Thursday, 21 March 2013

Bad Pet, Dirty Pet

This week has not, in too many ways, been my finest hour. On Sunday i finished off painting the bathroom and even had time to catch-up on some of my duties, duties which had not been completed as i was painting and decorating. Thus on Monday as i bade Owner goodbye in the morning and then headed out to work shortly after myself i was feeling dangerously pleased with myself. The painting i had wanted to get done was done, i was up to date with my tasks and duties and Owner was happy and pleased (which in turn pleased me).

Over the weekend Owner also came up with a wonderful idea that She would like to put into practice. We have been discussing ways to ensure i keep fit now that i work primarily from home and which can also compliment my regular back exercises and pilates lessons. Owners solution is 80s style aerobics. Essentially, i am to purchase a bright coloured leotard with clashing leggings and leg warmers (think Fame) and start to develop an aerobics routine that is a homage to all those 1980s workout godesses. Owner expects me to produce some workout videos. They promise to be great fun to make and i suspect the content will end up being shared on here for your amusement.

However after this the week started to go wrong. On my return from work the first of what was to become a litany of short-comings on my part became evident. Owner was already at home and had started to unpack the veggie box delivery in the kitchen whereupon She discovered there was some food that had started to go bad in the fridge that i had not got rid of. Rightly She was very annoyed at me as i should have checked this. Meanwhile, in the morning Owner had advised that She wanted to administer a caning that evening so i had carefully laid out all of Her implements in preparation, including clamps, weights, strapons etc 'just in case'. However, after administering 100 well-deserved strokes and then clamping my titties and the underside of my chastised clitty Owner turned to pick-up Her vibrator and have a little bit of fun. Unfortunately, i had forgotten to put this out for Her amongst Her other things. Worse still when She did find it it was not charged and so useless. Owner immediately brought an end to the proceedings and instructed me to put everything away and made clear Her disappointment that i had let Her down again.

The day after this i had a work trip and whilst out during the day i bought Owner a small gift that i then promptly lost somewhere on the journey home, albeit not before i had told Owner i had got Her something. Again, i had let Her down. Then the next morning i forgot to plug Owners hair straighteners in whilst She was showering so that they were ready and warmed up for when She needed them. All in all i was not having the best of weeks in terms of doing things properly and as i ought to for Owner who was justifiably annoyed.

However, it is now about 48hours since my last mistake so i am now hoping that i am back performing and behaving as i ought to. Meanwhile, the weather in London continues to be cold and getting colder. Accordingly, this evening Owner advised that She wanted me to do another park challenge, albeit this time that i was to wear weights suspended from my nipple clamps as well as being naked save for my chastity device, socks, boots and coat whilst i accompanied Her around our local park. i think you can tell from the picture below (taken just as we were about to leave the house) that i get quite excited at the prospect of being so 'exposed' in public:

and then a few minutes later here i am posing like a slut in the park before heading off to do a circuit with Owner.

Whilst out we passed a whole group of joggers all of whom had weights too - except they were holding theirs rather than having them suspended from their clamped titties, they should try it!

Incidentally, the keen eyed amongst you may have noticed that i have updated my list of rules and tasks as these had become a bit dated - another thing Owner had pointed out this week.


Armando said...

Very nice to see your Owner being served well. You look lovely in those cute boots hon, cheers

Poppet Subslut said...

Thank you Armando.


Mistress Marie said...

Sounds like a very rough week and I am sure you felt just awful as one mistake after the other piled up, but at least you turned it around and can make up for disappointing her. I think disappointing the one you serve is the worst punishment of all. There is no perfect slave or submissive though, that is why there are rules and consequences to those rules not being followed.

Poppet Subslut said...

Very true Mistress Marie, very true.
