Saturday, 14 May 2022

It's That Time Of Year Again

Excitement is building this weekend as tonight it is time for the annual dance, light, political and music extravaganza that is Eurovision! i am a huge fan of the Eurovision song contest, i love its camp silliness, the often terrible songs and the politics of the voting. Owner is less of a fan but humours my annual enthusiasm, She even once took me to Vienna once so that we would be in the city where the contest was being hosted that year.

This year the contest is being hosted by Turin as Italy won the contest last year. So tonight Owner and i will be sitting down with a limoncello cocktail and a platter of snacks for a few hours of musical and political silliness whilst Whatsapp goes into a frenzied meltdown as we discuss and debate the highs and lows of the show with friends and family. Also, as has become an annual ritual, a small competition will be run between us which culminates in me purchasing and awarding a small 'trophy' to the person who wins the Whatsapp group Eurovision competition. i have yet to win it myself, maybe this will be my year??

Meanwhile, in non-Eurovision news, i am now booked in to get my right breast tattooed with Owners' design next weekend. i am very excited at the prospect. It will mean that each of my breasts will have been tattooed and will be the ninth such tattoo i will have had done to mark me as being Owned by Her and to symbolise an aspect of my relationship with Her. My new tattoo will represent the fact that my being beaten and suffering pain at Owners' hands is a token of Her love for me. In short, it represents part of the more BDSM aspect of our relationship.  

Finally, last Sunday Owner and i enjoyed an afternoon in South Kensington, West London visiting an exhibition of miniature artworks, some so small that they could only be viewed through a microscope. Called Small is Beautiful it is well worth visiting if you can. We went for lunch in a nearby pub beforehand where Owner took this picture of me

t-shirt weather has started to arrive


vanessachaland said...

Jealous over here...sounds like a wonderful event that would be fun to attend.

Side note to self, get eye exam. I initially misread as: "Owner is less of a fan but humours my anal enthusiasm"... :)

Anonymous said...

Your clit can only be viewed by a telescope poppet šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ mines the same don’t worry Im sure we are not the only ones in chastity because we are small love sissy Natalie xxx

Poppet Subslut said...

Vanessa - ha, ha, ha...mind you, that would be pretty accurate too as i do love to be stretched open.

But back to Eurovision, it is a great event and is also a great platform for celebrating people of all genders and identities, the religious right in the US would hate it.

Las night, and somewhat surprisingly given i thought the song was pants, the UK song came second behind Ukraine. Slava Ukraini!


Poppet Subslut said...

Natalie - yes it's pretty small. In fact, Owner genuinely remarked when we were going around the exhibition that it could have been included as an exhibit :)
