2017 has started, for me at least, with an exciting new arrival. At my own request Owner consented to me purchasing a new, and much smaller, chastity device. Regular readers will know that we have tried many, many devices over the years, some more successfully than others. Previous to my latest purchase we had bought a pink
Holy Trainer .This was a good device in many respects, it has an ingenious locking device and is comfortable to wear and being non-metallic can get through airport security without any problems. However, being non-metal means it does need removing and cleaning more than metal devices do. It;s biggest drawback though - for me - was it's size. I should stress here that it is not big, but i am quite small in that regard AND i also like to wear tight trousers and it is not easy to conceal. As a result i was less keen on wearing it.
A combination of this and the onset of my own then Owners health issues meant its use declined and it hasn't been worn for a good few months. Orgasm denial was maintained, albeit without the physical presence of a device. That said, Owner remarked on a few occasions when we were in bed that i was absent-mindedly caressing myself 'down there' ie i wasn't masturbating to orgasm but i was touching myself. i have also previously blogged about how, for me personally, i actually like being in chastity. Left to my own devices i would be thrilled and excited to be locked-up ad-infinitum with only limited or no chances of orgasm.
Anyway, fast forward to today. At the weekend i saw a cheap (it's Chinese made) metal device on line that was advertised as being the world's smallest chastity device,
the Nano. It immediately attracted my interest. It's small (tiny in fact) but i am small too. It would be easy to disguise its presence even under very tight trousers. It's metal so shouldn't need removing for cleaning as often, And it was very cheap. This means it could be tried and if it doesn't work, well the bank hasn't been broken. Anyway, to cut a long story short i ordered it this weekend and it arrived today! This is it in situ
As you can see it is, indeed, very small. i am excited, Owner a little sceptical, time will tell. One of the immediate potential pluses i can see which hadn't occurred to me before putting the device on is that it leaves my testicles nicely exposed and accessible for Owner when Her shoulder is recovered.
Talking of Owners shoulder, it remains very painful and frozen. However, one of the 'positives' (if i can put it that way) of what has been, and remains, a horrible and extremely uncomfortable experience for Her is that it has highlighted a couple of additional activities for me to take on as Her wife. i am now the one who brushes and dries Her hair after it has been washed. This started because She physically could no longer comfortably reach to do it. It is now routine and is something i hope to always continue to do for Her after She has fully recovered Her movement in Her shoulder.
The second activity is that i now also give Owner daily massages, mostly in the evenings but sometimes mornings and evenings too. This is something i really enjoy doing and makes use of the massage skills i acquired a couple of years back when Owner instructed me to do some massage classes. Again, i can't believe this wasn't already something that She normally expected from me and is something i would hope i will continue to provide Her each day even when She is fully recovered.
Although Owner is still physically no better than when i last blogged i am pleased to say that She at least now has a physically fully OK wife again i.e. me. Although things took a knock and some of my routines became a little rusty due to my own health issues they are now back being implemented. The core of Owners control and domination of me and my submission to Her also never waned over these past few 'difficult' months. Owner continued to, and still does, control me completely in every aspect of my life outside of my work - and i love and adore Her all the more for it.
Owner having financial control over me was something that was implemented in 2016 with my being limited to a monthly allowance from which i was tasked with saving enough to get as ankle tattoo. Well, the good news is that one year on i think i have enough to get one done. i have made an appointment later this month for a consultation on the design and to agree costings. Assuming my mental estimate isn't too far out it won't be long until i will soon be sporting a beautiful and permanent slave ankle bracelet to complement the other tattoos i have that Owner selected for me.
i start the year remembering that i truly am blessed. Yes, the world may be an increasingly fucked-up place but in my Owner i could never have hoped to have met a more wonderful person, She truly is my guide through life and i want nothing more than to serve and obey and be dominated by Her absolutely - doing this is what brings me my greatest pleasure and joy.