Owner and i are enjoying a productive weekend but one that has also seen us both relax and chill-out together. The weekend started with me doing some housework and having the opportunity to imbibe a delicious glass of Owner's finest nectar.
Next we moved onto a period of intensive clothes rummaging to identify items to be donated to charity. i should explain a key difference between Owner and i. It is that i am a horder and Owner is not. Given half the chance i will hold onto anything and everything on the off-chance that it might, some day in the dim and distant future, be of use. Over the years Owner has successfully managed to ensure i get rid of nearly everything that is not essential to me, or more importantly, of use to Her. My books, records, ornaments and general bric-a-brac have all long gone to the great jumble sale in the sky [Edit by Owner - I would like to point out that your CDs are still all on display and the two metal candlesticks are also yours]. Other than one or two items of genuine sentimental value everything on display in our flat is Hers [Owner: this is a lie]. Yes, our female-led relationship extends to household items too :)
Anyway, back to clothing. Owner presented me with an ultimatum, namely to identify clothes that i don't wear that could be recycled as my side of the wardrobe was getting 'ridiculous'. It was hard going through things and pulling stuff out to get rid of, but i did as i was told and soon had a couple of piles of clothes and shoes to get rid of. Owner also did the same exercise (unlike me She regularly has big clear-outs). Between us we filled five large black bin bags full of clothes, shoes and bags to donate to charity. Hopefully, my wardrobe is now 'safe' for a few more months [Owner: I will be the judge of that].
i also did some baking. i love to bake for Owner but for various reasons have not done so for ages. It felt good to have my hands deep in dough again and the resultant biscuits were, according to Owner, delicious.
On returning Owner gave me a caning (postponed from the night before on account of Her feeling knackered from work). i was caned hard across my bottom whilst my chastised clit was adorned with twenty mini-clothes pegs. It was painful but my bottom felt delightfully 'hot' afterwards.
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caned bottom and thighs |
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caged clit adorned with pegs |
It is not all about pain and punishments i do sometimes get to experience some pleasure too. Earlier in the week, after i had done my outdoor challenge, Owner treated me by allowing me to fuck myself with one of Her dildo's under Her supervision. It was a rare pleasure and one i quickly started to enjoy. Luckily Owner was on hand to ensure that i did not enjoy it too much. i was a good 'gurl' and didn't even leak let alone get anywhere close to cumming. However, it did leave me feeling wonderfully aroused.
Then yesterday, Owner returned from the shops with some drinks for us to have at home (rum and coke for Her and cider for me) whilst we settled in and watched a movie together. The film we saw was a wonderful Danish production called Another Round about a group of middle-aged, male teachers who decide their work and relationships would be much improved if they spent all of their time drunk. It is fair to say their efforts end with mixed results. The film is superbly acted and is one of the greatest discourses on alcohol (good and bad) i have seen. It is well worth a watch.
Today, after completing my daily list of chores and my Spanish study (which incidentally i have been doing religiously everyday apart from on days when i was ill) Owner and i are booked to go the cinema to watch Aftersun which also promises to be good.
i hope everyone else is having an equally enjoyable and productive weekend.