Sunday 31 January 2021

My Waterloo

Owner recently introduced a new element to our lifestyle, namely that on the last Sunday of each month i should perform something for Her. The nature of these performances varies, sometimes a dance, sometimes a strip-tease and so on. As today is the last day of January it meant that today i needed to do a performance for Her. This time Her instruction was to do a karaoke version of Abba's classic Waterloo

i was told to dress appropriately for the song and so imagined myself in a teenage disco and wore my sparkly denim skirt, cropped top, trainers and stockings. Unfortunately, my singing voice leaves much to be desired, although my minor claim to fame is that i did once appear on an album - a Christmas one recorded by my school when i was about ten years old, i sang a duet. But that, as they say, is another story.

So anyway, i give you a little snippet of me singing along and dancing (somewhat weirdly) as i meet my Waterloo

Some 'action' shots taken mid performance

And last but not least, me posing in my disco skirt and cropped top and a slightly unusual microphone aka one of Owners' vibrators - pretty isn't it

So there you have it, just another totally normal evening in the life of this very lucky and very happy 51-year old.

Discomfort Level Set To High

Owner often teases me, describing me as being a 'fluffy princess' who enjoys an overly easy life as Her submissive. By which She means that i am permitted to wear pretty clothes and that She treats me well. Both of these are completely true.

However, to demonstrate that my life is more than just photo shoots and frills and that i do, indeed, get to suffer for Her as well this is a picture of me today after i had finished sweeping and mopping all of the floors. i spent the next 30 minutes kneeling in front of Her with twenty mini-clothes pegs attached to my chastised clit and another ten attached to my breasts, five on each.

chastised clit and breasts clamped
Part of my development as Owners' wife and submissive slut involves increasing my ability to tolerate pain and discomfort. So, although i can be a 'fluffy princess' i am also expected to be a pain slut too.

Saturday 30 January 2021

There May Be Trouble Ahead

This week has definitely been a case of good pet/bad pet. The week started with me ill in bed for a few days feeling washed out and exhausted. Owner was wonderful and looked after me whilst i was unwell. i was excused from my daily duties and chores. Meanwhile, i spent most of Monday and a good part of Tuesday sleeping.

By Wednesday i was feeling better and returned to work and also re-commenced my daily chores and duties. By the end of the week i had largely caught up with all my tasks and was also back into the swing of my daily exercise routines which had also been placed temporarily on hold.

On Friday Owner administered my new weekly evening discipline, this time delivering sixty strikes on my backside with Her favourite leather paddle. It is not as severe as the cane can be but does make a great 'thud' sound as it lands against my bottom.

pink paddled bum

In another bit of good news i weighed myself this morning and discovered that i have almost reached my target weight of 140lbs (63.5kg), coming in at 140.6lbs (63.7kg). Considering that this autumn i had shot up to 151lbs (68.4kg) i am really pleased.

However, during that period when i was ill i also did something bad. When we had first ordered my new Cherry Keeper chastity device i was not sure what size base ring to order. Owner suggested large but i thought that the medium would be OK, based on previous sizings. Anyway, turned out Owner was correct. So the day i was not well i decided to do something sensible and order the bigger base ring size as the smaller size was a little uncomfortable. My mistake, of course, was ordering without first discussing with Owner.

With the exception of household purchases, essentials or gifts for Her, Owner rightly expects me to discuss and agree any purchases with Her first. In short, She must approve. Owner has financial control in our relationship, my salary going direct into our joint account that She administers and i receive a small monthly allowance that i may spend. Anyway, i used some of this allowance to purchase the replacement base ring to the chastity cage.

This morning, with the new ring in place i told Owner what i had done. She was not happy. Not that i had followed Her advice and got the better fitting ring but that i had done so independently and had not discussed or agreed the purchase with Her. Consequently, i am in trouble.

Adding to that is that the other day i bought a wheel of Camembert cheese. i love the taste but it does have a strong odour. i know Owner does not like the smell so had attempted to control it by placing the cheese into a sealed container. However, it did not work and Owner instructed me to throw the cheese away immediately and never to purchase it again, reminding me that She had indeed previously told me how much She dislikes the smell.

So there you have it, i am in double trouble. Hopefully, i will be able to get back into Owner's good books over the weekend.

Saturday 23 January 2021

Eating Out

No, sadly this isn't a post about how Owner and i have been out to a restaurant for a slap up meal. Unfortunately, given current restrictions it doesn't look like we'll be able to do that for a few months more. However, this is a post about something even more fun, the opportunity to eat out Owners' anus, not once but twice in a row!

The story begins this morning when both of us woke up feeling sleepy and lethargic, neither of us were in the mood for going out for a walk and at one point i briefly considered simply retiring back to bed after breakfast. However, i briefly rallied and so still completed my morning exercises then made a pizza for lunch for us both. It was then that the slump hit and i was given permission to retire to bed for a snooze.

i was delighted to wake to the sounds of Owner undressing and climbing into bed beside me and before long we were both cuddled up and spooning. We dozed on and off and then before long we were kissing and fondling each other. i abandoned myself to Owner's touch and caresses, delighting at the feel of Her fingers on my nipples, between my legs, fondling my securely caged clit and stroking my pussy. Owner likes and expects me to be completely passive in bed and i abandoned myself eagerly and happily to Her.

Before long She had Her knickers off and was rubbing the crotch of Her panties under my nose, i inhaled Her scent deep into my lungs. i could feel my arousal growing by the second. Owner had me lay on my belly then climbed astride my buttocks, bent forward and started to bit me slow and hard on my neck, my shoulders, my waist and my buttocks. She bit deep and hard, intending to mark. i moaned and inhaled the intoxicating scent of Her sex from the knickers that She still held tight against my nose, smothering me.

Having marked me Owner then grabbed her vibrator and told me that She wanted to sit on my face. i knew exactly what She expected me to do, to probe and lick Her anus with my tongue whilst She applied Her vibrator to Her clitoris. i adore feasting on Owner like this, straining my tongue as far as it will go as She smothers me between Her legs, tasting and inhaling Her, listening to the buzz of Her vibrator, the sounds of Her arousal until Her thighs clench around my head as She cums. It is a wonderful privilege to experience.

She rolled off me, fondled my buttocks, caressed my pussy again and then began to gently spank and slap my testicles, not enough for there to be any chance of an accident on my part - having my testicles spanked is about the only way i am ever allowed to orgasm - bit enough to ensure that my little clit was suitably aroused within its tiny, tight cage. Owner then rolled onto Her side, lifted pulled Her top leg up towards Her chest and instructed me to lick out Her anus again.

Once more i found my head happily buried between Her legs, the sound of Her vibrator purring centimeters away as my tongue eagerly and obediently went to work. Two meals in one sitting was quite the treat and i relished every minute of it until Owner broke away again as She climaxed.

With Her appetite satiated it was the end of the meal. i lay in Her arms, aroused, frustrated and happy as the kitten that got the cream. It was a wonderful way to spend part of the afternoon.

Earlier this week i completed another of my new outdoor card challenges (the sequel to having to wear Owners panties as a face mask to the shops). This time saw me doing a lap of our local park after work with my nipples clamped. As you can see from the picture below it was a bit if a wet evening!

'Little red riding hood' in the park

Then last night i was caned by Owner as part of the new weekly caning routine.

i have also spent all of the week locked in my new little Cherry Keeper 'stub' chastity cage, as i will be for at least the next three months. i will post a review shortly.

Locked in my Cherry Keeper 'stub'
Stay safe everyone.

Monday 18 January 2021

Say Pants To Coronavirus

Just a brief note to say that this evening i was instructed by Owner to go to our local corner shop and make a purchase whilst wearing a pair of Her (used) knickers as a face mask. Needless to say it was a very pleasant smelling task to complete. Here i am with Owners fragrant knickers in place

Owners' used knickers as a face mask
In case you are wondering what i bought in the shop, the answer is some ice cream. Stay safe everyone.

Sunday 17 January 2021

The Dice Are Dead, Long Live The Cards!

Owner has introduced a bit of a change to the weekly tasks/activities that i have to complete in addition to my usual chores. The dice that i used to roll every Sunday to determine how many and what types of activities i had to do e.g. clean the kitchen wearing nipple weights or deepthroat my training dildo etc have been replaced. In their stead Owner has brought back a selection of the cards that She devised for the advent calendar She created for me.

Now there is a new routine. Every Sunday i will draw two cards from a bag. One card sets an activity for me to complete the next day, Monday. The second card dictates an activity i will have to do in the middle of the week, Wednesday. Having drawn these two cards i then must select a final card from a separate bag. These are all caning cards and state how many times i am to be caned at the end of the week, Fridays.

In addition to these weekly cards there is also now a monthly 'Owners' treats' card to be drawn towards the end of each month. That card specifies what types of show i am to perform for Owner on the last day of the month. Here are the three bags with their cards inside

This evening i drew cards from 2 of the 3 bags. First off was the activities i will need to undertake on Monday and Wednesday. These are....drum roll please 😁. Tomorrow i need to return to our corner shop and make a purchase wearing a pair of Owners' knickers as a face mask. Then on Wednesday i need to do a lap of our local park wearing nipple clamps.

The next draw was to decide how many times i will be caned on Friday? And, the answer is...another drum roll please....200 (two hundred). So, i think i will have a sore bottom at the end of the week!

We have decided that the draw to decide what performance i will put on for Owner at the end of the month will take place next weekend.

So farewell (for now) to the weekly dice and hello to the new weekly and monthly card draws!

Saturday 16 January 2021

Birthday Park Challenge

As mentioned in my last post my monthly outdoor challenge was due for completion today, which also happens to be my 51st birthday. The challenge that i had been tasked with completing was to wear my long grey wig, high heels and skirt at the bus stop next to our local park. The bus stop in question is about a 2 or 3 minute walk away up our road (longer when wearing heels) and is on a fairly regular London bus route. i thought about putting my heels on when i got there but it was raining and i decided it would be a bit of a faff and so steeled myself to wear the heels to and from our house. i just hoped i didn't bump into our downstairs neighbour as i left, or pass anyone in the street that i know. As it turns out i did, i passed the owner of the local dry cleaners who did a brief double-take.

Anyway, i am getting ahead of myself. Owner was making a birthday lunch for me and so it was agreed that whilst She prepared the food in the kitchen i would head outdoors and complete my challenge. It was raining and the pavement was a little slippery in places and my heels have absolutely no grip on them so i had to concentrate on what i was doing as i headed off up the hill to the park.

On route i was passed by two vans, both of which slowed right down as they passed me and also walked past various people out for some exercise. Quite what they made of me teetering up the hill in my high heels and fishnets, whilst they were decked out in winter boots, heavens knows. On the way back i passed an old lady who gave me a bit of a look. But hey, noticing people's reaction is half the fun.

So, how did i get on? Well i completed the challenge, pausing on route to take a photo and a few at the bus stop. The rain and wind did nothing for my wig and it is always tricky finding somewhere to perch my phone and take a selfie. However, you can see how i got on below.

About to leave the flat
heading up our street

nearing the park and the bus stop

at the bus stop - and yes i am locked up 'down there'
getting a damp bum sitting at the bus stop

You can get a better sense of what i was wearing in this final photo which was taken in our lounge, just before i put my coat on and headed out.

My outdoor challenge successfully completed i tottered slowly back down the hill to our flat where Owner was waiting for me with a delicious and nutritious birthday lunch. What a lovely day i am having!

Such a Lucky Slut - 51st Birthday

Morning all. Well, today marks my 51st birthday and i have been thoroughly spoilt by Owner and have more fun to come. i was awoken by Owner first thing this morning and told to come through to the lounge where i was greeted by the sight of the most delicious looking birthday cake and a selection of presents from Her to open. This is the scene that greeted me first thing.

my birthday cake and presents

In addition to the cake and presents you can also see the chastity dice and my outdoor challenge dice on the table, i will come back to these later.

Anyway, first things first, the cake. It is delicious! Owner ordered a wonderful red velvet cake and permitted me to have a slice with Her for breakfast. After eating a slice i opened my card, it was very appropriate being a picture of a caged fetish pin-up, you can see a picture of the front cover below

After opening my card i moved onto the first of my presents. It was a lovely jeweled nipple ring (moonstone, amethyst and primrose zirconia). You can see it in situ below, i think it is super pretty

my new nipple ring

The next present was a framed black and white photo of me that Owner had taken last year during our stay at the Exhibitionist hotel, i am wearing a lovely dress in the picture. Owner is going to hang the picture in Her bedroom. The photo is a lovely reminder of the days (pre-Covid) when we could go on little weekend breaks together. Hopefully, those days will be back with us again soon.

The final present was the piece de resistance. A new large tentacle anal dildo. It is amazing! i cannot wait to feel it slide between my pussy lips and fill me up. It is made of silicone and is amazingly tactile. i come out in a hot flush just thinking about it. It is lovely and big....mmmm, just perfect for a wanton hussy like me. The picture below shows the dildo next to my glasses case so you can get a sense of its size.

my amazing new dildo next to my glasses case and 2 unicorns

i am super excited about the toy and can't wait to be allowed to give it a try. Here's another picture of it next to the fast disappearing birthday cake, with the framed photo of me in the background.

the photo is captioned 'Beautiful pet'

The other two exciting developments this morning were entirely coincidental and happened just because my birthday falls on the 16th of the month. This is also the date when the chastity dice Owner created for me is rolled as well when i roll monthly outdoor challenge dice. 

The last time i rolled the chastity dice was back in October when it decided that i was to be locked at weekends only for a period of three months. This time it decided i am to be permanently locked for the same duration i.e. until at least 16th April when it will be rolled again. This will give me a good opportunity to thoroughly test my new purple 'Cheery Keeper Stub' device. i wore it all of last weekend and it was super comfortable. i will give it a proper review shortly.

Last, but not least, was the outdoor challenge dice roll. It determined that later today i will be wearing my silver wig, high heels and a skirt at the bus stop next to our local park - what fun. 

The only disappointment was that today they had forecast heavy snow (i get ridiculously excited by snow), but in the end it just rained. Still, i have been so lucky in so many other ways i really cannot complain. i have said it before but i really am the luckiest person to have such a wonderful Owner who treats me as She does.

Tuesday 5 January 2021

Purple Poppet

Exciting news, my new Cherry Keeper stub chastity device arrived today. Yippee! The doorbell rang just as our hapless Prime Minister was appearing on TV to provide more details on the new national lock down England has been plunged into by Coronavirus. But, i had other things on my mind, namely what would the new device be like?  i thanked the delivery driver, grabbed the small parcel he had left on the doorstep and then hastened back inside to re-join Owner and open the box.

First impressions were positive. The device is super lightweight and the colour is exactly the shade of purple that Owner had been hoping for. Owner put the two bits together and i was relieved to see the base ring and cage clip snuggly into position. Next step was to try it on. i am still in a weekend only chastity regime until at least the 16th January when Owners' chastity dice will be thrown again. However, She granted an exception for the purposes of testing the new cage. i scurried off to give the new device a quick wash and to fit and lock it.

On returning to Her side Owner remarked that the device looked super cute on me. You can judge for yourself below:

My new Cherry Keeper 'stub' chastity device

A super flat profile with no unsightly protrusions

i am really thrilled by it and Owner seems very happy with it too, especially the colour. i will give the device a proper review once i have worn it for a while. However, as i am only locked at weekends until my next chastity dice roll that will not be until after i have worn it this weekend. If i am lucky with my dice roll on the 16th it might allow me to try it the device for a longer period of time. In the meantime, photos taken, the device was removed and it will be Saturday before i am locked into it again.

Today must be my lucky day as this morning i was also awoken by Owner caressing my 'pussy' and fondling and spanking my 'clit', whilst telling me what a slut i was as i moaned and purred like a cat in response. However, She instructed me to go and make breakfast for Her before i got too excited! She also advised me that She wished to give my backside a good spanking or caning as well. i last received a caning on Christmas Eve and the resultant bruises on my bottom and the backs of my legs have only recently disappeared. Owner has started to increase the intensity of Her canings/beatings which is a really welcome development. Not only does it signify that Her shoulder is now much improved compared to the state it was in a few years ago, but also that She no longer has reservations about striking me hard. Better still, She seems to really enjoy doing so. There was a time when i think She worried about hurting me and so held back with Her blows. Not any more. She now seems much more comfortable striking me hard. This evening, after first having me pick a card to determine which implement She would use and how many blows i would receive - answer, Her favourite paddle and sixty, She positioned Herself on my left hand side, grabbed hold of my waist with one hand and commenced paddling my backside and the backs of my thighs with the other. i was left with a lovely warm bottom as a result

Later still i had to complete my usual Tuesday evening cleaning and dusting chores (hallway and spare bedroom) whilst wearing heavy weights clamped to my nipples, stretching my tits and leaving each exquisitely sensitive to the touch.

gagged and wearing weighted nipple clamps
All in all, today has been a good day.

Sunday 3 January 2021

New Year, New Chastity Device

The night before New Years Eve Owner and i sat down and selected a new chastity device for me. Over the years we have tried quite a number and, ironically, the best to date has also been the cheapest, namely the Happy Go super small metal cage device that i wear whenever i am locked up. For the price it was an incredible purchase and works very well. The only downside to it is that 

a) the base ring is an 'O' shape rather than being ergonomically shaped - so can be a little less comfortable than some of the latter

b) it is metal and so is not airport security safe, i have to swap out of it for an old plastic device and then back when we get to the other side 

c) the barrel locking mechanism is not angled and so protrudes upwards creating an odd looking profile through my panties. 

That said, i love the Happy Go super small cage's overall size, or rather lack thereof. It's really small and so means i can wear tight jeans without a strange protrusion (except for the locking mechanism as mentioned). 

Anyway, i was doing my occasional trawl of the net looking to see what was new in the world of very small chastity devices - small because i am and also because, somewhat counterintuitively, small equals comfort - when i came across the Cherry Keeper range of devices. In truth i had heard of them before, they are 3D printed chastity devices in plastic, but the range on offer has ballooned since last time i looked. Previously the devices all looked quite bulky but now they make ones down to about as small as you can imagine. The Cherry Keeper is also designed so that the barrel lock lies flat, unlike the lock on my metal Happy Go device.

The other factor that caught my attention was that the cages they make are just that, cage designs albeit in plastic. Anyone who has ever once owned a CB-type device will know that plastic tube style devices are a bugger when it comes to hygiene whereas cage devices are much, much easier to keep everything fresh and clean. So a printed plastic cage device, especially a super small one, that could be worn wherever, had to be worth drawing to Owner's attention. So i did :).

What appealed most to Owner when i showed Her was the range of colours that you can have the devices printed in. She has never been a great fan of the metal cage look whereas the Cherry Keeper's come in a great variety of different colours. Having agreed on the size i was to have, the 'stub', Owner then selected the colour, purple. The device is being made as i write and i cannot wait for it to arrive and to try it out. This is what the stub looks like in white

The Cherry Keeper 'stub' - mine will be in purple

The colour cage i will be getting -together with a matching ergonomic base ring

i am hoping that the new device will arrive before the 16th January which, aside from being my 51st birthday, is also the day when i am next due to roll Owner's chastity dice. It was last rolled on the 16th October and determined that i was to be locked at weekends only for a period of 3 months. As someone who prefers being locked than unlocked i am hoping for a different outcome when the dice is rolled in just under two weeks time.

In the meantime, my state of orgasm denial is now nudging up towards the one hundred day mark. In 2019 i was not allowed, and so did not have, any orgasms at all whereas in 2020 i had four, and i suspect having these might have contributed in part to the fall-off in my performance over that summer. Whether the case or not my performance has definitely been much improved during the period of sustained orgasm denial i have experienced since. It would be a real honour to spend 2021 locked in my pretty new purple device whilst kept denied all year by Owner. We shall have to see what the year has in store and what plans Owner may have for me. Either way, what is true is that i adore submitting to Her and being controlled and dominated by Her. i truly am the luckiest person alive.