Sunday 6 October 2024


Nineteen year ago to the day Owner grabbed me and snogged me on the concourse of Charing Cross station. That act changed what had been a friendship into a relationship, first vanilla then FLR. So today we celebrate one of our three annual anniversaries. Today, 6th October 2024, marks that 19th anniversary of when we first began our relationship. Our remaining two significant dates being the 31st May (the day we first physically met) and the other being the 16th February (our wedding anniversary - six years and counting).

To mark our anniversary i bought Owner a couple of small gifts. The first was an oxidised silver serpent with an emerald ring from Moko. The second was a penguin love pebble (penguins search the beach for a pebble to give to their mate whom they then stay with for life) from MagicPebbles

Owner with Her penguin and ring
In return, Owner bought me some wonderful handcuff silver earrings, a set of make-up brushes, a cow pendant for my bag and a lovely t-shirt. Later today i will be cooking Her favourite roast for lunch.

As readers will know from my last post both of us have been really busy and stressed with work of late, for Owner it has been a consequence of Her starting a new job (which is going well), for me it is due to a restructuring at work and workload. Unfortunately, we will also be apart from each other for periods this month. i need to travel to New Orleans for a few days for work in a little over a weeks time and then at the end of the month we are both separately going to Spain. Owner is going to Madrid for a few days with a very close girl fiend of Hers. At the same time i will be taking my elderly father to the east coast, near Alicante, to stay with my sister (who lives out there) for a few days as it might be the last time my Dad is able to travel. He needs accompanying as he has dementia.

The good news, however, is that Owner is taking me to Brussels for the weekend in November for a romantic little break. By then our lives will also hopefully have returned back to normal and it will be lovely spending time away together.

In the meantime, i hope all readers are well and yes, i am still in chastity but not because it is Locktober. My being locked or not is dictated solely by Owner, not by what month of the year it is. That said, for those wanting to try out chastity for the first time then having a month dedicated to it in the form of October/Locktober is a great idea. So good luck to all who find themselves and their penises/clits locked up for the first time this month.

Sunday 22 September 2024

Still Here

This is just a quick note to apologise for the lack of recent updates and to reassure that Owner and i are still alive and kicking. As mentioned in my last post we had guests staying with us for a week which, although hugely enjoyable, cast us back into a temporarily enforced vanilla-style relationship. 

Owner and i are not a couple who entertain much/at all at home. Consequently, it was a bit of a shock to the system having guests (Owner's sister and her boyfriend) living with us in our little flat for seven days. We had to clear lots of things up into the loft in preparation for their arrival and it meant we also needed to adjust things between us whilst they were here. i still carried on doing my chores and housework etc but on a much reduced level, largely because we were out quite a bit.

Despite the disruption it was a really nice having them stay with us. i had to work a few days whilst they were here but for the most part we got to be tourists in our home city. It is amazing that, after nearly 25 years living in London, there are still secret places to discover in the city, even in its very heart. We also had a fun day out to Cambridge with them.

Me in vanilla mode
St. Katherine's docks
The Sky Garden inside the 'walkie talkie' building aka the Fenchurch Building
A backstreet in Knightsbridge
Chiswick house gardens
Skyscrapers behind the 'walkie talkie' building
Tower of London
London Bridge
Cardinal's wharf near The Globe theatre
The day they left we took them to the airport and then, upon our return home, Owner and i just dropped and enjoyed the silence and the experience of having our flat to ourselves. The next week then proved super busy work-wise and also very stressful. My team at work is being forcibly restructured and i also had multiple events i was presenting at. Owner is changing jobs and was feverishly trying to close down and hand things on whilst readying Herself for Her new role. As a consequence, we failed to really get back into the swing of things.

We agreed to put the outdoor challenge and dice roll on hold, in part because half of my wardrobe is still in the loft and also just because, well a bit of mental exhaustion i guess. i am still in chastity and back to wearing make-up and my usual attire but not all of the housework was completed and we ended up spending all of yesterday either asleep, staring blankly into space or watching TV together (the last of the X horror tryptic Maxxine, followed by the latest season of The Circle).

Fast asleep
 Today (Sunday) finds us both still feeling exhausted but i will at least try and catch-up on some of the chores that never got completed last week. We recognise that our tiredness is, in large part, due to stress, stress that is unlikely to dissipate much next week. Owner starts Her new job on Monday and i have another really busy week ahead at work, replete with further presentations, difficult conversations etc.

We will, however, get back to where we were. Life sometimes intrudes like this, something i imagine everyone living this lifestyle is familiar with.

To those who have emailed asking if we are ok, thank you. You getting in touch means a lot. Hopefully i will be back posting on a regular basis again shortly. In the meantime, bear with me whilst we re-boot.

Saturday 31 August 2024

The Great Conceal

One of the things that you would immediately notice were you to suddenly come and drop by and visit Owner and i at our home would be that clues to our lifestyle would be all around you. Everywhere you turn there are things that reflect our FLR relationship. From the collection of whips, canes, floggers etc stored as one might umbrellas, in two containers in the lounge; to the floggers, clamps, gags and Femdom imagery in Owners bedroom; the dog bowl i eat all my meals from in the kitchen and the collapsible dog cage; the collection of old chastity cages; a wardrobe full of my feminine clothes. Not to mention the photos and calendars on display with images of me in various stages of undress, the queening stool, the ropes, the fridge calendar that reminds me of the punishments etc i am due that week....i could go on.

Owner and i rarely entertain guests, we also have no children and so we never feel the need to conceal. If someone comes to do some electrical work, read the meters etc we make no real effort to hide our things. After all, they don't know us and we don't know them. Living like this year after year means that Owner and i also find it weirdly difficult to identify objects or things we have on display that others may not find 'normal'. We have become so used to them we no longer actually notice their more 'interesting' nature. To us they are quite normal, everyday items.

i say all this because this coming Friday Owners sister and her boyfriend are coming over from Spain to spend a week with us. Her sister has been to London before, staying with us at our previous flat, but her boyfriend has never been to the UK. Whilst her sister probably does have a slight inkling about some aspects of our relationship (she has in the past accidentally seen images of me that were definitely not intended for her eyes) she would, i am sure, be shocked by its full nature. Owner has no intention of revealing it to her and so we have spent a number of happy hours merrily taking down and transporting as many clues to our lifestyle as we can and putting them temporarily up into the loft. Mind you, this has provided Owner with some opportunities to take some gratuitous up-skirt photos of me as i ascended and descended the ladder to the loft.

me in the process of putting things into the loft

Pictures have also been replaced with more family friendly artworks.

For those couples living this lifestyle with children at home, or who regularly entertain vanilla friends, i can only imagine the rigmarole that must be involved constantly getting things out and then hiding them away. i for one am already looking forward to having Owners flat back to normal and our guests have not even arrived yet!

Owner and i are heading out tonight for dinner followed by a dance/martial arts performance at Saddlers Wells, which will probably be our last evening out as a couple until after her sister has left. That said, it will be fun to use the excuse of their stay to be tourists in our home city as we show them the sights and sounds of the big smoke.

Sunday 25 August 2024

Bloomsbury Bacchanalia

Owner and i are just returned from a fun overnight stay at the Bloomsbury Hotel in central London. Although we live in London we also enjoy occasionally treating ourselves to a decadent stay. This time it was my little treat for Owner, a treat She more than returned by photographing, flogging and fucking me whilst we were there. But, i am getting ahead of myself.

We checked in yesterday afternoon and, before heading to the cocktail bar for some lubrication, Owner had me pose for my first photo shoot of our stay. Owner had instructed me to bring my new slutty bodycon dress and to combine it with my red stripper heels. We were both super happy with the resultant pictures. What do you think?

the dress makes my waist disappear

Owner declared Herself to be really happy with the photo shoot and remarked that i have become a much better muse over time. She says that i pose better than i used to and that i have come less 'plank like'. What do readers think?

Anyway, photo shoot completed we decided to head to the cocktail bar some some pre-dinner libations. Owner had Her usual rum and diet coke (She was delighted to discover Her favourite rum, Goslings Black Seal, was available). As for me i went for a pink coloured cocktail (have i mentioned how much i love pink coloured drinks?) with the wonderfully gothic name, Summers Blood. It comprised Chase Gin (i am quite partial to gin), Coconut, Beetroot Wine, Lemon and Wild Cherry Ratafia (i have no idea what ratafia means either). It was delicious.

the cocktail bar
our drinks - mine is the one on the left
We retired back to our room after the meal and then rose early for breakfast this morning (sunday) before returning back to our room. It was then that Owner made it clear She had plans for me. First, She started to tickle me remorselessly, then She flogged me and whipped me on my derrier before having me go on all fours and fellate a dildo whilst inhaling the scent of Her knickers which She had draped over my head.

my bum mid-whipping
fellating a dildo whilst sniffing Owners' knickers

Next She went to beat the exposed 'labia' of my caged clit with the metal tenderiser. i confess i was a complete wimp and had to be forcibly restrained by Owner at this point. i am genuinely quite scared of this implement which makes quite an impact when the heavy metal head connects with soft and sensitive flesh. Owner chastised me for becoming 'fluffy' as She pinned me down and struck my bits, insisting that i count each blow out loud. She then whipped me some more before giving me the option of being whipped further or tickled. i made the mistake of asking to be tickled, which She did with relish. Luckily, my breakfast stayed down!

Now it was Owners' turn to really enjoy Herself. She had me lay on my stomach, fellating the dildo again as She took out Her vibrator, straddled my naked warm and freshly whipped buttocks and began to run Her sex against them as She pleasured Herself and brought Herself off. No sooner had She done so than i was instructed to roll onto my back so that She could 'ride my face'. My tongue quickly went to work licking and probing Her anus as Owner pressed Her vibrator against Her clit and enjoyed Her human sex toy. When spent She rolled exhausted off me and onto Her side, inviting my tongue to work its magic again on Her backside. i adore pleasuring Owner this way. My own little clit throbbed with delight as my tongue pleasured Her anus again.

Owner, however, was still not done with me. First, She strapped attached Her strapon to Her harness and had me kneel on the floor between Her legs and worship Her fake phallus, which i eagerly did. Then She instructed me to return to the bed and position myself on all fours. She then moistened, mounted and fucked my loose pussy with Her cock whilst again pleasuring Herself. I eagerly thrust my hips back and forth as Her cock thrust in and out of me. 

We eventually collapsed in each others arms in the bed. Owner satiated and spent, me frustrated, denied and aroused. It was a wonderful way for a slut like me to start the day :). However, more was still to come. It was time for my second photo shoot, this time outside of the bedroom and with a different, more casual, outfit on.

All too soon it was time to check out and head home. It was a wonderful and memorable stay, nice hotel too :).

Friday 16 August 2024

Return to Chastity & a Challenge

After spending the past 3 months unlocked at Owners request, the longest continuous time i have spent out of chastity in a long while, i am back to chastity 24/7 until at least the 16th September. My locked state will then be decided again via another roll of Owner's chastity dice.

Back in my happy locked state
Today being the 16th of the month also means it has been another outdoor challenge day. Once again, my task was decided by a roll of Owner's two outdoor challenge dice, one for the location and the other the outfit. Today i went back to one of the bus stops, this time at the far end of the park, wearing my Hideri Kanzaki outfit from the manga Blend S. The outfit is a long-time favourite of mine and Owners and is one i have worn in the past:

     - on stage 

     - in a hotel corridor 

     - at a different bus stop 

     - in the park

It was fun to slip the outfit on again, and it still fits me 😀. This time, however, Owner instructed me to dispense with the wig, so out with my natural and normal hair i went. The bus stop i was instructed to pose at is one at the far end of the park, which itself is about a five minute walk from our flat. My first stop to take a photo was at the top of our street. Owner actually really likes this picture. It is a mysterious silhouette as the camera phone was facing directly into the sun;

The silhouette shot shows off my head band

Minutes later i was nearly at the park:

 Then i followed the road around to the far bus stop. Here are a few of me next to the stop

Hello passing driver
What time is the bus to slutville? :)

All in all it was a really fun challenge to complete and Owner declared Herself to be very satisfied with the results when She saw the pictures. The owner of the local dry cleaners also saw me in a new light when i walked past him on the way home.

Prior to this Owner and i have both been working and travelling quite a bit. Owner headed out to Spain leaving me to get on with decorating our London flat before i headed out to join Her. This was me mid-way through the painting:

i then flew out and joined Owner and we were able to sort out some more things for our flat in Spain. It is now in a state where next time we go we will both be able to stay there rather than staying at Owners' parents. In Owners' own words, She is looking forward to 'installing' me there.

i have also been keeping up with my chores, studies and exercises etc i.e. generally trying to be a good submissive wife for Owner.

i hope readers are all keeping well?

Thursday 1 August 2024

Slut Life and Sadness

There are multiple facets to my relationship with Owner, Her 24/7 domination and control of me and my submission to Her. Some are more recent developments, others have been there from the very start of our Female-led journey. Me being expected to be Her sex toy and a slut is one of the latter.

From the moment all those years ago when our, initially vanilla, relationship became an FLR one Owner made it clear that my body belongs to Her. She can access it and use it in any way that She sees fit whenever She wishes. i must make myself available to Her whenever She desires. My body exists solely for Her sexual pleasure, amusement and enjoyment. For my part, i must never under any circumstance attempt to initiate a sexual act with Her nor am i permitted access to any part of Her beautiful, gorgeous body unless She expressly allows it.

Owner regularly exercises Her rights over my body by teasing, touching, fondling and groping me. She enjoys sidling up behind me and pulling down my knickers then walking off. Sometimes She goes further and slips Her hand up between my legs to caress my 'pussy'. When She does i automatically spread and open my legs for Her like a good slut, making myself available to Her. 

The reason that Owner sometimes likes to leave me out of chastity is so that my little clit becomes available for Her to touch, torment and tease. Naturally, i am still not permitted to touch it myself and, in truth, i have no real desire to do so. She, however, likes to caress, slap and play with it a little and, when She does, i obediently part my legs for Her. My legs are like warm butter - they spread easily!

At home, when preparing to make dinner and commence my evening chores i first remove my panties before changing into my cleaning smock. The hem of the smock barely covers my buttocks. This ensures i am accessible to Her. Later, after i have completed my chores and i am permitted to sit next to Her on the sofa, i fully unzip my smock (each is front fastening) so that Owner has unfettered access to me. Then when we go to bed, i always wear a nightie and sleep on my side, affording Her easy access to my 'pussy'. Owner often likes to fall asleep gently stroking my 'cunt' leaving me aroused and frustrated. i love being molested by Her. She in turn enjoys having my body available at all times. i am Her always available slut and whore.

However, it is not just when we are at home or in bed that Owner expects access to my flesh. She also fondles and gropes me in public. i absolutely love it when She does this. Love it when She exercises Her right to access my body whenever and wherever She wants. Summer time offers Her lots of opportunities to do this. On warm days when we are out i am often to be found wearing little denim cut-off shorts that She has bought for me. Owner buys me ones that are short but not too tight around the thigh, loose enough for Her to be able to slip Her hand inside. Which is exactly what She does. 

The other day, as i carried Owners' bag whilst walking Her to the train station She slipped Her hand up the leg of my shorts and fondled, groped and squeezed my buttocks as we walked past early morning commuters. i was in heaven, loving every minute of having my body so publicly claimed like that by Her.

i was not always comfortable with being groped in public this way. Initially i felt self-conscious. However, over the years Owner has helped me to overcome my shyness and encouraged me to embrace who i am, namely Her slut. Now i am happy, eager even, to be be publicly groped by Her. It is more than just the reassurance that She still finds my body appealing. It is the public expression of Her total ownership of me. Whether Her hand is up my shorts and inside my knickers or it is reaching down my blouse inside my bra and be it in the street, the cinema or a bar, i now love it when She publicly gropes me like this. My head spins, i feel excited, desirable and aroused. No more do i feel self-conscious and awkward. Now i yearn for Her to go further, to be instructed to take off my top or remove my shorts. To be dis-robed and paraded as a slut, to have to touch myself for Her, be publicly ravaged by Her. In short, to be a shameless slut.

i love being treated by Owner as Her slut, love to make myself available for Her at all times, wherever we are. Sometimes She asks if i ever tire of Her touching and groping me? Nothing could be further from the truth. i am addicted to it, crave it. If anything, all i wish for is for it to happen more and more.

Owner has given me the confidence to live, act and behave like a slut. In return i hope to make Her proud by being the best slut i can be.

Sadly, however, there will not be the opportunity to demonstrate just how much of a slut i am and love to be in the coming days as Owner departs for Spain this Friday, leaving me on my own. Thankfully, our separation is not for long. i fly out to join Her later the following week before we then both return back together. Whilst we are parted there are plenty of things for me to be getting on with besides my daily chores and tasks. There is the decorating to finish, a hedge to trim, windows to clean, drawers to tidy etc and i am sure that time will fly by but i will miss Her. i can't wait until we are reunited.

Going to Spain also provides us with an opportunity to see Her new flat. Neither of us has seen it since we bought it over Easter. Owner's parents have been amazing and have arranged and supervised the few things that needed doing to it. They have also helped with furniture for the bedroom, being onsite to let deliveries in and oversee their installation. It will be amazing to finally see it, knowing Owner at last has a place in Her home town. A place which, in Her own words, She 'can install' me.

i cannot wait to be installed there by Her. London will remain where we spend the majority of our time for the foreseeable future. i cannot work from Spain whereas Owner can so She may spend more time there at first than i do. However, for Owner to finally have a place of Her own in Her home town, a place where, just like in Her flat in London, i can look after Her, serve Her, worship and love Her, a place i can clean and maintain for Her, cook and entertain Her friends and family, that will be truly special. It is a really exciting development for us both and our lives together. Previously we have always stayed with Her parents. Now Owner has Her own in which She can reign supreme. i cannot wait to start serving Her there.

Returning to the 'slut' theme. It has been hot in London the past few days with the daytime temperature over 30 Celsius. Whilst this has made things a little uncomfortably warm it has given me an opportunity to wear my warm weather cleaning outfit 😁

Finally, i leave you with a of photos of me in a new dress that i saw in a sale and which Owner allowed me to buy (provided that i got rid of/recycled some existing clothes, which i have). i think it would look better if i wasn't wearing a bra and panties at the same time, what do readers think? Suitably slutty? It is from Nii Hai

Take care all.

Sunday 21 July 2024

Poppet Paints

Well, decorates more than paints. This weekend found me up a ladder on Saturday and Sunday decorating the kitchen and then part of the hallway. Owner has requested that every room in the flat be repainted so that it looks sparkling for when Her sister comes to stay with us in the Autumn. So, yours truly donned my decorators bonnet and attire and has been setting to it. The spare room had already been done and all that remains is the rest of the corridor, Owners bedroom and the lounge/dining room. She is going to Spain in a fortnight so i will do the bedroom and lounge whilst She is away so as not to disturb or disrupt Her.

Decorating aside i have been busy with my usual cleaning, studies, exercises and baking etc. i also provided Owner with a back massage. She treated me to some late afternoon/evening drinks at one of our local bars yesterday, one that is particularly good for people watching, one of our favourite past times. Here we are, having a good time in each others company;

Today She also gave my bottom and my clit a good going over with a selection of leather paddles. This was my bottom afterwards

It has been a busy but productive and enjoyable weekend.

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Poppet Park Slut Double Bill

If you go to our local park you may be in for a bit of a surprise in the form of local strumpet poppet showing herself to be the exhibitionist little slut that i am.

The fun all started yesterday. Owner had instructed me to do a lap of the park wearing a butt plug in my pussy whilst my nipples were clamped. The clamps were an easy thing to sort out. i selected the evil Japanese clover clamps. i say 'evil' as one of side of each of the clamps is festooned with sharp metal teeth. They have quite an attention grabbing bite.

For the butt plug i 'wore' my large, heavy, metal one. It is a delight to feel inside my pussy. In fact, my pussy likes it so much and is so accommodating that the plug almost gets completely swallowed up inside, pink jeweled base and all. 

It would have been easy to have simply worn the plug under regular jeans, and i have often done so before. However, i had a pair that i rarely wear these days and i thought it might add a bit of extra fun and challenge to, err, improve the jeans. My 'improvement' consisted of cutting out a hole at the back which exposed my bum. As some folks may recall, i do enjoy 'enhancing' my clothes on occasion, such as these shorts

Anyway, back to yesterday. My idea was to do my lap of the park wearing jeans with a hole cut out of the bottom with no panties on, leaving my plugged 'pussy' exposed. However, the park is popular, especially with youngsters so i knew some level of discretion was required. So my plan was to tie a lightweight jacket around my waist to cover my naked bottom and then remove the jacket to take some photos to send to Owner.

All i needed, however, was Her consent to my idea. Would She agree to it or say no? She said yes, agreeing that it was a good extra challenge to have my naked bottom exposed like that in the park. The fact that the plug could have simply slipped out as i was walking around or the jacket tied around my waist could have fallen to the ground (which it unintentionally did...twice!) exposing my naked butt added a delightful extra dimension to this park challenge. So, how did i get on? Well, you can see for yourself:

Plug just about visible in my pussy
pussy piercing and clit on show
out for a stroll, bum on display
a bit of cheek

The park is well used so it took lots of waiting about at different spot to find a gap in the human (and inquisitive dog) 'traffic' for me to pose for some pictures. All the time the metal teeth of the clover clamps were digging ever more remorselessly into my tormented teats.

grinning through the discomfort

After what seemed like an age i at last had a good selection of pictures to show Owner. When i arrived home She pronounced Herself very pleased with my efforts, remarking with a smile how 'naughty' i was. It was great fun to do although a bit more challenging to pull-off than just wearing regular jeans.

i must admit, i did love wearing my especially 'aerated' denim. But then i am something of an exhibitionist slut at heart.

Anyway, that was the first of my park adventures. Fast forward 12 hours and i was rolling the dice at breakfast to find out what outdoor challenge Owner would require me to complete today. The answer? Return to the park and flash my bra at the park bus stop. On the face of it, quite a simple thing to have to do. So why keep it simple?

In the spirit of further pushing and challenging myself i went a little further and opted to dress 'business slut' with stripper heels, stockings, skirt and jacket with red bra clearly visible. The challenge was done at about 9.15am so there were many people and cars etc about. i got heckled walking/teetering past our local shops and a couple of cars slowed right down as they went past me.

All in all though i was quite pleased with how i got on. Owner's reaction was to say how impressed She was by Her 'executive whore', but then went on to point out that She is also impressed when i get on and do the jobs around the flat that i also need to complete.

Anyway, here i am, an executive whore flashing my red bra and the tops of my thighs at the bus stop. 

The walk to and from the park was also a challenge in itself in those heels :)

Both of my park challenges were great fun and i am pleased that i pushed myself a bit further!