Sunday, 9 March 2025

Control and Domination Update

So, i have now received my newly updated requirements and instructions from Owner, things that She will now expect of me in addition to my usual chores etc. She of course also expects me to complete fulfilling the additional behaviours and tasks She set for me during the trial, these will now continue indefinitely. Owner has advised that there will be a further review meeting on the 8th June where She will formally assess my progress with a view, if i prove myself worthy, to further increasing Her control over me.

Owners' new expectations of me are as follows:

1 - Check and tidy fridge and kitchen cupboards daily after dinner and ensure that all foods are within their expiry date and update shopping list as needed

2 -  Check all clothes drawers and wardrobes are neat and tidy on a daily basis, ensure that the hangers are all aligned and clothes are correctly hung and organised

3 - My weekday mobile phone use is now restricted to during working hours and for an hour at start and end of working day only. Outside of these hours my mobile phone is to be handed to Owner for Her safe keeping. i will be allowed to check once for text or whasapp messages before going to bed.

4 - On Fridays i am to wear the electro clit device all day when at home and ensure it and the control unit remains charged and that the control unit is close to Owner so She can electrocute my clit at any time She chooses

Owner has also advised that She will be setting me some projects to complete about the flat. We are also going on holiday for two weeks in early April. We have agreed that not only is it best for me that in continue to perform my chores and tasks whilst we are away as far as is possible but that i also adhere to the other rules and requirements Owner has set for me. Owner has also stated that She expects me to create a 'holiday package' for Her i.e. things that i will do to ensure that Her holiday experience is a good one.

i am delighted to have been set these additional tasks and requirements by Owner. i hope that, come the 8th June i am able to demonstrate to Her satisfaction that i have successfully incorporated them into my life so that i might be considered ready by Her for further restrictions and controls to be placed upon me.

Yesterday, to celebrate my passing of the trial period She had set me we went out for a walk and then had some drinks and dinner in a restaurant together. We walked along the River Thames from Greenwich to the Millennium Dome. We then took the tube to London Bridge and went out drinking in the Bermondsey Mile before having dinner and returning home. It was a very enjoyable evening. This was me in one of the bars we visited:

One of the bars we drank in was full of mostly young people. However, Owner lamented the fact that none of the younger guys there were that attractive. Next time we find a new bar i hope that it is one with boys who are more to Her taste. 

i am really grateful to Owner for, not only taking me out and letting me enjoy Her company but also for continuing to slowly extend Her control and authority over me. i hope that i prove myself to be capable of fulfilling Her expectations of me and making Her proud by successfully implementing these new expectations of me.

Saturday, 8 March 2025

The Trial Verdict - i Passed!

i am so happy this morning, words cannot begin to describe how excited i feel, i quite literally have butterflies in my stomach and my hands are trembling as i type this. The reason? Owner has declared that i have passed the Trial period She set me to decide whether i was worthy of being controlled and dominated by Her yet more completely than i already am.

i had just completed my morning exercises and was cooling off and re-hydrating with a fresh glass of Her piss that Owner had left for me whilst She went to take a shower when i noticed that there was a message from Her to me. It read as follows:

London 8 March 2025

After careful scrutiny and thorough consideration, Owner acknowledges that pet has been useful, considerate of Owner’s needs, and has complied with all the rules set during the trial period. Therefore, Owner declares that pet has passed the trial and is ready for the next steps. However, pet slipped up on two occasions, which resulted in an extension of the trial. Owner advises pet to be careful and mindful of their actions. Overall, pet has performed exceptionally well, and their behaviour aligns closely with Owner's expectations.

Congratulations, pet!

The pet is invited to a meeting to discuss and establish new additions to their current duties and services for the next three months.
Date: 9 March 2025 Time: 2pm

i had to read the message twice to make sure i had not misread or misunderstood it. But no, i had not. i had passed! i will get to find out tomorrow what additional duties and services are expected of me for the next 3 months. Hopefully i will demonstrate my ability to incorporate and complete these to Owners expectations whilst also maintaining the new duties i have been undertaking this past month and a bit.

My hope is to one day become Owners' slave, that truly would be an honour and a privilege. However, i know i have much still to learn and improve upon. i just hope i prove myself worthy for further development after this next three months. Meantime, i cannot wait to find out what Owner has in mind for me. i will, of course, update about the outcome of tomorrow's meeting with Her.

Drinking Owners' piss moments before discovering i had passed the trial
In the meantime, this past week has seen a continuation of my chores, tasks, exercises and studies. On Monday i was sent out to walk a lap of the park and get something from the cornet shop whilst wearing the evil clover nipples clamps with metal teeth. This was me in the park wearing my specially 'adapted' top;

Then on Wednesday i was instructed to do my usual dusting albeit gagged and wearing a pair of Owners used knickers over my head so that i inhaled to fabulous aroma of Her used panties whilst i worked. 

Owner also bought me a wonderful new pair of flats to wear about the house when i am working from home.

Work has been busy for us both and i have presented at a number of online and in-person events this week. However, the week ended in its now usual manner with Owner taking the opportunity to secure me to Her bed then electrocute my bottom, pussy, clit, labia and nipples. Apparently She increased the power setting this time. You will just have to take my word for it though as there are no photos.

i will update again on news of the additional duties and expectations Owner will reveal to me tomorrow afternoon.

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Owner Squirts Then We Both Splash About At A Spa

In an exciting sexual first for us both, Owner ejaculated over my face as She climaxed this morning. She did so as Her new Lelo Sila sonic device worked its magic on Her clit whilst my tongue licked and twirled deep inside Her anus. Owner has never squirted before so it was a wonderful delight to us both when i suddenly felt my face sprayed and flooded by Her ejaculate. At first i feared it might cause Her to stop pleasuring Herself, but it did not. Quite the opposite. It also drove me to even deeper levels of arousal and frustrated desire, my tongue alternating between worshiping Her heavenly backside and eagerly lapping up Her love juice as it soaked my face and hair.

The Sila (see image below) had been part of my wedding anniversary gift to Owner. i had bought it for Her in the hope that it might provide Her with even greater sexual pleasure having read a great review about it on Mistress Scarlet's blog. i think it surpassed expectations.

Owners' Lelo Sila
The morning had started as usual with my doing my Spanish studies and exercises after breakfast. However, Owner had then invited me back to bed whereupon She served me another delicious glass of Her wonderful piss. 

Owner cuddling me as i drank Her nectar

This was actually the second glass of urine She gave me to drink this weekend. She gave me one on Saturday too.

Drinking Owners pee on Saturday
Owner then secured a belt around my neck to use as a lead and placed a pair of Her worn and aromatic panties over my head for me to inhale, and become intoxicated by, Her scent.

Belt around neck, inhaling Owners' scent

Having ensured i was suitably aroused Owner then began lightly beating my swollen labia before standing before me with Her 'cock' out for me to fellate. When my mouth was suitably warmed up She positioned Herself on Her back on the bed, pulled my head down onto Her erect 'cock', placed the Sila between Her legs and began to bring Herself off. Within minutes Her dildo grew slick from my saliva as my head bobbed eagerly up and down, my drool trickling down Her phallus, lubricating Her sex. All the while the sound of Owners moans of pleasure grew steadily louder. 

Owner pulled Her cock from my mouth and discarded it then rolled onto Her side, presenting me with Her anus to pleasure whilst the Sila continued to bring Her off. i needed no encouragement to push my tongue inside Her wonderful backside, relishing Her taste. Soon i was licking Her out as deeply as i could when all of a sudden Owner shuddered and squirted. It was an incredible moment, a real privilege to have experienced Her first real ejaculation at such close quarters. Her juices ran and sprayed as She climaxed hard.

i continued pleasuring Owners anus and She came again, less intensely this time and then finally i lay holding Her tight, my tongue licking Her juices from the soft, creamy flesh of Her buttocks. As we lay there we both agreed that this was the first time She had ejaculated during sex. Owner regularly climaxes but this is the first time She has squirted hard like that. The Sila was all i could have hoped for, and more. It made Owner ejaculate and i had the privilege of experiencing Her pleasure. Owner was left satiated. i stayed aroused and denied. It was wonderful.

After lunch we headed into town for coffee and a pink hot chocolate (for me) then for an appointment in an underground thermal spa in central London. The thermal baths were amazing with hot and cold pools, water jets and a floatation tank. All set out in the brick-clad vaulted cellars of an old London townhouse. The place is called AIRE Ancient Baths London and was a truly great experience. They also offer a range of massage services. Owner had requested that we just have the thermal spa so we plunged and floated and were water-jet blasted for 90 contented minutes. It is adult only and strictly no cameras in the bath area so you will just have to take my word for it that the bikini i am wearing in the changing area below was the one i was wearing whilst splish splashing about in the baths.

Changed into my bikini

Enjoying my pink hot chocolate before the spa

It was a wonderful and relaxed way to end the day. A marked contrast to how i spent much of Saturday which saw me liberally coated in dust as i sanded and then stained and varnished the staircase in our flat. i was pretty dirty by the time i had finished.

Me with my power tool
However, Owner declared Herself to be happy with the resulting outcome, which is all that matters.

i hope everyone's weekend was as varied and fun-filled as mine.

Friday, 28 February 2025

The Trial - An Update

After my initial faltering start i continue to progress well (i think) in the Trial period that Owner has set me to establish whether or not i am ready to be taken further under Her control. The Trial was originally due to just run for the month of February but was extended by a week into March on account of me accruing two punishable misdemeanours in early February. i am pleased to say that no further such reasons to be punished by Owner have been committed by me.

There is, however, obviously still some time to go and plenty of opportunity for me to still fuck things up! i really hope that i do not and that Owner considers me worthy of being more tightly controlled by Her.

Talking of Owner. This past week has been a difficult one for Her. The frozen shoulder She currently has in Her right shoulder has got worse, causing Her considerable pain and discomfort and also creating other problems in Her back. i have tried to help by providing deep tissue massages on request, but to only limited effect. Accordingly, on Thursday morning we both trooped over to a specialist physio for Her to receive a second cortisone injection into Her shoulder. Hopefully that will help tide Her over until Her shoulder starts to naturally unlock, which eventually it will. The problem with these injections though is that, at first, they make the situation worse so Owner spent much of the day in considerable discomfort. Today has, however, been better for Her.

As for me. i have been getting on with my chores, studies, exercises, seeking permission to speak etc and weekly tasks, including, at one point, acting as Owners footrest.

Owners' feet resting on my bum
i also, once again, had an opportunity to show off my new skirt to a few visitors to Owners flat. Namely, the plumber who came around to quote for some work, as well as to some post, parcel and grocery delivery people.  Then today i took delivery of some hire tools to use this weekend (sanding). This saw me stood outside talking to a very tall, bearded and blonde Norse God type guy, followed by our downstairs neighbour, in same said short skirt with fishnet stockings.
This is what i was wearing
i have come to really love this skirt. It is the perfect length.

Tonight, Owner felt sufficiently better for Her to electro torture me once again using a combination of the electro-clit device, zapper and electric clamps on my clit, pussy, buttocks and breasts. 

Teet shocking in progress

Tomorrow i will be busy sanding down the staircase and re-varnishing it, as well as offering to serve as Owners' sex toy. Then on Sunday i am, at Her request, taking Owner to a thermal spa in London. It will be an opportunity for Her to ease Her shoulder and an opportunity for me to splash around in my bikini.

Oh, and some good news. The replacement cage for the beehive chastity device, the original split, was delivered so i have been back caged inside that all week. Hopefully it will turn out that the first was simply defective and this new cage will not suffer the same fate. Fingers crossed as Owner and i both love it.

Lastly, Owner has been researching some new items that She would like. One is a new strap-on harness and the other a large, realistic cock dildo (complete with foreskin) to both fuck me with and for me to practice fellating. i am very excited! Owner has asked that i buy them for Her birthday, which is on the 1st April.

That's about it from me for now.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

A Quiet Week

It has been a relatively quiet week in Owners' house. i have been getting on with my chores and tasks and have spent the week mostly indoors. The exception was a brief foray out to the shop and to get a coffee for Owner and, on Wednesday, to accompany Owner to and from the local train station carrying Her bag for Her as She had an out of town work meeting to attend.

Spending the week working from home did give me an opportunity to wear my new little skirt which has fast become a firm favourite of mine. It barely covers my knickers and shows off my stocking tops and butt cheeks. It's the perfect length for a wanton little slut like me to wiggle about in. On a number of occasions Owner sidled up behind me and groped my buttocks whilst i was wearing it. This had the immediate affect of causing me to spread my legs apart for Her. 

Some strangers also got to see me wearing my little skirt during the week. Twice our front doorbell rang and i answered it wearing my bra, blouse, new skirt, suspenders and stockings and on another occasion i was wearing the same combination when i took the rubbish outside.

My new skirt is the perfect length for a slut like me, it only just covers my bottom

However, it has not just been a case of me spending the week wandering about in short skirts! 

On Monday, after work, i spent 30 minutes stood naked, save for the stockings i was wearing, hands on my head in front of our lounge window with a pair of Owners' used panties on my head and with my nipples clamped. The panties were positioned with the gusset under my nose, so i inhaled Owners' wonderful aroma, and the clover clamps were the vicious ones with serrated metal teeth that really bite into my teets. 

Outside dusk was falling, the window blinds were open and the lounge light was on so the silhouette of me stood naked, hands on head etc was probably quite visible from the street outside through the net curtains. i felt quite exposed as the minutes ticked by until Owners alarm indicated half an hour had passed and i was able to return to my duties.

Friday saw a double bill. First, i was instructed to attach the piss funnel gag to my mouth and sit in the shower cubicle whereupon Owner relieved Herself into the funnel, quickly filling my gagged mouth with Her warm, fresh, wonderful piss. It was not easy to swallow and gulp down the amber nectar as fast as it was being squirted into the gag and before long my chin, neck and chest became soaked with urine as it spilt from my mouth and the gag. In the end, however, i was able to gulp it all down, tipping my head backwards to knock the last mouthful back down my throat.

human toilet

Having soaked me and quenched my thirst Owner then electrocuted me. She first secured me to the bed, to ensure that my arms and legs did not thrash about, then electrocuted my clit, my nipples, my pussy and my swollen labia using a combination of the electro clit torture device, the tazapper and the electric clamps.

The collection of electric shock devices Owner used
Arms and legs (out of shot) secured

Owner really enjoys electrocuting me. These regular Friday electrocution nights have fast become a favourite of Hers in lieu of Her being able to cane, beat, paddle, whip or flog me because of the issues She continues to have with Her frozen shoulder. It is really causing Her a lot of discomfort and sleepless nights. Hopefully it will soon start to unlock as it is horrible seeing Her suffer and there being little i can do to help beyond provide Her with regular shoulder massages. i know She also wants to be able to electrocute and beat me again as soon as She is able to. It will be wonderful when She is able to once again release some of the stress and tension from Her week by tenderising my buttocks and the backs of my thighs, as well as electro-shocking me. This also helps me to increase my tolerance for pain and discomfort, something that is important to Her and which She expects of me. 

Anyway, back to yesterday evening. When Owner was done electrocuting me i was untied and then left to get on with preparing dinner. After this was served i cleared, washed and put away the dishes then set about my usual Friday evening chore of cleaning the kitchen and sweeping and mopping the kitchen floor. i then returned to Owner, gave Her a head scratch before being invited to join Her on the sofa to watch TV together. It rounded off a quiet but wonderful week.

Tuesday, 18 February 2025


Control is such a simple little word but it is one that runs through the heart of every Female-Led or Femdom relationship, namely the ceding of control by the submissive to the dominant female. That has definitely been the case for Owner and i as the relationship we enjoy has strengthened and deepened. The greater the level of control She exercises the deeper in love with Her i fall and the more i long to submit to Her further.

The story of how Owners control over me has evolved and how my submission to Her has correspondingly deepened is a long one. The journey of our relationship has, at times, been a winding one. There were times when things would go backwards, especially early on or we would be side-swiped events in life that were outside of our control. But our objective always remained the same, Owners control of me and my submission to Her.

At its most basic Owner loves having a wife (me) who does what She is told and who strives to make Her life as comfortable and pleasurable as possible. To that end She has invested time and effort training, disciplining and teaching me to become the wife She wants and which She also deserves. One who gladly and willingly submits to Her.

Today, Owner has control of pretty much all aspects of my life outside of work. That did not happen overnight. It was not a case of Her suddenly waking up one morning, announcing She has full control and hey presto. No, it was a gradual, incremental process that allowed time for each of us to adjust to the new power dynamic between us. Only when a shift in control over one aspect of my life had become normalised did She tighten Her control further. Of late, however, that process has accelerated and i could not be happier.

Before going on to explain how it is important to emphasise here that what we are talking about is the consensual submitting to Her control by me.  In no sense was this forced upon me. Rather, it was something i actively sought and welcomed. The more controlling of me Owner has become the deeper my love and devotion to Her has grown. i love submitting to Her. Being told what to do and controlled by Owner makes me happier than i could ever have imagined possible

Over the years Owner has come to control me not simply sexually (which was the first thing She took control of) but She also also what i wear, whether or not i can go out, what i eat when we are out, what i do with my time, what She expects of me to name but a few. One of the biggest 'moments' in my journey of submitting completely to Her was when i relinquished control of my salary. This was actually done at my own request, it just felt right and proper that i ask Owner if She would do me the honour of permitting have my wages paid into a joint account controlled by Her rather than into my own current account. In return i was given a monthly allowance by Owner of £100 a month, a sum that has remained unchanged for many, many years.

At the time it felt like the biggest shift in our power dynamics. Having my own money to spend as i wish is something that had been part of my life since my teens. Surrendering that, to no longer have financial control and instead receive a monthly allowance, felt and was a big step at the time. It was something i wanted and dreamt about, becoming dependent upon Owner, but initially i found it difficult to actually request. However, in the end i asked Her if She would do me the honour of taking take my financial independence away. Owner agreed and i am so pleased She did. At the time, and we are talking many years ago now, it was an important demonstration of my desire and willingness to submit more deeply to Her. It marked a significant moment in the evolution of our relationship.

It also demonstrates another thing. Owner taking more control over me has, on occasion, been at my own request, a response to my own desire to want to submit more fully to Her. That was the case with my salary. i was a more than willing accomplice, it was me who asked Her if She would do me the honour of taking control of it from me. Owner has ever since exercised Her control of my finances diligently. i love this, love that i no longer have financial autonomy. 

In the past few years Owner has also assumed control of another fundamental aspect of my life outside of work, namely my freedom of movement. As Her submissive wife Owner rightly regards my place as being at home, where She can keep an eye on me or expect to find me. Accordingly, that is where She expects me to be unless i have been invited to accompany Her somewhere. Nowadays, other than on the occasions when i need to leave the house for work, the only time i leave the flat without Her as my escort is when i need to run an errand for Owner or have been given an outdoor challenge to complete by Her. The exception to this is if i have obtained Her permission to go and visit one of my parents. The idea that i might suddenly just decide to go out for a walk on my own, or join colleagues for a drink after work, has become unimaginable. i don't and i wouldn't. My place is at home.

i love living like this, being constrained in were i can go. i am also a very willing participant. It is not as if She locks me in. At any moment i could walk outside. In that respect the door to the cage is always very much open. However, i choose to remain inside. My place is in Owners' home. However, She also regularly take me out, we both love each others company and enjoy doing things together. Owner also enjoys socialising without me with Her friends. On such occasions you will find me at home, contentedly doing the housework until summoned to go and collect Her from the station and walk Her home. Some people may find this strange, others will not. Owner is my life and i am very happy being Her stay at home wife. 

Owner is Her own woman, free to meet and see whoever She wishes, go wherever She wishes, do whatever She wants. i am not. i would not want things any other way. In recent years Owner has taken to going away for a few days with Her best friend. An opportunity for them to let their hair down, re-connect and have a good time. i am really, truly happy to see Her doing this. Owner knows She is free to do whatever She chooses, knowing that Her loyal and obedient wife will always be waiting for Her when She returns home.

Excitingly, to me at least, at the end of last month Owner introduced a new element of control over me. Fed up with me interrupting Her with my trivia and inanities whilst She was busy or reading Owner stipulated that i must now seek Her permission before engaging Her in conversation. To this end i now always wear a lanyard around my neck which i must raise to indicate whenever i wish to say something to Her. i must then wait until She indicates whether or not i am permitted to speak. It is a new form of control that She has introduced and which She now enjoys over me.

This restriction on my freedom of speech has fast become 'normal' to me. The 'permission to speak' lanyard is now the first think i put on when i get out of bed and the last item i take off before going to bed. When i do leave the flat i hang it next to the entrance so that i might put it back on the instant i return. In just a matter of weeks wearing and using it has become second nature to me. i would not wish to go back to how we were, i much prefer my newly muted state.

Which brings me onto the most recent example of Owners' increasing control over me. It happened over the weekend of our wedding anniversary and i hope it marks a new chapter, both in Owners' control over me but in my own willingness to accept and submit to Her authority. It relates to my job. 

My work is quite high profile (in my field) and is attracting growing international interest. Last year i was invited to lecture in Italy and present at a conference in the USA. i was flattered and accepted both invitations without, in truth, really consulting Owner. Although She was pleased for me Owner was upset that i was leaving Her, especially for the USA trip. She made it clear She was not happy that i was going. However, my ego took over and i went anyway. i regret having done so. Doing so upset Owner and also set me back in my own journey of submission to Her.

At my worse i sometimes allow my work to take over my life when what i really want is for my life to be centred around my service to Owner. Serving and submitting to Her is the aspect of my life that makes me happiest and of which i am most proud. i love Her and although i am lucky in that i find my work interesting, i am not in love with it, whereas i am with Her. 

Fast forward to Friday last week. i received a work invitation to attend a workshop in Beijing in China that is taking place this Spring. i have never been to China and was flattered and a little excited. However, i also recognised i would first need to ask Owner. i therefore left it with my manager that i would have to first discuss the invitation with my wife before i responded.

Owners' response was clear and immediate. She did not want me to go.  Before the weekend was out i had emailed the organisers to decline the invitation, letting my manager know as well that i would not be going. Far from feeling disappointed what i actually felt was giddy, giddy with excitement. i realised that in accepting without question Owners decision i had further and willingly submitted and surrendered to Her and Her control. It felt like a really significant moment. The further extension of Her control, and my submission to Her authority, this time in relation to my job. i ended the weekend almost elated at what had happened. i had been offered an opportunity that appeared exciting but which would have taken me away from the person i want to be with above all others. She in turn had been unequivocal in Her view that She did not wish for me to go and, rather than seek to argue, persuade or ignore Her opinion i had accepted it without question. More than that, i had gladly accepted. i was grateful to Her for exerting Her authority over me and proud of the manner in which i readily acquiesced. She exerted control and i submitted. Doing so made me feel really very happy.

There are, i imagine, some readers who may find the above to be strange, perhaps even troubling? If you do, then you really do not fully understand me. i want to be controlled by Owner, the more She does so the more i crave it. My place is at Her side and in Her home. My ambition is to one day be accepted by Her as Her maid servant, perhaps even Her slave. She wants me to be with Her, serving Her, not the other side of the world. That is my place. She does, and always should, come first. 

My work, although rewarding, is as nothing compared to the rewards i receive every day that i have the privilege of serving and submitting to Her. It is right and proper that i stay at home. i hope my staying shows further growth, progress and development on my part in my quest to truly submit unconditionally to Owner. She is the centre of my world.

Sunday, 16 February 2025

7th Wedding Anniversary

Today marks Owner and my seventh wedding anniversary. We have been together much longer than that, this year is the 20th anniversary of when we first met and got together, but seven years ago today saw us stood underneath the iconic 'Welcome to Las Vegas' sign exchanging vows. You can read all about that day here.

Becoming Owners' lawfully wedded wife remains the best decision in life that i ever made. Having Her as my life partner and Owner, until death do us part (or She tires of me) is such a wonderful honour and privilege. We plan to renew our vows on the occasion of our 10th wedding anniversary. This year we marked it with the simple exchange of cards and gifts, Owner bought be a beautiful heart-shaped framed map of Las Vegas, i bought Her a necklace and a Lelo vibrator (Her pleasure is my pleasure). We went out and celebrated the occasion a day early.

Firstly by going to the Linder exhibition at the Hayward Gallery, which was brilliant, ollowed by a walk along the Thames to London Bridge and then onto Tower Hill and beyond for a bit of an impromptu pub crawl. We visited a couple of different establishments before alighting on one that we liked. An amazing old-fashioned pub called the 'Princess of Prussia' where we stayed for a drink, or...ahem...well more than a two, let's leave it at that. This was us fooling about in the pub:

Today, being the 16th of the month also meant that, after serving breakfast and exchanging our presents, it was time for two sets of dice to be rolled. The first was the chastity dice. Last time the dice decided that i must spend a month continuously caged. What would be in store this time? Unbeknownst to me Owner had added a new, much longer lock-up period to the options on the dice. That is what i rolled. i will be spending the next six months caged 24/7. Her chastity dice will not be rolled again until mid-August and my clit will remain locked away until then, released only for supervised cleaning.

The second dice to be rolled were the outdoor challenge dice. Once again it decided that mid-winter is the ideal time to be seen in a pink bikini outdoors, specifically out in the street next to ours. This is how i got on with completing that particular challenge.

It was only about 3 degrees celsius outside so i didn't linger for long in my bikini! This street i was instructed to pose in is also only about 200 metres from where we live, so there was plenty of chance of being seen by a neighbour. It is also over-looked from three directions and the challenge was done at about 11am, so there were people out and about who saw me. i wonder what they made of me?

The weekend has also seen me getting on with my tasks and chores, studying Spanish and completing my exercises. Owner actually presented me with a delicious and refreshing glass of Her piss to consume after i completed my exercises yesterday. It was just the reviving tonic that i needed as i was hot, tired and sweaty from my workout;

Last night Owner also treated me by instructing me to purchase tickets for us both to go and see the band Babymetal in concert in May. i have always wanted to go and see them as i love their music and their outfits but the performances also look amazing. See for example this epic performance of their song 'Headbanger':

Back to today. For our anniversary lunch i made Owner roast chicken with vegetables, one of Her favourite dishes.

Owners' meals served on a plate
mine in my pink dog bowl - which all my meals are eaten from
Before dinner i was instructed by Owner to fuck myself with Her brown dildo for Her entertainment. i did so on all fours on the floor in front of where Owner was sat on the sofa. Whilst i fucked my hungry pussy She tested out Her new Lilo vibrator. i was careful not to get myself too excited and have an accidental leak, which Owner would have regarded, quite rightly, as unforgiveable. To lessen the chance of that happening i occasionally fellated the dildo, sucking it clean, before re-inserting it and continuing to fuck myself. Owner had set Her timer for ten minutes and occasional announced how many minutes i had left to keep fucking my pussy. i was oddly relieved when finally the ten minutes were declared to be up and i was able to show Owner my clean caged clit, not a sign of leakage to be seen. It has now been over eight and a half months, 260 days to be precise, since i last experienced an orgasm of any kind. i am truly grateful and thankful that She has kept me in a state of long-term orgasm denial.

fucking my pussy in front of Owner
All in all has been an eventful and memorable anniversary and i can't wait to spend the next year of wedded and submissive bliss with Owner. She is the best Owner and life partner i could ever have hoped for, i am truly grateful to be able to live my life with Her and be kept under Her control.

Talking of control. Owner has not had cause to be upset or disappointed with me during this, the second week of the trial. i have, therefore, not needed to add any new entries into my punishment book. Fingers crossed my performance will continue to be regarded as satisfactory by Her such that, when the trial period concludes in March, i might be considered worthy of having my life and actions more tightly and rigidly controlled by Her. i love my life as Owners' submissive wife.