In response to a recent blog post a follower called Gr Herman asked a great question. He wrote:
Why do we like to drink piss so much [?]
Herman is also someone who likes to drink urine, albeit in his case he likes to mix his wife's piss with his own semen then drink it hands-free from a bowl on the floor. i can't speak for Herman but i can try to explain why it is that i really love drinking Owner's golden nectar.
My interest/fascination with urine dates back to my very early teens. It was at the age when i was just about able, for the first time, to develop an erection but was still unable to produce semen. Instead, i played with myself until i pissed. i don't know if i am alone in that or if other men experienced any similar such early association between urine and pleasure before they developed the ability to ejaculate? When out fishing (again in my early teens) i would also sometimes deliberately wet myself to enjoy the sensation of warm urine soaking my jeans. i can still picture the damp patch with steam rising from the denim as i stood next to the pond. It was an enjoyable, albeit furtive activity. At about the same age i also discovered my Dad's collection of adult magazines some of which also featured images of women wetting themselves. My interest in piss was set as was the connection in my brain between urine and pleasure.
However, that does not explain the piss-drinking. i am not totally sure when i first developed a passion for drinking Owners' piss. i know that i tasted my own back in my childhood/teenage years out of curiosity. Later on in life i first came across the idea of piss drinking via porn later. However, it wasn't until i met Owner that i first started drinking piss/being pissed upon, and even then not immediately. It is not something i had ever done with anyone else in life.
With Owner it would be a good few years into our relationship before my drinking Her urine became a 'thing' between us. Indeed, it was not until i started writing short stories (which were essentially me writing many of my inner fantasies) in the early twenty teens that Owner got to read about my fantasies about piss. Through sharing drafts of such stories with Her to check She encountered my fascination with urine. It seemed to trigger in Her a realisation that this might be something She could incorporate into Her burgeoning domination of me. Indeed, a brief search back through my blog unearthed this blog post from 2014 when i write about how, after reading a short story i had written, Owner went on to say that:
She might
incorporate my love of Her scent into aspects of our lives and routines.
Ideas such as having me sniff Her used panties on a regular basis, be
made to sit between and Her legs when She returns from work and just
sniff Her sex, having Her wet Her panties and them me suck them dry or
having to spray my face with a perfume diffuser filled with Her piss
before going out.
That blog post dates from about 8 years into our relationship so, as you can see, piss drinking was not something i did from the outset, far from it. Instead it was something that resided initially in my imagination and which Owner then began to incorporate into Her domination of me when She learnt of my fantasy. In other words, my piss drinking started as a fantasy that Owner helped make a reality.
Initially i have to confess that i did not like the taste. It is like when you drink beer for the first time, not always a taste you immediately enjoy. However, i soon acquired a taste for it. There is a marked difference between morning piss and evening piss. In the morning Owner's urine is a deep, rich amber with a heady aroma whereas later in the day it is much lighter, almost clear, and almost unscented. i initially preferred the afternoon piss but was typically offered the morning variety by Her to drink. Slowly my taste buds became accustomed to the new beverage. i now much prefer drinking Owner's morning piss and this is typically what i am served.
i am lucky in that i get to consume Owner's piss most weeks. A large glassful has become quite a weekend ritual, typically served to me by Her at breakfast. i really love it and miss not having it on the odd weekends when none is provided. Owner usually serves me Her piss in a large glass goblet that i had custom-made for just such a purpose, it is engraved with the words 'piss slut'.
Sometimes Owner will also fill a glass flask with piss for me to take to the park and drink. In the past She also sprayed me with Her piss using an old perfume bottle. If i am really lucky Owner will serve me piss direct from Her body, squatting over me and pissing down onto my upturned face and into my open mouth - She even bought me a funnel gag for just such moments, so that She could fill the gag with Her offering. She stands above me as i lay between Her legs and swallow Her golden cascade.
Pissing on me and having me consume Her piss is something Owner also enjoys and, as i mentioned, was in many ways something that developed between us at Her initiative. i am not sure i would have ever have directly asked Her to piss on me but writing it down in a story that was clearly as much about my own fantasy gave Owner the idea to incorporate it into Her domination of me. Like an animal marking its territory my consuming Her piss reinforces Owner's control and ownership of me.
Whilst some might see being pissed upon by their partner, or drinking their piss, as a humiliating act i don't see it that way. To me it is an intimate act of love, an affirmation of control and submission. Were complete strangers to piss on me then yes, that would be humiliating, even if enjoyable, as too would be to have to walk amongst strangers/the general public whilst soaked by and smelling of piss. Humiliating but also quite arousing.
Drinking Owner's piss has become a regular ritual. i would love to do so even more frequently than i do, but of course that is out of my hands. i especially love it when Owner stands astride of me and empties Herself over my face and into my mouth. It is a huge submissive high to be pissed on like that, to feel and watch as the golden cascade drenches me, soaking my hair, my cheeks, my chest and fill my mouth. The anticipation when looking up, waiting for the first droplets to fall is wonderful. For Owner it reinforces Her dominant status in relation to me. Pissing on me, Her slut wife, is something She enjoys doing.
So, in summary, what started as a childhood/teenage fascination with piss and an association between piss and pleasure evolved into the regular consumption of Owner's piss and its use as a reinforcement of Her control and my submission. Her urine is something i have come to really, really love the taste of. My craving for Owner's piss has, i think, heightened since i have stopped being allowed to orgasm and so no longer get to consume my own semen as i once did. It is an oral treat that i happily drink whenever it is offered, which is most weeks.
In truth, i would love to be able to consume Owner's urine on an even more regular basis and perhaps also be set more 'extreme' tasks or challenges by Her that incorporate urine. Things such as being urinated on by Her outdoors, consuming Her golden nectar in bars or restaurants, wearing clothing outdoors that is sodden with Her piss or even being pissed on by strangers under Owner's supervision. Another dark fantasy would be to be to have Owner force me to drink litres of liquid and stand, fully dressed but denied use of the bathroom until i could hold out no more and wet myself, or have me do the same in a public place and have to walk home, knickers, shoes and trousers sodden. i have also long fantasised about being used as Owner's human toilet, Her living latrine.
This in turn brings me to another matter - WARNING - some readers may not want to read further as what follows deals with something some may consider repulsive. i refer to faecal matter - or shit.
In addition to drinking Her piss i love, love, love worshiping and licking out Owner's anus. Her arsehole is actually the only part of Owner's body i am now permitted to penetrate, and then only with my tongue. Owner enjoys bringing Herself off whilst my tongue is probing deep inside Her anus. Inevitably, there is the odd occasion when my twirling tongue chances upon a tasty little nugget. Rather than be repelled my natural reaction is to work it into my mouth and to then swallow it. Why? Well i love the scent and taste of Her anus anyway so why not!
i am not talking here about Owner actually crapping in my mouth, i have no idea how i might react were that ever to happen - which i doubt. What i am referring to is the chance discovery of a small morsel or two of shit when i lick out Her anus. When that does happen i am happy to eat what i consider to be little treats. i am actually quite thrilled when this happens. As it is so rare an occurrence it is a wonderful little tasty surprise when it does.
i confess i have gone further in my head, have occasionally thought and fantasised about Owner defecating directly into my mouth as She would naturally into a toilet. i have written on here in tje past about such fantasies of mine, including this instance back in 2016. However, it is not something that has ever happened and i am doubtful it ever would. But then again, never say never and it is not something that, if it were to happen, would be a hard 'no' from me. As disgusting to some as this may sound i know i probably would consume such an offering were it to ever be served this way. It is, as i wrote back in 2016, an appealing thought the idea of being first smothered beneath Owners anus, lubricating it with my tongue and then having Her defecate straight into my mouth.
So there you have it. You now know things about me that you might never really have wanted to know! But if you have been a regular reader over the years there is nothing in what i have set out that i have not previously said. It is just this is the first time i have talked about drinking Owner's piss or consuming Her shit in such detail in a single article.
My thanks again go to Gr Herman for having prompted this post by posing the question he did. i would love to hear more about his and others experience with regard to this, albeit knowing it won't be to all readers tastes.
If any reader has other questions about this or any other subject please always feel free to flag them in a comment or email me direct about at
Thanks for reading. Cheers!
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one of multiple examples of me drinking Owner's piss