i am lucky in that my work gives me more days of annual leave a year than does Owners' employer, ten days more to be precise. As befitting Owners' submissive housewife it has now been long established that i should use these additional days of leave constructively, such as by attending courses or some such useful activity. Well, this week i have been enjoying a whole week off from work - a week that i have mostly spent up a ladder painting our flat. i confess to being pretty hopeless when it comes to most types of DIY but i can just about cope with painting and decorating. And so this is what i have been doing all week.
Owner took this picture of me 'in action' - do you like my shower hat and glamorous decorators attire? :)
Once everything has been painted i will have provided a canvas of sorts for Owner to then decide what pictures or ornaments (if any) will go on display. All decisions relating to how our flat is decorated are made by Her alone.
i also had another job to do this week, namely to begin the process of closing down my bank account to enable Owner to exercise total financial control over me. The lady i saw in the bank was incredibly helpful in getting everything set-up so that come the middle of next month i will no longer have my own separate bank account and my salary will instead be paid direct to the joint account that Owner manages for us both. The reality has been that for over a year i have had only limited access to my own bank account anyway, Owner retained my bank card and i needed Her permission to spend money from it. But, the account still existed, as it has done since i was sixteen years old, in my name as my own bank account. In a few weeks time that will no longer be the case, ten account will close and Owners financial control will become complete. Though it felt somewhat like the end of an era to begin the process of closing it down and with it to make formal the end of my financial independence it also feels right and proper.
As of the middle of next month Owner will take total control of me financially. It feels oddly liberating and exciting to voluntarily enter into a state of financial dependence on Her. She will continue to set aside a small proportion of my salary each month for me to spend (currently this is set at £100 a month but She has stated She will review this -it could go down) as a monthly allowance that is transferred into a separate account that we set up just over a year ago for just this purpise, so that i have access to a bank card. My salary, except money that is set aside for my savings each month, will in effect become Hers to spend as She sees fit. It's quite a step to enter into but it is a good one.
A blog documenting my experience in a Female-led relationship with my wonderful Owner
Thursday, 27 April 2017
Sunday, 23 April 2017
Sewing Lessons Part 1
So today i had the first of my two days of training to learn how to use a sewing machine. It was an all day introduction to using a sewing machine course which Owner had found for me so that i might learn another useful skill as Her housewife. There were eight of us on the course plus the tutor, i was the only non-female.
During today's lesson we learnt how to thread and operate a sewing machine and the various different types of stitches that can be created. We were then taught how to sew a simple item, i sewed this tote bag which i am really rather pleased with. i cut out the materials and did all of the sewing myself, albeit with the help of the tutor.
Owner was impressed when i showed Her the results of my efforts when i got home.
Next weekend we move onto some more advanced skills, such as fitting zips and buttons and then we all get to make some either a pair of shorts or a skirt. Guess which i will be choosing!:) The course really was fun and i think i am starting to learn a new skill that may come in use, especially if i am permitted to invest in a sewing machine.
Talking of money, tomorrow i go to the bank to start the process of transferring my finances across so that they are under Owners control. As Owner's domination of me deepens,hopefully my skills as a Her housewife will continue to increase.
During today's lesson we learnt how to thread and operate a sewing machine and the various different types of stitches that can be created. We were then taught how to sew a simple item, i sewed this tote bag which i am really rather pleased with. i cut out the materials and did all of the sewing myself, albeit with the help of the tutor.
Owner was impressed when i showed Her the results of my efforts when i got home.
Next weekend we move onto some more advanced skills, such as fitting zips and buttons and then we all get to make some either a pair of shorts or a skirt. Guess which i will be choosing!:) The course really was fun and i think i am starting to learn a new skill that may come in use, especially if i am permitted to invest in a sewing machine.
Talking of money, tomorrow i go to the bank to start the process of transferring my finances across so that they are under Owners control. As Owner's domination of me deepens,hopefully my skills as a Her housewife will continue to increase.
financial control,
Sunday, 16 April 2017
Lovely Long Weekend and Financial Control Update
Owner and i are both really enjoying the long Easter weekend. After going for a woodland walk on Friday yesterday saw us at the movies to watch 'The Handmaiden', a film adaptation of the book 'Fingersmith'. The film really is well worth seeing. Afterwards we went to one of our local pubs and Owner let me have some alcoholic drinks.
Today we headed west by train to a part of London little explored by either of us. Our destination was Strawberry Hill House, former home Horace Walpole and the birthplace of the Gothic literary genre. He wrote 'The Castle of Ontranto' there, regarded as being the first Gothic novel. The house has been largely restored and is well worth a visit.
On the train journey home Owner treated me to carresses of my chastised 'clitty' and repeatededly spanked my testes through the fabric of my jeans. i sat on the seat in the carriage with my legs spread wide open to afford Owner an easier target and 'enjoyed' the feeling of being left excited and aroused by Her as i watched London pass by out of the window. Needless to say it was a wonderful, albeit frustrating, journey and one i did not want to end!
Yesterday was also quite a big day in terms of Owners control over me and its further strengthening. For just over a year now i have not been permitted access to my main current account bank card without asking first asking Owner for permission to use them. Instead, we created a new account with a different bank into which i transfer a set amount each month (£100) which was to be my allowance for the month. This system worked well but it still meant that Owner had only partial control of my finances, i still maintained a separate bank account which my salary was paid into, albeit an account i needed Her permission to access.
Anyway, as of next month i will be closing that main account of mine down. Instead, my salary will be paid direct into the joint account Owner and i already have so that She can control and use the money accordingly. i will be restricted to accessing ans spending just my 'allowance' monthly allowance, whatever She determines that to be in future, except for household purchases such as food etc which will come out of the 'joint' account. This way Owner will now have full access to, and control over, the money i earn and can completely control and monitor my expenditure. i am really pleased at the prospect of this new arrangement and of Owner exercising such a degree of financial control over me.
i should add a health warning to anyone reading this who is considering having their partner take total control of their finances. i have known Owner many years and we have complete trust in each other. I will also still have a separate account for my savings and will continue to pay into that. Neither of us would suggest entering into a financial control arrangement such as the one we are unless you are completely sure of things with your partner and have some form of independent finances you could still access if everything goes wrong between you both.
Today we headed west by train to a part of London little explored by either of us. Our destination was Strawberry Hill House, former home Horace Walpole and the birthplace of the Gothic literary genre. He wrote 'The Castle of Ontranto' there, regarded as being the first Gothic novel. The house has been largely restored and is well worth a visit.
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Channelling the disco spirit in Horace Walpole's Strawberry Hill House |
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Strawberry Hill House and Grounds |
On the train journey home Owner treated me to carresses of my chastised 'clitty' and repeatededly spanked my testes through the fabric of my jeans. i sat on the seat in the carriage with my legs spread wide open to afford Owner an easier target and 'enjoyed' the feeling of being left excited and aroused by Her as i watched London pass by out of the window. Needless to say it was a wonderful, albeit frustrating, journey and one i did not want to end!
Yesterday was also quite a big day in terms of Owners control over me and its further strengthening. For just over a year now i have not been permitted access to my main current account bank card without asking first asking Owner for permission to use them. Instead, we created a new account with a different bank into which i transfer a set amount each month (£100) which was to be my allowance for the month. This system worked well but it still meant that Owner had only partial control of my finances, i still maintained a separate bank account which my salary was paid into, albeit an account i needed Her permission to access.
Anyway, as of next month i will be closing that main account of mine down. Instead, my salary will be paid direct into the joint account Owner and i already have so that She can control and use the money accordingly. i will be restricted to accessing ans spending just my 'allowance' monthly allowance, whatever She determines that to be in future, except for household purchases such as food etc which will come out of the 'joint' account. This way Owner will now have full access to, and control over, the money i earn and can completely control and monitor my expenditure. i am really pleased at the prospect of this new arrangement and of Owner exercising such a degree of financial control over me.
i should add a health warning to anyone reading this who is considering having their partner take total control of their finances. i have known Owner many years and we have complete trust in each other. I will also still have a separate account for my savings and will continue to pay into that. Neither of us would suggest entering into a financial control arrangement such as the one we are unless you are completely sure of things with your partner and have some form of independent finances you could still access if everything goes wrong between you both.
easter weekend,
financial control,
spanked clit
Saturday, 15 April 2017
The View From The Foothills
Sometimes it is only when you look back that you see how far you have travelled. It is certainly the case that with Owner and i, and specifically with the nature of our Female-led relationship and my submission to Her, we have indeed journeyed a long way.
Anyone who has followed this little blog of ours over the years will know by now that our story began just over twelve years ago when we met each other for the first time online. We were both emerging out of divorces and looking for new friends and companions. Neither of us was looking for romance. After getting to know one another in cyberspace we met for the first time in May 2005 at Bond Street tube station and went for lunch to a pizza restaurant, we still go to that same restaurant on the same day every year. For months we were 'just friends' until one day in October that same year Owner, bored of waiting, kissed me in London's Charing Cross station. We have been together ever since.
However, at first ours was very vanilla relationship. That changed when i nervously wrote Owner a letter inviting Owner to move in with me and asking to be allowed to submit to Her and for Her to dominate me (or words to that affect). To my delight She said yes.
Those first few years we played a lot and tried many different approaches before we found an approach that worked for us as a couple whereby i could truly began to fully submit to Owner. In those same years we also started to experiment with 'forced feminisation'. Once opened that particular Pandora proved impossible to go back into its box, and i am eternally thankful to Owner that She took my 'unlocked' femininity in Her stride.
We are now in a place where i live my life in a way that i could never have dreamt would be possible all those years ago and we do so in a way that is not a game that we dip in and out of, we live this 24/7 365 days a year. Owner is not your fantasy dominant wielding a whip and wearing heels. She is most likely to be found at home in a pair of tracksuit bottoms and slippers and spending Her time reading or researching something or other whilst i try to busy myself around the flat. If there was a live webcam of us it would most likely be as thrilling as watching paint dry much of the time, we live much as i imagine many other couples do, except that Owner is 100% in charge.
So what, you might ask, does that mean? Well, in case you are reading this blog looking for ideas of how you too could submit to your better half and what such a relationship might practically consist of (as we both spent years researching ourselves online and in forums when we first set out) then here are some examples of what my submission to Owner and Her domination of me looks like on a daily basis;
None of this would be possible were it not for the fact that Owner and i are best friends and love each other deeply. Her domination and my submission is built from an already strong relationship where we talk and share and communicate openly with each other. It has strong foundations from which we are building a strong Femdom/FLR frame.
So, why have i entitled this post 'The View From The Foothills'? Because, ours is a journey and we keep evolving, strengthening and deepening Owners domination of me and my submission to Her. i hope, and we strive, to keep strenghtening it further. As a professional trainer in real life Owner knows that i can sometimes get carried away and have unrealistic hopes/fantasies about what might be possible for us. Her style is gradual, to slowly, incrementally change and increase so that i normalise and get used to a new reality before the screw tightens a little further. She is an expert and highly adept at knowing how to have me sustainably submit completely to Her in a way that becomes embedded and lasts. We have, i hope many, many more years of growth and development still ahead of us, there are beautiful mountain peaks i would one day long to scale, we have come a long way but there is much fun to be had on the path ahead.
Anyone who has followed this little blog of ours over the years will know by now that our story began just over twelve years ago when we met each other for the first time online. We were both emerging out of divorces and looking for new friends and companions. Neither of us was looking for romance. After getting to know one another in cyberspace we met for the first time in May 2005 at Bond Street tube station and went for lunch to a pizza restaurant, we still go to that same restaurant on the same day every year. For months we were 'just friends' until one day in October that same year Owner, bored of waiting, kissed me in London's Charing Cross station. We have been together ever since.
However, at first ours was very vanilla relationship. That changed when i nervously wrote Owner a letter inviting Owner to move in with me and asking to be allowed to submit to Her and for Her to dominate me (or words to that affect). To my delight She said yes.
Those first few years we played a lot and tried many different approaches before we found an approach that worked for us as a couple whereby i could truly began to fully submit to Owner. In those same years we also started to experiment with 'forced feminisation'. Once opened that particular Pandora proved impossible to go back into its box, and i am eternally thankful to Owner that She took my 'unlocked' femininity in Her stride.
We are now in a place where i live my life in a way that i could never have dreamt would be possible all those years ago and we do so in a way that is not a game that we dip in and out of, we live this 24/7 365 days a year. Owner is not your fantasy dominant wielding a whip and wearing heels. She is most likely to be found at home in a pair of tracksuit bottoms and slippers and spending Her time reading or researching something or other whilst i try to busy myself around the flat. If there was a live webcam of us it would most likely be as thrilling as watching paint dry much of the time, we live much as i imagine many other couples do, except that Owner is 100% in charge.
So what, you might ask, does that mean? Well, in case you are reading this blog looking for ideas of how you too could submit to your better half and what such a relationship might practically consist of (as we both spent years researching ourselves online and in forums when we first set out) then here are some examples of what my submission to Owner and Her domination of me looks like on a daily basis;
- i prepare all our meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), i bake and i try to offer Owner meal choices - incidentally Owner is a great cook and She does occasionally cook
- i am responsible for all grocery and household shopping and for ensuring we are fully provisioned and keep a track of what needs using/replacing (i do not always get this right and am punished if and when i cock-up)
- i do all the household cleaning (i have a daily rota), clothes washing and ironing etc
- i am encouraged to learn new and practical skills and sometimes get sent on courses to learn - for examples so far courses i have completed have included massage, manicure, flower arranging, knitting etc
- the flat is decorated etc entirely according to Owners taste, we disposed of the things i once owned and i no longer have any possessions
- i may only purchase clothes that Owner approves of, must seek Her approval for what i can wear on weekdays and She chooses what i wear at weekends
- Owner controls my finances. i still have my own bank account but need Her permission to use that bank card, instead i have a separate account in which my monthly allowance of £100 is transferred - this is to cover my monthly costs (minus travel which is not included)
- i have no say in what i eat when we go out, Owner chooses my meals for me and will tell me whether or not i am permitted an alcoholic drink
- my social media access is restricted to stop me time wasting
- i am encouraged to use my free time constructively i.e. to learn new skills, practice my Spanish (Owner is Spanish) etc
- i must never under any circumstances initiate sex, my role is that of Owners sex toy to be used if and when She chooses.
- Owner and i last had 'tradional' i.e. me penetrating Her sex, over eight years ago. She can and does penetrate me and is in control of whether or not i am permitted to orgasm. i last orgasmed over 8 months ago and am regularly locked in chastity, this year i have been locked without release since the 10th January.
- i have been collared for most of our time together, i wear a metal 'public' collar all day (including at work) and at home also wear a leather collar and cuffs connected by a chain.
- Owner has supported my feminisation and i have been allowed to become increasingly feminine over the years. i now wear make-up daily (including to work) my wardrobe is entirely made-up of women's clothes and i am allowed to wear a bra, including a padded bra, on certain days
- i have a 'smock uniform' that i am expected to wear at home when cleaning, when i work from home i dress like a slightly saucy female secretary and can dress more illiberally for 'dress down Fridays' when i work from home. i am now accustomed to taking deliveries, talking to our neighbour etc wearing stockings and skirts (whether they are or not is another matter!)
- Owner makes all decisions. She decides where and when we go on holiday, what furniture we need, what we will do for the weekend etc. She does, however, expect and encourage me to provide Her with suggestions but the actual decision is Hers alone.
None of this would be possible were it not for the fact that Owner and i are best friends and love each other deeply. Her domination and my submission is built from an already strong relationship where we talk and share and communicate openly with each other. It has strong foundations from which we are building a strong Femdom/FLR frame.
So, why have i entitled this post 'The View From The Foothills'? Because, ours is a journey and we keep evolving, strengthening and deepening Owners domination of me and my submission to Her. i hope, and we strive, to keep strenghtening it further. As a professional trainer in real life Owner knows that i can sometimes get carried away and have unrealistic hopes/fantasies about what might be possible for us. Her style is gradual, to slowly, incrementally change and increase so that i normalise and get used to a new reality before the screw tightens a little further. She is an expert and highly adept at knowing how to have me sustainably submit completely to Her in a way that becomes embedded and lasts. We have, i hope many, many more years of growth and development still ahead of us, there are beautiful mountain peaks i would one day long to scale, we have come a long way but there is much fun to be had on the path ahead.
Female-led relationship,
Friday, 14 April 2017
Less Good More Naughty Friday
Owner and i went for a walk in one of South London's myriad woods. We took some sandwiches and snacks with us for nourishment. We had a lovely spring walk observing all of the trees coming into leaf and seeing birds foraging and building nests.
But what was missing from this scene was the sight of a nearly naked (i can't believe i forgot to take my socks off!) submissive hiding in the undergrowth wearing just their bra and a butt plug with a furry tail attached. That was until Owner spotted one of these strangely ellusive creatures and was able to take a quick photo as it took cover inside a natural bower
Spotted and flushed from in its lair and out into the open woodland the beast threw on a jacket to protect its modesty and posed for a quick photo
Before it fled down the path and into the depths of the wood beyond :)
We hope everyone had as fun a start to the long weekend as we had in the woods this morning.
But what was missing from this scene was the sight of a nearly naked (i can't believe i forgot to take my socks off!) submissive hiding in the undergrowth wearing just their bra and a butt plug with a furry tail attached. That was until Owner spotted one of these strangely ellusive creatures and was able to take a quick photo as it took cover inside a natural bower
Spotted and flushed from in its lair and out into the open woodland the beast threw on a jacket to protect its modesty and posed for a quick photo
Before it fled down the path and into the depths of the wood beyond :)
We hope everyone had as fun a start to the long weekend as we had in the woods this morning.
butt plugs,
furry butt plug
Sunday, 9 April 2017
Owners' Birthday + Treats For Me
The weekend of the 1st April was Owners actual birthday. For Her present i bought Her some earrings and took Her out to celebrate with a birthday meal at a gluten-free restaurant in Central London we haven't visited before. We had a very enjoyable evening. The second part of my present to Her was a return visit to the Bermondsey Square hotel and its private rooftop hot-tub (which is where Owner took me for my birthday a few months previously). The weather in London was glorious and we got to lounge around in the hot tub once again enjoying the views of this great city. i even got to get in a bit of sunbathing as well on the terrace outside our room.
Although the hotel visit was part of my treat to Owner She also used it to give me some treats of Her own. This morning She administered the most wonderful of clit-spankings and nipple tormenting which left me highly aroused and wonderfully frustrated (i have now spent a glorious 4 months being locked up 24/7).
Owner also used the opportunity to take dome pictures of me, with me very happy indeed to pose as Her muse (i am a complete tart when it comes to Owner and Her camera). i really liked posing for this 'Athena' style picture of me with my butt plug in place looking out from the hotel balcony.
Owner permitted me to buy a new bra the other week from Little Women (our favourite shop for bras for me) the photos.
In fact, She took so many pictures of me posing just in the bra that Her phone created this little GIF of me, which we hope you enjoy
In the meantime, in addition to the sewing course which Owner had me enrol on, and which starts later this month, She also instructed me to enrol on some Spanish evening classes. My first session starts on Tuesday.
Owner also stated that She thinks (correctly) that my life is too easy and that She will be looking for additional ways to deepen Her domination of me and make my life less relaxed. i really welcome Her taking such an active interest in further extending Her control and domination of me and know that, in doing so, it makes me a better and more useful person for Her. One day i hope to get to a point where Her control of me is absolute and each step we take closer towards that point the happier it makes me. The latest small example of this is that although i already needed to seek Her permission before i could post anything to facebook (where my/our vanilla life plays out) Owner has now stated that from now on i will also be restricted posting a maximum of two posts per week. She has also begun to research ways to deepen Her control over my finances.
With each turn of the domination screw by Her the more complete and fulfilled She makes my life. here was a moment today in the hot-tub when, thanks to the buoyancy afforded to our bodies when in water, She was able to cradle me in Her arms like a child with my cheek nuzzled against the small of Her neck. It was such a perfect little moment and one which felt physically how i feel emotionally all the time with Her, that is to say loved, cherished and nurtured and this feeling deepens and strengthens with each passing year and as Her control of me becomes more total.
Gracias mi amor.
Although the hotel visit was part of my treat to Owner She also used it to give me some treats of Her own. This morning She administered the most wonderful of clit-spankings and nipple tormenting which left me highly aroused and wonderfully frustrated (i have now spent a glorious 4 months being locked up 24/7).
Owner also used the opportunity to take dome pictures of me, with me very happy indeed to pose as Her muse (i am a complete tart when it comes to Owner and Her camera). i really liked posing for this 'Athena' style picture of me with my butt plug in place looking out from the hotel balcony.
Locked and plugged and very, very happy |
Owner permitted me to buy a new bra the other week from Little Women (our favourite shop for bras for me) the photos.
New 'Heidi' bra from Little Women |
In fact, She took so many pictures of me posing just in the bra that Her phone created this little GIF of me, which we hope you enjoy
Owner also stated that She thinks (correctly) that my life is too easy and that She will be looking for additional ways to deepen Her domination of me and make my life less relaxed. i really welcome Her taking such an active interest in further extending Her control and domination of me and know that, in doing so, it makes me a better and more useful person for Her. One day i hope to get to a point where Her control of me is absolute and each step we take closer towards that point the happier it makes me. The latest small example of this is that although i already needed to seek Her permission before i could post anything to facebook (where my/our vanilla life plays out) Owner has now stated that from now on i will also be restricted posting a maximum of two posts per week. She has also begun to research ways to deepen Her control over my finances.
With each turn of the domination screw by Her the more complete and fulfilled She makes my life. here was a moment today in the hot-tub when, thanks to the buoyancy afforded to our bodies when in water, She was able to cradle me in Her arms like a child with my cheek nuzzled against the small of Her neck. It was such a perfect little moment and one which felt physically how i feel emotionally all the time with Her, that is to say loved, cherished and nurtured and this feeling deepens and strengthens with each passing year and as Her control of me becomes more total.
Gracias mi amor.
Saturday, 1 April 2017
Happy Birthday Owner
Today it is my wonderful Owners birthday. The past year has not been the best She has ever enjoyed as a result of Her frozen shoulder, Brexit and the various other bits of nonsense we have collectively had to put up with. However, hopefully things can, as the song says 'only get better' and She will enjoy a wonderful year. i baked Her favourite cake (gluten free marble cake) and am taking Her out for dinner tonight and then next weekend we make a return visit to a hot-tub, which will hopefully be both fun and therapeutic for Her.
In the meantime, there is not much to report. i am nearly finished editing what started as a new Femdom short story and ended up as a bit of a novella! i have been writing it for the past couple of months in between my day job and my home duties and now am just editing etc. Owner keeps hoping that one day i will write a bonk buster that will enable Her to retire but i don't think i have the talent. Still, they are fun to write and any monies earnt do go straight to Her. When completed it will be on my short stories page (though it is quite long!) on this blog and available from the usual online outlets.
Last week Owner took what i think is this rather good 'action' shot of me cleaning the floor in our lounge
Contrast the above outfit, me wearing one of my domestic cleaning ones, with this Fridays dress down Friday outfit which i wore whilst working from home
Hope you all have a great weekend and that your Spring or Autumn, depending on which half of the hemisphere you are in, is a great one.
In the meantime, there is not much to report. i am nearly finished editing what started as a new Femdom short story and ended up as a bit of a novella! i have been writing it for the past couple of months in between my day job and my home duties and now am just editing etc. Owner keeps hoping that one day i will write a bonk buster that will enable Her to retire but i don't think i have the talent. Still, they are fun to write and any monies earnt do go straight to Her. When completed it will be on my short stories page (though it is quite long!) on this blog and available from the usual online outlets.
Last week Owner took what i think is this rather good 'action' shot of me cleaning the floor in our lounge
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Check out my slippers! |
Hope you all have a great weekend and that your Spring or Autumn, depending on which half of the hemisphere you are in, is a great one.
dress down Friday,
Owners birthday,
short story
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