Sunday, 12 February 2023

This is How we Roll

Occasional readers of this blog may, depending upon which article they stumble across, leave with the impression that the FLR relationship Owner and i share is one filled only with canings, cleaning and chastity. This could not be farther from being the full picture. Although each of the aforementioned are a central and lived element of our lives together the glue that truly binds fun. We both love each others company and truly enjoy ourselves. Neither of us takes ourselves that seriously and i am often allowed to 'get away' with things that, in other Femdom households, might be met with disapproval.

Take yesterday for example. The image below is me drinking my Saturday morning glass of Owners pee, broom in hand still dressed in my dressing gown and nightie, about to sweep the floors - whilst listening to some music on my headphones. 

this is how i roll

Which tracks was i listening to you ask? Oh an eclectic blend comprising tunes by: Pink, The Cure, Elvis (specifically' Suspicious Minds' which in my view is the only good song he ever did and this the only Elvis track on my shuffle), Los Suaves, Måneskin, Rufus Du Sol, AC/DC, Kylie Minogue, Veruca Salt, Scissor Sisters and the Better Oblivion Community Centre. Just a tiny window into my playlist - we have a small flat so it does not take too long to sweep.

Floor sweeping over i then cleaned our fish tank, studied some Spanish and did some washing before Owner and i headed out to North London where She took me for lunch and then to Sadlers Wells to watch a dance performance. On the journey home Owner then surprised me by suggesting we pop into a local bar for a drink, which turned into a few drinks and some food. We had a lovely time, which i think this photo of the two of us conveys

drinks in the bar with Owner

Today, meanwhile i am counting down the hours before i head off to get pierced 'down there'. i am a little nervous, not about the prospect of being pierced. Been there and done that a few times, it doesn't hurt. Rather i am nervous about the fact that it is a guiche piercing and so i will have to remove my panties and spread my legs for the piercer - who in turn will be 'treated' to a close-up view of my caged clit and pussy/arse. 

i will be unaccompanied as Owner is staying at home. Whilst i am following Her instructions and getting permanently accessorised She will be at home updating my weekly task/challenge list and activities and also the outdoor challenge types/locations on Her outdoor challenge dice. The next one of these will be taking place on the 16th as usual, which is only a few days away. i wonder what i will have to do?

Finally, as per my update on the previous blog the traffic numbers through this blog actually seem to be stable (i thought they'd suddenly fallen) so maybe there isn't that much of an issue with blogger after all?


sissie billie said...

It does come as a shock to some that there is a vanilla life that everything else hangs off.

We were at a Garden Centre yesterday doing just a normal thing of getting some bulbs and plants for the garden as well as having quite a nice lunch.

If only people knew about the 3 people at the table in the corner....

billie xxx

Poppet Subslut said...

There's many an 'interesting' person that can be found perusing the perennials in the garden centre :)


sissie billie said...

Perusing the Perennials in there is a blog post title and idea🤔🤔

Billie 💋💋💋

Poppet Subslut said...

Indeed billie, maybe we should do a 'gardening' special full of bushes, water features and other interesting things :)
