Sunday 16 June 2024

In Sickness and in Sluttiness

First, the good news. Owner has not had any more severe allergic reactions for well over a week. Yay! Hopefully, we correctly identified the culprit (Her new Vitamin B tablets) and there will be no repeat. The more annoying news is that it looks like She may have to wait until September before She is able to see a specialist to try and confirm or refute our diagnosis. Thank you to all who reached out offering advice. You are such a lovely bunch of readers/followers.

Now the bad news. Owner has Covid. She tested positive a few days ago and has been feeling truly lousy. In an ironic twist we think She caught it during one of Her recent hospital visits. i, meanwhile, am still negative and hoping it stays that way. Sadly, this means i am sleeping in the box room on my own. Which sucks.

Finally, in other news. Today is the 16th of the month which means but one thing. Yep, it's outdoor challenge day. So this is me in our local park completing this month's challenge:

But, why this outfit and why this location?

Well, the day started with me rolling the set of Owners' dice that decide what i should where and where i should take the photos. She has even bought me a special 'dice' top to wear when i roll Her dice in front of Her watchful gaze. So, this was me this morning, face mask in place to avoid catching Covid but making me look like a duck

preparing to roll one of the dice whilst wearing my 'dice' t-shirt
Action shot

Well, the dice determined that i should wear shorts and fishnet stockings in front of a graffiti covered door in our local park. The next decision was to decide exactly what to wear. This proved easy. Owner recently bought me some summer shorts and a top, new summer hi-tops and some matching black ear-rings. Those, combined with red bra and knickers and black stockings would be my outfit. Now i just had to hope it did not rain (it has been raining on and off for days and the temperature has barely staggered past 16 degrees centigrade). But i was determined not to wear a coat and go to the park dressed only in my new outfit.

Here is a little photo story of me heading out and then finally completing the challenge set for me.

All dressed up and ready to head outdoors
Here i am on my way to the park

Entering the park and passing the cricketers playing their match

Then arriving at the designated spot and posing

a cheeky bit of leg
Attempting to flaunt
Up against the graffiti door
Just a silly slut being...erm...silly

Despite the weather there were plenty of folks out in the park, it was a sunday after all. They were all dressed a bit more appropriately for the weather than i was.

Owner declared Herself to be very happy with how i had got on with my challenge, declaring that i looked 'sexy'. i worry She may have developed a fever and become quite delirious.

Anyway, i hope everyone is keeping well and thank you again for all of your best wishes and suggestions for Owner. Hopefully, She will be fully recovered soon. She really has had a shit few weeks.

Saturday 8 June 2024

A Drama Filled Week

Just a quick update on what has been a dramatic week (not in a good way). 

Unfortunately, Owner has experienced multiple severe anaphylactic allergic reactions this past week, two of which resulted in her blood pressure crashing and needing me to call an emergency ambulance for Her and whisking Her into hospital. We have both spent over 24hrs of the past week in Accident & Emergency trying to establish what is triggering the severe reactions and are on tenterhooks, waiting anxiously for the next such episode (She has had four such reactions in the past five days).

We now think we might have identified the culprit in the form of a Vitamin B supplement that Owner had been taking each day. Hopefully that will prove to be the case because not knowing what the trigger might be is a scary prospect for Her (and me). In the meantime we are armed with epipens and i have been refreshing my old first aid skills.

Hopefully the cause is the supplements and we can resume our normal lives. In the meantime, looking after Owner takes priority over everything else.

There were, of course, a few comedy moments amidst the drama. Like me struggling to put on some trousers with one hand whilst talking to the emergency dispatcher on the phone with the other so that when the ambulance arrived, which it did within 5 minutes on both occasions, they were not greeted by the sight of me wearing just stockings, and a very short tunic (no knickers) that barely covers my arse. i had been cleaning the bathroom when the first incident occurred. 

Then later realising that the paramedics had been attending to Owner in the bedroom with one of Her floggers, a funnel mouth gag, ball gag, nipple clamps, queening stool and images of me in a variety of 'adult' poses all proudly on display. i guess they have seen worse. The only remark they made was to chuckle when they read the homemade sign on the wardrobe door which Owner wrote a while back and which reminds me to 'close the fucking door'. That amused them.

However, the comedic piece de resistance came during our second trip to the Emergency department when an ambulance crew brought in a businessman found passed out on the street who was clearly very drunk (it was only 11am). They got him a sandwich as he sat sobering up, then his mobile phone rang and, in a very slurred voice, he told the person on the other end of the line that he was 'on a course'. A course in what? Getting pissed? He then staggered to his feet, announced he was leaving and then asked the ward sister for directions to the nearest off-licence and invited her to join him for a drink. That's what i call a work away day!

Anyway, hopefully normal life will return soon. Despite these moments of comedy the week has been a horrible one that has left Owner and i drained, and exhausted and anxious to know what has caused the severe reactions She has experienced.

Sunday 2 June 2024

Reunited On Our Anniversary

i am back at Owners' side, and also under Her backside (more of that later) after a short period of enforced separation. My work took me to Turin in Italy for four days last week, four days in which i was separated from my heart as unfortunately She was unable to join me. 

It was hard being away from Her and i know that She missed having me around too. Sadly, it also resulted in Owner not having me around to do the housework. Not long after i got back She confided to me how much less free time She had in the evening compared to normal. Time She spent doing household chores that, were i around, She would rightly expect me to fully take care of. i do have my uses :)

i arrived back home late on Friday night, which also happened to be the day of one of our Anniversary's - the one marking the day we both physically met each other for the first time, 31st May 2005 - yep, nineteen years ago. With me arriving home so late we did not have time to properly mark the occasion other than exchange the cards and gifts we had got each other. Owner bought me a wonderful summer outfit (sleeveless top, cut-off shorts and a pair of hi-tops) - you can see some pictures of me modelling it below. Note: i was wearing no make-up and had not brushed my hair, as you can tell!

i can't wait to be able to wear it outside.

In return i bought Owner a summer scarf and a selection of Italian chocolates. Hopefully, i will also get the opportunity to take Her out to lunch later today, back to the (Italian) restaurant we went to the first day we met, nineteen years ago.

The day after i got back from Italy (the Saturday) saw me feeling exceptionally tired. i was working long hours in Italy where i was teaching and lecturing and then in the evening i had to catch-up with my main (UK) job, replying to unread emails etc, etc. This meant i was not getting to bed until about 1.30am then teaching the next day from 9 - 6.30pm and then repeat. It was a great experience but also an exhausting one. Consequently, Saturday saw me in my nightdress and dressing gown all day and taking regular naps in between watching silly TV shows with Owner.

However, Owner had been busy whilst i was away and had made me one of my favourite deserts as an Anniversary surprise, a dish called Tarta de la Abuela - which we also feasted on in lieu of breakfast and dinner.

As we watched TV together on the sofa Owner also began to casually but deliberately caress my tits. Now, i love having my breasts fondled and played with and i responded as any self-respecting slut should and would, i started to moan and spread my legs apart, offering Owner access to my unlocked clit and my smooth shaven pussy. Soon my gown was undone and Owners hands were roaming freely across my naked flesh, stroking, touching, slapping and fondling my breasts and my swelling clit. Needless to say it wasn't long before Owner instructed me to go to the bed and wait for Her there.

What followed was the most amazing and pleasurable intense experience and one that i was truly lucky to be treated to. Owner let me worship Her delicious backside at length as She pleasured Herself with one of Her vibrators as i took my time licking, probing and pleasuring Her anus with my tongue. i locked my arms around Her hips and pulled Her bottom hard against my mouth and i feasted on Her wonderful backside. Again and again She rode my face and tongue for pleasure as Her magic toy went to work between Her thighs.

Owner lay on Her side in a semi-fetal position, vibrator clamped hard against Her clit with my face wedged between Her cheeks, my head gripped between Her thighs as my tongue licked and lavished, probed and penetrated Her divine anus. My face grew slick with Her sex. i was in heaven. We lay locked together, pausing occasionally for Owner to recover before commencing again. Sometimes i could breath, sometimes i could not. i did not care. My clit throbbed as i concentrated all my energy on worshiping Her wonderful backside as best i could.

Just as i thought my afternoon could not get better, it did.  Owner had me roll over onto my back. i bent my knees and spread my legs apart, lifting my hips and resting my feet on the headrest of the bed, fully exposing my sex to Owner. She sat astride my face, grabbed the headrest with one hand and then lowered Her hips down towards my upturned face, presenting Her backside once again to me. Just like my face it too was slick and moist. Her sphincter muscles, already fully relaxed, opened up to me, inviting me to slip my tongue deep inside Her as She settled Her hips. Soon She was riding my tongue, fucking it with Her arse, but this time as She did so She gripped my clit with Her spare hand and began to masturbate it hard.

Waves of ecstasy consumed me as i fucked Her anus with my tongue whilst Owner beat my clit harder and harder. i grabbed Owners thighs and buried myself between Her heavenly buttocks as She ground Her hips against my face and pumped my engorged clit. She masturbated my clit hard and with one goal in mind as She rode my face like a seasoned cowgirl. My body bucked and twisted beneath Her, contorting in pleasure until i pleaded to be allowed to cum.

For the second time this year Owner gave the instruction to 'cum like a whore' and i did, moaning and ejaculating copiously. Owner scooped up my mess and smeared it across my torso before inviting me to lie by Her side. It was a wonderful and memorable afternoon.