Living in a female-led relationship means that, whereas Owner is always free to do as She pleases, is free to go out whenever and with whom ever She might want, the same is not true for me. Of course i am allowed outside, but unless it is for work or to run an errand i must always seek Owners prior permission to do so. i have to tell Her where i would like to go, with whom, at what time, for how long and whether food or alcohol might be involved. Furthermore, i have to suggest a punishment that i might receive in return if my wish to go out unaccompanied by Her is grated by Owner.
Such need for prior permission is a further extension of Owners control and authority over me, and one that i greatly appreciate. She expects me to be at home as much as possible as Her stay at home wife. This is where i am happiest and where i too want to be. Accordingly, introducing the requirement that any solo outings by me to see friends and family require prior approval has helped me to focus my efforts on minimising such outings and maximising my time at home with Owner, where i belong.
In contrast, post-Covid Owner is starting to get Her get up and go back. She is not a social butterfly but She has been making more of an effort to get back out and catch-up with Her friends. She does this without me and i like the fact that that is the case. i find that i love being at home whilst She goes out for meals or drinks or even goes on short vacations with Her friends. i like it as it symbolises to me a crucial aspect of our relationship dynamic, one that i would not change for the world. Namely, Her freedom to do whatever She likes, whenever She likes and with whoever She likes and the absence of such freedom for me. The fact that i have to ask, that permission might be refused and that permission always comes with consequences.
Owner knows that whatever She does i will always be at home waiting for Her. Actually, that is not strictly true. i will be at home until alerted by Her that She is on Her way home. Then i will come to the station to collect Her and carry Her bag home from Her. i love that Owner has come to expect this of me, to have me live as Her stay at home wife whilst She is free to do as She pleases.
i love it even more that when She does leave me alone at home She expects that i will use my time wisely and constructively by getting on with my chores or any tasks that She has set for me. Take today for example. She has gone out for the day to meet friends for lunch and to spend the afternoon with them. i was left with my usual Sunday chores to complete, namely sweeping and mopping all of the floors. However, Owner also left me some additional tasks to keep me occupied whilst She went out.
i was instructed to clean all of Her jewellery, to remove the tarnish that had developed on some of Her rings and chains and to make them sparkle again. i was also tasked with doing some household research for Her. She wants to replace the blind on the kitchen and so tasked me with coming up with some options. She also set a little challenge for me, namely to do a Halloween-themed photo shoot whilst She was out, with at least one of the photos being taken outside. i was also expected to research and practice some ballet routines in readiness for a later performance i need to give Owner for Her entertainment. In short, i was kept busy and occupied doing things for Her, some practical, some educational and some a little more frivolous.
i truly love how our relationship has evolved into this dynamic. To be at home as Her stay-at-home wife making sure Her house is kept, completing tasks i have been set, all the while hoping She is out having a great time. This is the life i love to live. Submitting to and controlled by Owner.
Anyway, enough of my ramblings. Here are some of the Halloween pictures i took for Owner. i wore my witches outfit and took some pictures in the flat and then headed out (in the torrential rain) to a local cemetery to take some more 'atmospheric' ones. Let me know what you think. First off in the cemetery
and at home
It was fun to do and i am grateful to Owner for Her having set me this challenge.
Actually, talking of all things Halloween yesterday Owner and i carved out pumpkins. Guess which one is mine and which is Hers?
Owner also bought me a pair of Halloween spider earrings yesterday whilst She was out and i was home cleaning and dealing with another builder (nothing major just something that needed fixing). The latter did, however, give me another opportunity to be flaunt myself at home, this time in a sequined mini-skirt and stockings, to the lovely builder
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me and the builders tools |
After the builder had left and Owner and i had had our lunch we went for a walk and then had coffee in a cafe - which provided this opportunity to show off my spider earrings
When we returned home we then both watched a movie together.
So anyway, there you have it. A long and slightly rambling post about how much i love my life with Owner, a life in which She can and does expect me to stay at home and decides whether or not i am allowed to go out. A life as well where, when She goes out, Owner expects me to keep myself productively occupied and in which She knows She can and does make demands on how i spend my time whilst we are apart.
Owner knows that She is free to live Her life entirely as She chooses and that i will always be there, at home, hopefully spending my time productively and eagerly waiting for Her summons to come and collect Her. In fact, She has just texted me now to say She is on Her way back so i will draw this post to a close and leave it for Her to review and edit at Her convenience before publishing.