i am so sorry it has been so long between posts and am really sorry to have caused concern to some to see if we are OK. In truth, March was not the best of months and it rather knocked Owners and my life a little off-kilter. As i previously posted Owner had an operation last month. The operation was a small one and went well and She has now almost fully healed but we are still waiting for the results of the tests they had to do until She gets the final all clear. This, combined with the discomfort of the stitches, meant that it wasn't exactly a month when Owner felt like doing much. She also hurt Her back and was generally feeling under the weather. It was also combined with a busy period for me at work and we also spent time visiting family in the UK and Spain. The combined consequence of all of this was that a number of the daily routines i usually undertake in the evening fell by the wayside as, instead, Owner and i spent our evenings and spare time together snuggled up on the sofa watching DVDs.
This has meant that there hasn't really felt like here has been much to blog or report about other than that sometimes life can and does get in the way for all of us at times, and that has very much been the case this past month. However, there have, nevertheless, been some notable developments that have occurred which i believe auger well for the continued strengthening and deepening of our Femdom relationship.
One of the most significant, albeit perhaps seemingly trivial, one of these was the new rule that Owner established for me when it comes to eating out in restaurants. Owner declared at the end of last year that, from now on, i was to expect that She would be the one who would take all decisions regarding what i was to be permitted to eat or not when we ate out. In short, the menu would, for me, become redundant. In truth, it took a while for Owner to establish the rule in practice. However, it has now become very much the norm. It was even the case that when we ate our with our respective parents and family it was Owner who (discretely) told me what it was that i was going to eat. It has become another example of how routine decisions about how i live my life are now made exclusively by Owner.
Last month i also completed the last of my public dildo challenges by deep-throating my dildo in a shop changing room. You can see the end result below
Each of these challenges proved great fun to do and i hope there might be other, more challenging, ones in future. It seems a lifetime ago that i wasn't able to deep-throat, now i can open my mouth and gag on a phallus quite easily...just as a good slut should :).
The end of March also marked the formal end of my current 'Plin Plan Plon' development period. It is fair to say that i have not completed a number of the tasks that i was supposed to and i will have to wait to see if Owner feels me worthy of being granted an extension or not. i will, of course, update when i know the outcome.
Thanks again to those who expressed concern about our welfare and sorry to have been the cause of concern in the first place. i will try to ensure i blog on a more regular basis again.
Hugs and kisses to you all.