i say this particular anniversary as it would be another few months before what started out as a purely platonic relationship moved onto something more intimate. That happened in October of that same year when Owner first kissed me, that time in Charing Cross station in London. That was on the 6th October 2005 and that date marks the second of our annual anniversaries. It was then just a few months after that date that Owner accepted my written request to submit to Her and She moved in with me and the rest, as they say is history.
Except, of course, that this year we added a new chapter to our relationship when Owner formally took me as Her legal wife when we were married in Las Vegas. That took place on 16th February, which will now become our third significant anniversary date.
i could throw in a whole host of other significant dates, the first time i wore make-up and started down the road of feminisation, the first time i went into chastity, our first contract, my first tattoo symbolising our relationship, the first time Owner fucked me, the last time i was permitted inside Her (which was a very long time ago - almost 10 years), my first maid's uniform, the last time i had full control over my finances,, the date we disposed of all my possessions, the first course i attended to improve my domestic skills, the first time i was collared in public, the first day i wore make-up to work, the day Owner bought me my first bra, the first time She presented Her arse for me to lick, the first time She caned me, the first short story i wrote, the first jewellery She bought for me and so on.
But, the 31st May remains the most special of days to me as it was the first ever time that we met in the flesh ad it was the first day of the start of my new life (though i did not know that then). Meeting Owner was the luckiest thing that has ever happened to me. i love and adore Her and i know that She loves me too. Some couples grow apart but we have only ever grown closer together. She is my life and i thank Her from the bottom of my heart for making me the happiest pet and wife in the world.
Unfortunately, we might not be able to make it to the restaurant near Bond Street to celebrate our 13th anniversary quite as soon as we had hoped. Yesterday, when i was running to catch a train to go to work i managed to tear my calf muscle. So Owner is spending our 13th anniversary as my nurse when it should obviously be me who ought to be looking after Her.
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with my crutches and my anniversary card from Owner |
One final anniversary to mention. In August of this year it will be the 10th anniversary of this blog. i have some ideas for how to mark the occasion but if anyone has any suggestions for us to consider or questions they'd like answers to (within reason!) then we'd love to hear them.