, it is safely locked away and will be at least until Spring '24.

With apologies to Ms Stone whose version and whose acting is so, so much better. If you want to compare my efforts with hers you can view the original here.

Incidentally, this may well be my last post of 2023 as Owner heads off to Her family at the end of the week and i won't catch-up with Her again until New Years eve, in Spain. We will then be together at Her family's for a bit before returning home to London. So, if this is the last post of 2023 all that is left to say is to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

Owner and i hope that Santa's bulging sacs fill you with delight and that 2024 proves to be a memorably naughty one for you all.

Saturday 16 December 2023

A Tough Week Ends In the Pink

Well, thank god this week is finally over, it felt like it would never end! To start with, Owner was spectacularly unwell at the start of the week having contracted some sort of nasty 24hour plus virus which meant that nothing stayed in Her stomach very long. i felt really sorry for Her and tried my best to nurse Her but i had to also go into work as i was booked for a variety of in-person events etc that i could not get out of. Consequently, poor Owner was abandoned at home feeling awful.

Thankfully, She is now fully recovered. However, that combined with the fact that i also had a full-on week at work with multiple events etc meant that the two of us literally staggered through the week. i was excused my duties most evenings and the two of us just flopped down on the sofa with fixed, thousand yard stares. It was that kind of a week.

But hey, the week is over and the weekend has begun, yay! Today is also the 16th of the month which means, double yay, an outdoor challenge! This time the dice came up with a location that is literally just around the corner from where we live and an instruction to wear my short, pink, summer December.

i am sitting typing this still wearing my nightie and dressing gown (it's not yet 8am) wondering what lingerie to pair with the dress and what accessories to wear - yep, these are the kind of dilemmas i routinely face in life :). It's an opportunity for the neighbours to again get to see what sort of slutty tart lives amongst them!

i also need to finish off my Christmas shopping at some point this weekend. No need to panic...yet.

There is also some sadness in our little flat. A sadness that comes from the knowledge that in less than a week's time i will be escorting Owner to the airport and waving Her goodbye as She heads to Her family in the North of Spain for the holidays. i will join Her on New Years eve but not before first traveling to the SW of England to spend Christmas and Boxing Day with my Dad and then flying out to the opposite side of Spain to Owner to stay with my sister and to see my mum, who is spending Christmas/New Year with her, on her birthday. i will then fly across Spain on New Years eve to be reunited at last with the love of my life, my Owner. We'll both then travel back to blighty shortly after Three Kings.

Meanwhile, in cheerier news, the last outdoor challenge of the year completed and it was a lovely cheeky one

a quick flash of arse

My task was to wear my pink short dress in the street just around the corner from our flat. i love going outside and posing like a bit of a neighbourhood tart, as you can probably tell. Here i am, about to leave the flat, clearly quite excited

Before posing like the happy little exhibitionist slut i am

It was surprisingly quiet out, only one person saw me the whole time i was posing in the street. 

On returning home and showing Owner the pictures She commented that i pose much better than i used to. i don't know if others would agree but hopefully i am learning how to pose a bit better than i once did.

Anyway, i hope you like the pics? It was a fun way to start the weekend after what has been quite a tough week. Take care all.

Monday 11 December 2023

Naked in Nice

So Owner and i are just back from a short trip to Nice on the cote d'azur in the South of France. Despite it being December we were blessed with a few days of glorious winter weather, with just the one day of rain. We even squeezed in a short side trip to Monaco. Oh and yes and i also ended up naked in public, but more of that later.

Truth be told we were both exhausted when we arrived. We have both been extremely busy with work. Our plan on arrival had been to find our AirBnB, go to a supermarche, get some provisions and then collapse. But, best laid plans and all that. 

It was a glorious winters day and so, after stocking up on provisions, we headed out to the seafront to walk along the promenade des anglais. Next we went up the colline de chateu to admire the view back across the city of Nice and the waterfront. It looked lovely with the hills and mountains in the background, some of which were snow-capped.

Then, as the sun set over the horizon, it painted the cote d'azur in amber and golden hues, creating a quite spectacular scene

Parading back along the promenade des anglais the waterfront came alive with the lights of some of the hotels and festive decorated palm trees. It was a lovely evening stroll. Somehow it reminded Owner and i of Miami.

The following day was wet. We visited the Russian Orthodox Cathedral

Then walked around the (largely deserted) old town

To escape the rain we went to the Musee du Palais Lascaris. It is set in a house with an amazing interior and contains a wonderful collection of old musical instruments, some of which neither of us have ever encountered before.

It also contains some 18th century porn! Yes, stuck on the inside lid of a piano was this delightful scene of a woman fondling another woman's breasts.

Saturday dawned bright and sunny and so we set off on the short train ride to Monaco.  The principality did not disappoint with its parade of the wealthy, their toys and their pets. Sadly, Owner only had me to accompany Her.

Here i am on the steps of the casino

Having 'done' Monaco we jumped back on the train for the short trip back to Nice. Upon arrival we headed back to the old town. Unlike the day before this time the place was lively with all the shops and bars open. After a spot of retail therapy we ended up having a few beers and some delicious charcuterie.

It was then that the nakedness happened. No, i did not strip off in the bar (not something i have ever done in my life....but as they say, never say never....). No. My nakedness occurred when we got back to our AirBnB and Owner instructed me to pose naked outside on the balcony, a balcony overlooked by many other apartments.

So, here i am, naked in Nice complete with wheat beer belly.

Owner also made a little video of me on the balcony

Then She got creative with some of the settings on my phone. Firstly, spotlighting my butt

Then giving me a very appropriate beret and a, perhaps less appropriate, pink halo

Then finally She created these. i know it sounds completely narcissistic to say this but i love the following images and wish i actually looked like this in real life, albeit with breasts too (and less of a belly - i blame the wheat beers i had been drinking), but i know Owner likes me as i am. Still i can daydream.

i quite like the fact that the AI in the phone camera decided i was a girl and sought to feminise me further, even though i am obviously not one. Actually, i was referred to a few times as mademoiselle whilst we were there, which made me smile every time i heard myself referred to this way.

Incidentally, whilst these pictures were being taken i was conscious of at least one other person watching what we were up to from an apartment opposite. Knowing there was an audience obviously made the whole impromptu photo shoot that much more fun!

The next and final day dawned bright and sunny again and provided Owner and i with a last opportunity to head back down to the waterfront and have a stroll and lunch before heading to the airport and our flight home. Whilst we were in Monaco Owner bought me a lovely glittery t-shirt. i wore it this final day and happily posed in it on the promenade - this time with a few more clothes on!

i leave you with a few final shots of Nice in the sunshine. It was a lovely short trip.

Sunday 3 December 2023


Saturday found yours truly in a most unnatural environment (for me that is), namely up a ladder, paint roller in hand, painting and decorating the spare room. Owner had instructed me to re-paint the room so that She could then furnish it more to Her taste. It is actually quite a small room so it did not take me too long.

Owner professed Herself to be very happy with the results when She inspected the room this morning in daylight. So much so, in fact, that She took me out to lunch as a reward for my efforts. So it was that at around 1pm we both sat down for a delicious Turkish feast. Here i am, about to tuck in

Even though i had worked up quite an appetite from a morning of exercises and some housework my eyes proved to be larger than my stomach and i had to leave some of my food.

Decorating aside it has actually been a very relaxed weekend. We both went out for some drinks, gossiping and people watching after work on Friday night. The occasion was the news that Owner had got the job She had applied for at work so it was a bit of a celebration. i am super proud of Her.

In short, it has been a productive but quite a chilled weekend